
146 lines
3.2 KiB

package http
import (
var log *zerolog.Logger
func getRealRemote(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) string {
xrealip := string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("X-Real-IP"))
if len(xrealip) > 0 {
return xrealip
return ctx.RemoteIP().String()
func hellPot(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
path, pok := ctx.UserValue("path").(string)
if len(path) < 1 || !pok {
path = "/"
remoteAddr := getRealRemote(ctx)
slog := log.With().
Str("USERAGENT", string(ctx.UserAgent())).
Str("REMOTE_ADDR", remoteAddr).
Interface("URL", string(ctx.RequestURI())).Logger()
if config.Trace {
slog = slog.With().Str("caller", path).Logger()
s := time.Now()
var n int64
ctx.SetBodyStreamWriter(func(bw *bufio.Writer) {
var err error
var wn int64
for {
wn, err = heffalump.DefaultHeffalump.WriteHell(bw)
n += wn
if err != nil {
Int64("BYTES", n).
Dur("DURATION", time.Since(s)).
func getSrv(r *router.Router) fasthttp.Server {
if !config.RestrictConcurrency {
config.MaxWorkers = fasthttp.DefaultConcurrency
log = config.GetLogger()
return fasthttp.Server{
// User defined server name
// Likely not useful if behind a reverse proxy without additional configuration of the proxy server.
Name: config.FakeServerName,
from fasthttp docs: "By default request read timeout is unlimited."
My thinking here is avoiding some sort of weird oversized GET query just in case.
ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
MaxRequestBodySize: 1 * 1024 * 1024,
// Help curb abuse of HellPot (we've always needed this badly)
MaxConnsPerIP: 10,
MaxRequestsPerConn: 2,
Concurrency: config.MaxWorkers,
// only accept GET requests
GetOnly: true,
// we don't care if a request ends up being handled by a different handler (in fact it probably will)
KeepHijackedConns: true,
CloseOnShutdown: true,
// No need to keepalive, our response is a sort of keep-alive ;)
DisableKeepalive: true,
Handler: r.Handler,
Logger: log,
// Serve starts our HTTP server and request router
func Serve() error {
log = config.GetLogger()
l := config.HTTPBind + ":" + config.HTTPPort
r := router.New()
if config.MakeRobots && !config.CatchAll {
r.GET("/robots.txt", robotsTXT)
if !config.CatchAll {
for _, p := range config.Paths {
log.Trace().Str("caller", "router").Msg(p)
r.GET(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", p), hellPot)
} else {
log.Trace().Msg("Catch-All mode enabled...")
r.GET("/", hellPot)
r.GET("/{path}", hellPot)
srv := getSrv(r)
//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions
if !config.UseUnixSocket || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
log.Info().Str("caller", l).Msg("Listening and serving HTTP...")
return srv.ListenAndServe(l)
if len(config.UnixSocketPath) < 1 {
log.Fatal().Msg("unix_socket_path configuration directive appears to be empty")
log.Info().Str("caller", config.UnixSocketPath).Msg("Listening and serving HTTP...")
return listenOnUnixSocket(config.UnixSocketPath, r)