import time import pyautogui import speech_recognition as sr import os import subprocess from queryAPI import bing, google, ibm ''' You'll need to update based on the coordinates of your setup ''' FIREFOX_ICON_COORDS = (25, 67) # Location of the Firefox icon on the side toolbar (to left click) PRIVATE_COORDS = (178, 69) # Location of "Open a new Private Window" PRIVATE_BROWSER = (800, 443) # A place where the background of the Private Window will be PRIVATE_COLOR = '#25003E' # The color of the background of the Private Window SEARCH_COORDS = (417, 142) # Location of the Firefox Search box REFRESH_COORDS = (181, 137) # Refresh button GOOGLE_LOCATION = (117, 104) # Location of the Google Icon after navigating to GOOGLE_COLOR = '#C3D8FC' # Color of the Google Icon CAPTCHA_COORDS = (154, 531) # Coordinates of the empty CAPTCHA checkbox CHECK_COORDS = (158, 542) # Location where the green checkmark will be CHECK_COLOR = '#35B178' # Color of the green checkmark AUDIO_COORDS = (258, 797) # Location of the Audio button DOWNLOAD_COORDS = (318, 590) # Location of the Download button FINAL_COORDS = (315, 534) # Text entry box VERIFY_COORDS = (406, 647) # Verify button CLOSE_LOCATION = (1095, 75) DOWNLOAD_LOCATION = "../Downloads/" ''' END SETUP ''' r = sr.Recognizer() def runCommand(command): ''' Run a command and get back its output ''' proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return proc.communicate()[0].split()[0] def waitFor(coords, color): ''' Wait for a coordinate to become a certain color ''' pyautogui.moveTo(coords) numWaitedFor = 0 while color != runCommand("eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell); xwd -root -silent | convert xwd:- -depth 8 -crop \"1x1+$X+$Y\" txt:- | grep -om1 '#\w\+'"): time.sleep(.1) numWaitedFor += 1 if numWaitedFor > 25: return -1 return 0 def downloadCaptcha(): ''' Navigate to demo site, input user info, and download a captcha. ''' print("Opening Firefox") pyautogui.moveTo(FIREFOX_ICON_COORDS) pyautogui.rightClick() time.sleep(.3) pyautogui.moveTo(PRIVATE_COORDS) time.sleep(.5) if waitFor(PRIVATE_BROWSER, PRIVATE_COLOR) == -1: # Wait for browser to load return -1 print("Visiting Demo Site") pyautogui.moveTo(SEARCH_COORDS) pyautogui.typewrite('')'enter') time.sleep(.5) # Check if the page is loaded... pyautogui.moveTo(GOOGLE_LOCATION) if waitFor(GOOGLE_LOCATION, GOOGLE_COLOR) == -1: # Waiting for site to load return -1 print("Downloading Captcha") pyautogui.moveTo(CAPTCHA_COORDS) time.sleep(4) pyautogui.moveTo(CHECK_COORDS) if CHECK_COLOR in runCommand("eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell); xwd -root -silent | convert xwd:- -depth 8 -crop \"1x1+$X+$Y\" txt:- | grep -om1 '#\w\+'"): print ("Already completed captcha.") return 2 pyautogui.moveTo(AUDIO_COORDS) time.sleep(2) pyautogui.moveTo(DOWNLOAD_COORDS) time.sleep(3) return 0 def checkCaptcha(): ''' Check if we've completed the captcha successfully. ''' pyautogui.moveTo(CHECK_COORDS) if CHECK_COLOR in runCommand("eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell); xwd -root -silent | convert xwd:- -depth 8 -crop \"1x1+$X+$Y\" txt:- | grep -om1 '#\w\+'"): print ("Successfully completed captcha.") output = 1 else: print("An error occured.") output = 0 pyautogui.moveTo(CLOSE_LOCATION) return output def runCap(): try: print("Removing old files...") os.system('rm ./audio.wav 2>/dev/null') # These files may be left over from previous runs, and should be removed just in case. os.system('rm ' + DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + 'audio.mp3 2>/dev/null') # First, download the file downloadResult = downloadCaptcha() if downloadResult == 2: pyautogui.moveTo(CLOSE_LOCATION) return 2 elif downloadResult == -1: pyautogui.moveTo(CLOSE_LOCATION) return 3 # Convert the file to a format our APIs will understand print("Converting Captcha...") os.system("echo 'y' | ffmpeg -i " + DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "audio.mp3 ./audio.wav 2>/dev/null") with sr.AudioFile('./audio.wav') as source: audio = r.record(source) print("Submitting To Speech to Text:") determined = google(audio) # Instead of google, you can use ibm or bing here print(determined) print("Inputting Answer") # Input the captcha pyautogui.moveTo(FINAL_COORDS) time.sleep(.5) pyautogui.typewrite(determined, interval=.05) time.sleep(.5) pyautogui.moveTo(VERIFY_COORDS) print("Verifying Answer") time.sleep(2) # Check that the captcha is completed result = checkCaptcha() return result except Exception as e: pyautogui.moveTo(CLOSE_LOCATION) return 3 if __name__ == '__main__': success = 0 fail = 0 allowed = 0 # Run this forever and print statistics while True: res = runCap() if res == 1: success += 1 elif res == 2: # Sometimes google just lets us in allowed += 1 else: fail += 1 print("SUCCESSES: " + str(success) + " FAILURES: " + str(fail) + " Allowed: " + str(allowed)) pyautogui.moveTo(CLOSE_LOCATION)