154 lines
5.5 KiB
154 lines
5.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from hexdump import hexdump
import logger
from pkm_list import pkms
from pkm_list import moves
# Class to called
class battle:
def __init__(self, packet_data):
# If nothing else, we just echo back the packet without modifying it
self.reply = packet_data
# Try to parse and handle
if self.is_keepalive(packet_data):
self.reply = self.update()
# If packet_data is just 0xff, then it's a keepalive
def is_keepalive(self, packet_data):
if packet_data['data'] == b'\xff':
return True
return False
# Have to rebuild packet_data from pkt (incl checksum!)
# packet_data has ['id'] and ['data']
# ['data'] is FF + cmd + data + checksum
def update(self):
update = self.reply
update['data'] = b''
update['data'] += b'\xff'
update['data'] += int.to_bytes(self.pkt['cmd'], 1, 'big')
update['data'] += self.pkt['data']
update['data'] += self.calc_checksum( self.pkt['data'] )
return update
# Compute Checksum
def calc_checksum(self, blob):
sum = 0
for i in blob:
sum += i
sum = sum % (2**16)
return int.to_bytes(sum, 2, 'little')
# Parse the Packet into cmd/data/checksum
def parse(self, packet_data):
self.pkt = {}
if packet_data['data'][0] != 0xff:
logger.log.warning(f'Battle: Not a battle packet!')
if 'data' in packet_data:
self.pkt['cmd'] = packet_data['data'][1]
self.pkt['data'] = bytearray(packet_data['data'][2:-2])
self.pkt['checksum'] = packet_data['data'][-2:]
# Verify the Checksum
def checksum(self, pkt):
sum = 0
for i in pkt['data']:
sum += i
sum = int.to_bytes(sum, 2, 'little')
if sum == pkt['checksum']:
return True
logger.log.warning('Battle: checksum doesn\'t match!')
return False
# Payload - Print '3' to the screen
print_me = b''
# Executed from Address $CA4F
print_me += bytes.fromhex('F0 44') # ld a, (FF00+44) ; LY
print_me += bytes.fromhex('FE 90') # cp a, $90 ; past vblank
print_me += bytes.fromhex('38 FA') # jr c, $CA4F ; wait
print_me += bytes.fromhex('AF') # xor a
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 40') # ld (FF00+40), a ; reset LCDC
print_me += bytes.fromhex('21 00 98') # ld hl, $9800 ; top-left
print_me += bytes.fromhex('06 F9') # ld b, $F9
print_me += bytes.fromhex('70') # ld (hl), b
print_me += bytes.fromhex('3E B8') # ld a, $B8 ; index $38 of bg palette data, with auto-increment
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 68') # ld (FF00+68), a ; BGPI
print_me += bytes.fromhex('AF') # xor a
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 69') # ld (FF00+69), a ; black bg (BGPD)
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 69') # ld (FF00+69), a ; black bg (BGPD)
print_me += bytes.fromhex('AF') # xor a
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 42') # ld (FF00+42), a ; scroll LY
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 43') # ld (FF00+43), a ; scroll LX
print_me += bytes.fromhex('3E 81') # ld a, %10000001
print_me += bytes.fromhex('E0 40') # ld (FF00+40), a ; lcd on
print_me += bytes.fromhex('18 FE') # jr $CA70 ; inf loop
# Handle the Battle Packets as they arrive
def handle(self):
logger.log.warning(f'Battle: Packet Received ({self.pkt["cmd"]} bytes)')
# Initial "limit_crystal" packet, reply with same
if self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x15:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Random Bytes Each Time
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x0d:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Konnichiwa String (seems unused)
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x4d:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Blobs of save data. One from 0x600 (seems unused) and party save data from 0x281a
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x53:
# First few bytes of the Pokemon Party blob is the Player Name, overwrite with string parsing bug
#self.pkt['data'][0:0+8] = bytes.fromhex('3F4F 1508 1880 0058')
self.pkt['data'][0:0+3] = bytes.fromhex('3F0000')
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Always nulls
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x0f:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Final packet of the Pokemon Party Data
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x3b:
# Packet from index 13 onwards survives the final 0x09-type packet, so that's where the payload goes
self.pkt['data'][13:13+len(self.print_me)] = self.print_me
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# First three bytes indicate which Pokemon from the Party are being battled with
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x09:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Tetsuji Packet: Use a move or swap out a Pokemon
elif self.pkt['cmd'] == 0x0c:
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )
# Catch unhandled packet
logger.log.error(f'Battle: Unhandled command ({self.pkt["cmd"]})')
hexdump( self.pkt['data'] )