CONTRIBUTING TO TQDM ===================== This file describes how to contribute changes to the project, and how to upload to the pypi repository. HOW TO COMMIT YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------- Contributions to the project is made using the `Fork & Pull` model. Here's a quickstart on how to do that (your mileage may vary depending on your git config): - first create an account on github. - then go on the tqdm page `` and fork it (click on the fork button). - now make a local clone of the project: `git clone` - do your changes on your local copy. - commit your changes `git commit -m "my message"` - TEST YOUR CHANGES (see below). - push to your github account `git push origin` - and now you can make a `Pull Request` from your github fork by going to the webpage and clicking on `Pull Request`. You can then add a message to describe your proposal. - Your changes will then be reviewed and integrated into the project if OK. TESTING ------------- Before submitting a Pull Request, you need to make sure that all the unit tests pass. This will ensure that your changes did not introduce any regression in the features that already working. To run the test, cd to the root of the tqdm folder (in the same folder as this file), and then type the following (you need to install the `nosetest` python module before): ``` nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=tqdm -v tqdm/ python -m flake8 tqdm/ ``` If all the tests pass, then everything is good, you can submit a Pull Request. SEMANTIC VERSIONING ---------------------------------- The tqdm repository managers should regularly bump the version number in the VERSION file to follow the [Semantic Versioning]( convention. Tools can be used to automate this process, such as [bumpversion]( or [python-semanticversion]( to automate this task. The managers should take care of this instead of users to avoid PR conflicts solely due to the VERSION file bumping. UPLOADING TO PYPI ------------------------------ First, we need to check the and files, which define the packaging process and the infos that will be uploaded to pypi. You can check the result easily by using the following commands: ``` python develop --uninstall python develop ``` Secondly, we need to build tqdm into a distributable python package: ``` python sdist --formats=gztar,zip bdist_wininst --plat-name=win32 python sdist bdist_egg bdist_wheel --plat-name=win32 ``` This will generate several builds in the dist/ folder. Finally, we can upload everything to pypi. Uploading to pypi can be done easily using the [twine]( module: ``` twine upload dist/* ```