# HellPot [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot) [![IRC](https://img.shields.io/badge/ircd.chat-%23tcpdirect-blue.svg)](ircs://ircd.chat:6697/#tcpdirect) [![Mentioned in Awesome Honeypots](https://awesome.re/mentioned-badge.svg)](https://github.com/paralax/awesome-honeypots) ## Summary HellPot is an endless honeypot based on [Heffalump](https://github.com/carlmjohnson/heffalump) that sends unruly HTTP bots to hell. Notably it implements a [toml configuration file](https://github.com/spf13/viper), has [JSON logging](https://github.com/rs/zerolog), and comes with significant performance gains. ![Exploding Heffalump](hellgif.gif) ## Grave Consequences Clients (hopefully bots) that disregard `robots.txt` and connect to your instance of HellPot will **suffer eternal consequences**. HellPot will send an infinite stream of data that is *just close enough* to being a real website that they might just stick around until their soul is ripped apart and they cease to exist. Under the hood of this eternal suffering is a markov engine that chucks bits and pieces of [The Birth of Tragedy (Hellenism and Pessimism)](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51356/51356-h/51356-h.htm) by Friedrich Nietzsche at the client using [fasthttp](https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp). ## Compilation HellPot should probably be built with Go version 1.17 or higher. HellPot uses [go modules](https://go.dev/blog/using-go-modules). This should make it dead simple to build with a stock Go installation. 1 ) `git clone https://github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot` 2 ) `cd HellPot` 4 ) `go build cmd/HellPot/HellPot.go` 5 ) *Consider the potential grave consequences of your actions.* ## Usage ### YOLO Method: In the event of a missing configuration file, HellPot will attempt to place it's default config in **$HOME/.config/HellPot/config.toml**. This allows irresponsible souls to begin raining hellfire with ease, ***immediately***: 1 ) Download a [compiled release](https://github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot/releases/latest) 2 ) Run binary and immedidately begin sending clients directly to hell. --- ### Reasonable Method: 1 ) Configure webserver as reverse proxy (see below) 2 ) `./HellPot --genconfig ` 3 ) Edit your newly generated `config.toml` as desired. 4 ) Ponder your ~~existence~~ server's ability to handle your chosen performance values. 5 ) ./HellPot -c config.toml 666 ) ๐™อ˜อ๐™ฬ“อƒอ›๐™šอ‘อ„อ€ ๐™จอ†อ อ๐™ อ‘ฬพอŒ๐™ฎฬฝอŒอ† ๐™žอƒฬ”ฬ”๐™จอ’ออ ๐™›อ‘ฬšอ„๐™–อ›อ’๐™กอ‘อ†ฬฝ๐™กฬšฬพฬš๐™žอ‹ฬ’ฬ’๐™ฃฬพออ›๐™œอ’ฬ’อ€.อฬ”อโ€‹ ## Example Config (toml) ```toml [deception] # Used as "Server" HTTP header. Note that reverse proxies may hide this. server_name = "nginx" [http] # TCP Listener (default) bind_addr = "" bind_port = "8080" # Unix Socket Listener (will override default) unix_socket_path = "/var/run/hellpot" unix_socket_permissions = "0666" use_unix_socket = false [http.router] # Toggling this to true will cause all GET requests to match. Forces makerobots = false. catchall = false # Toggling this to false will prevent creation of robots.txt handler. makerobots = true # Handlers will be created for these paths, as well as robots.txt entries. Only valid if catchall = false. paths = ["wp-login.php", "wp-login"] [logger] # verbose (-v) debug = true # extra verbose (-vv) trace = false directory = "/home/kayos/.config/HellPot/logs/" nocolor = false use_date_filename = true [performance] # max_workers is only valid if restrict_concurrency is true max_workers = 256 restrict_concurrency = false ``` ## Example Web Server Config (nginx) ``` location '/robots.txt' { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass$request_uri; } location '/wp-login.php' { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass$request_uri; } ```