# b64mute - Base64 Mutator This program applies simple mutations to base64 encoded strings for obfuscation purposes. It applies an uneven chunk approach to concatenate arbitrary chunks with padding. For more info read [this writeup](https://n0.lol/encmute/)! [Duck Duck Go](https://duckduckgo.com) ## Usage ## Generate a mutation from a string $ python3 b64mute.py -d "netspooky" bmU=dHNwb28=a3k= Generate a mutation on a file: $ python3 b64mute.py -f test.txt aA==dHQ=cHM6Ly90d2k=dHRlcg==Lg==Y28=bS8=bg==ZQ==dA==c3Bvb2t5 Save the output to a file: $ python3 b64mute.py -d "admin:hunter2" -o out.txt Test your string: $ base64 -d <<< "bmU=dHNwb28=a3k=" netspooky