rainmeter-python ================ Plugin for Rainmeter enabling Python 3 scripting Installation ------------ For this plugin to function, you need to install the Python 3.3 distribution matching your Rainmeter's architecture. The corresponding 'python33.dll' needs to be in your DLL search path; all standard installers of Python 3.3 automatically put the DLL into your System32 directory, so this should normally be the case. Example ------- ```ini [Measure] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\Python.dll PythonHome=c:\Python33 ScriptPath=default.py ClassName=Measure UpdateRate=1 ``` ```python class Measure: def Reload(self, rm, maxValue): rm.RmLog(rm.LOG_NOTICE, "Reload called") def Update(self): return 1.0 def GetString(self): return 'Test' def ExecuteBang(self, args): pass def Finalize(self): pass ```