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# Tox ( is a tool for running tests
# in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the tornado
# test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox"
# and then run "tox" from this directory.
# This configuration requires tox 1.8 or higher.
# Installation tips:
# When building pycurl on my macports-based setup, I need to either set the
# environment variable ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64' or use
# 'port install curl +universal' to get both 32- and 64-bit versions of
# libcurl.
envlist =
# Basic configurations: Run the tests for each python version.
# Build and test the docs with sphinx.
# Run the linters.
basepython =
py3: python3
py38: python3.8
py39: python3.9
py310: python3.10
py311: python3.11
py312: python3.12
py313: python3.13
pypy3: pypy3
# In theory, it doesn't matter which python version is used here.
# In practice, things like changes to the ast module can alter
# the outputs of the tools (especially where exactly the
# linter warning-suppression comments go), so we specify a
# python version for these builds.
# These versions must be synced with the versions in .github/workflows/test.yml
docs: python3.11
lint: python3.11
deps =
full: pycurl
full: twisted
full: pycares
docs: -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
lint: -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
setenv =
# Treat the extension as mandatory in testing (but not on pypy)
{py3,py38,py39,py310,py311,py312,py313}: TORNADO_EXTENSION=1
# CI workers are often overloaded and can cause our tests to exceed
# the default timeout of 5s.
# Treat warnings as errors by default. We have a whitelist of
# allowed warnings in, but we want to be strict
# about any import-time warnings before that setup code is
# reached. Note that syntax warnings are only reported in
# -opt builds because regular builds reuse pycs created
# during sdist installation (and it doesn't seem to be
# possible to set environment variables during that phase of
# tox).
{py3,py38,py39,py310,py311,py312,py313,pypy3}: PYTHONWARNINGS=error:::tornado
# Warn if we try to open a file with an unspecified encoding.
# (New in python 3.10, becomes obsolete when utf8 becomes the
# default in 3.15)
# Allow shell commands in tests
allowlist_externals = sh
# All non-comment lines but the last must end in a backslash.
# Tox filters line-by-line based on the environment name.
commands =
# py3*: -b turns on an extra warning when calling
# str(bytes), and -bb makes it an error.
python -bb -m tornado.test {posargs:}
# Python's optimized mode disables the assert statement, so
# run the tests in this mode to ensure we haven't fallen into
# the trap of relying on an assertion's side effects or using
# them for things that should be runtime errors.
full: python -O -m tornado.test
# Note that httpclient_test is always run with both client
# implementations; this flag controls which client all the
# other tests use.
full: python -m tornado.test --httpclient=tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient
full: python -m tornado.test --resolver=tornado.platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver
# python will import relative to the current working directory by default,
# so cd into the tox working directory to avoid picking up the working
# copy of the files (especially important for the speedups module).
changedir = {toxworkdir}
changedir = docs
# For some reason the extension fails to load in this configuration,
# but it's not really needed for docs anyway.
commands =
# Build the docs
sphinx-build -q -E -n -W -b html . {envtmpdir}/html
# Ensure that everything is either documented or ignored in
sphinx-build -q -E -n -W -b coverage . {envtmpdir}/coverage
# Run the doctests
sphinx-build -q -E -n -W -b doctest . {envtmpdir}/doctest
commands =
flake8 {posargs:}
black --check --diff {posargs:tornado demos}
# Many syscalls are defined differently on linux and windows,
# so we have to typecheck both.
mypy --platform linux {posargs:tornado}
mypy --platform windows {posargs:tornado}
# We mainly lint on the oldest version of Python we support, since
# we're more likely to catch problems of accidentally depending on
# something new than of depending on something old and deprecated.
# But sometimes something we depend on gets removed so we should also
# test the newest version.
mypy --platform linux --python-version 3.13 {posargs:tornado}
changedir = {toxinidir}