diff --git a/Google-Summer-of-Code-2022.md b/Google-Summer-of-Code-2022.md
index d06d909..4cf14b0 100644
--- a/Google-Summer-of-Code-2022.md
+++ b/Google-Summer-of-Code-2022.md
@@ -45,40 +45,6 @@ Write a motivation and submit your CV. Tell us about your experience with Python
Most RFCs are suitable GSoC projects https://github.com/wagtail/rfcs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+label%3AActive+
-## RTL support for Wagtail
-### Summary
-Wagtail’s administration interface currently has poor support for right-to-left languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew. We have been wanting to fix this for a while ([#1240](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/1240)), and now have a great opportunity to do so with [CSS logical properties](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties).
-### Expected outcomes
-The Wagtail UI supports Arabic, Hebrew, and other right-to-left languages.
-### Implementation
-We want to refactor Wagtail’s stylesheets to use CSS logical properties, Flexbox, and Grid layout, so the styles can be written agnostic to the writing direction of the language – browsers would then automatically display the correct end-user layout based on the target language.
-### Skills
-HTML and CSS. Bonus: user experience, visual design, Django.
-### Mentors
-- Lead: Thibaud Colas https://github.com/thibaudcolas
-- Support: Coen van der Kamp https://github.com/allcaps
-- Support 2: TBC
-We will supply a primary mentor and at least two secondary mentors to support the participant.
-### Size
-Expected size of project approximately 350 hours.
-### Difficulty rating
## Toolkit for StreamField data migrations in Wagtail
### Summary
@@ -294,6 +260,52 @@ Hard
+# Canceled
+## RTL support for Wagtail
+This project is canceled because:
+1. Wagtail is working on a new page editor. The work clashes with this project.
+2. Wagtail core-team and mentors find other projects more important.
+Click to expand
+### Summary
+Wagtail’s administration interface currently has poor support for right-to-left languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew. We have been wanting to fix this for a while ([#1240](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/1240)), and now have a great opportunity to do so with [CSS logical properties](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties).
+### Expected outcomes
+The Wagtail UI supports Arabic, Hebrew, and other right-to-left languages.
+### Implementation
+We want to refactor Wagtail’s stylesheets to use CSS logical properties, Flexbox, and Grid layout, so the styles can be written agnostic to the writing direction of the language – browsers would then automatically display the correct end-user layout based on the target language.
+### Skills
+HTML and CSS. Bonus: user experience, visual design, Django.
+### Mentors
+- Lead: Thibaud Colas https://github.com/thibaudcolas
+- Support: Coen van der Kamp https://github.com/allcaps
+- Support 2: TBC
+We will supply a primary mentor and at least two secondary mentors to support the participant.
+### Size
+Expected size of project approximately 350 hours.
+### Difficulty rating
# 2021 GSoC projects (done)