#!/usr/bin/env python # # A simple benchmark of tornado's HTTP stack. # Requires 'ab' to be installed. # # Running without profiling: # demos/benchmark/benchmark.py # demos/benchmark/benchmark.py --quiet --num_runs=5|grep "Requests per second" # # Running with profiling: # # python -m cProfile -o /tmp/prof demos/benchmark/benchmark.py # python -m pstats /tmp/prof # % sort time # % stats 20 from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line from tornado.web import RequestHandler, Application import random import signal import subprocess # choose a random port to avoid colliding with TIME_WAIT sockets left over # from previous runs. define("min_port", type=int, default=8000) define("max_port", type=int, default=9000) # Increasing --n without --keepalive will eventually run into problems # due to TIME_WAIT sockets define("n", type=int, default=15000) define("c", type=int, default=25) define("keepalive", type=bool, default=False) define("quiet", type=bool, default=False) # Repeat the entire benchmark this many times (on different ports) # This gives JITs time to warm up, etc. Pypy needs 3-5 runs at # --n=15000 for its JIT to reach full effectiveness define("num_runs", type=int, default=1) define("ioloop", type=str, default=None) class RootHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write("Hello, world") def _log(self): pass def handle_sigchld(sig, frame): IOLoop.instance().add_callback_from_signal(IOLoop.instance().stop) def main(): parse_command_line() if options.ioloop: IOLoop.configure(options.ioloop) for i in xrange(options.num_runs): run() def run(): app = Application([("/", RootHandler)]) port = random.randrange(options.min_port, options.max_port) app.listen(port, address='') signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, handle_sigchld) args = ["ab"] args.extend(["-n", str(options.n)]) args.extend(["-c", str(options.c)]) if options.keepalive: args.append("-k") if options.quiet: # just stops the progress messages printed to stderr args.append("-q") args.append("" % port) subprocess.Popen(args) IOLoop.instance().start() IOLoop.instance().close() del IOLoop._instance assert not IOLoop.initialized() if __name__ == '__main__': main()