.PHONY: check-env compile clean all distclean test debug sdist clean-libuv .PHONY: release sdist-libuv docs PYTHON ?= python all: compile clean: rm -fr dist/ doc/_build/ rm -fr uvloop/*.c uvloop/*.html uvloop/*.so build *.egg-info rm -fr uvloop/handles/*.html uvloop/includes/*.html find . -name '__pycache__' | xargs rm -rf check-env: $(PYTHON) -c "import cython; (cython.__version__ < '0.24') and exit(1)" clean-libuv: git -C vendor/libuv clean -dfX sdist-libuv: clean-libuv /bin/sh vendor/libuv/autogen.sh distclean: clean clean-libuv compile: check-env clean echo "DEF DEBUG = 0" > uvloop/__debug.pxi cython -3 uvloop/loop.pyx; rm uvloop/__debug.* @echo "$$UVLOOP_BUILD_PATCH_SCRIPT" | $(PYTHON) $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext --inplace debug: check-env clean echo "DEF DEBUG = 1" > uvloop/__debug.pxi cython -3 -a -p uvloop/loop.pyx; rm uvloop/__debug.* @echo "$$UVLOOP_BUILD_PATCH_SCRIPT" | $(PYTHON) $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext --inplace docs: compile cd docs && $(PYTHON) -m sphinx -a -b html . _build/html test: $(PYTHON)ASYNCIODEBUG=1 $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -s tests $(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -s tests sdist: clean compile test sdist-libuv $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist release: clean compile test sdist-libuv $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload # Script to patch Cython 'async def' coroutines to have a 'tp_iter' slot, # which makes them compatible with 'yield from' without the # `asyncio.coroutine` decorator. define UVLOOP_BUILD_PATCH_SCRIPT import re with open('uvloop/loop.c', 'rt') as f: src = f.read() src = re.sub( r''' \s* offsetof\(__pyx_CoroutineObject,\s*gi_weakreflist\), \s* 0, \s* 0, \s* __pyx_Coroutine_methods, \s* __pyx_Coroutine_memberlist, \s* __pyx_Coroutine_getsets, ''', r''' offsetof(__pyx_CoroutineObject, gi_weakreflist), __Pyx_Coroutine_await, /* tp_iter */ 0, __pyx_Coroutine_methods, __pyx_Coroutine_memberlist, __pyx_Coroutine_getsets, ''', src, flags=re.X) # Fix a segfault in Cython. src = re.sub( r''' \s* __Pyx_Coroutine_get_qualname\(__pyx_CoroutineObject\s+\*self\) \s* { \s* Py_INCREF\(self->gi_qualname\); ''', r''' __Pyx_Coroutine_get_qualname(__pyx_CoroutineObject *self) { if (self->gi_qualname == NULL) { return __pyx_empty_unicode; } Py_INCREF(self->gi_qualname); ''', src, flags=re.X) src = re.sub( r''' \s* __Pyx_Coroutine_get_name\(__pyx_CoroutineObject\s+\*self\) \s* { \s* Py_INCREF\(self->gi_name\); ''', r''' __Pyx_Coroutine_get_name(__pyx_CoroutineObject *self) { if (self->gi_name == NULL) { return __pyx_empty_unicode; } Py_INCREF(self->gi_name); ''', src, flags=re.X) with open('uvloop/loop.c', 'wt') as f: f.write(src) endef export UVLOOP_BUILD_PATCH_SCRIPT