``tornado.platform.twisted`` --- Bridges between Twisted and Tornado ==================================================================== .. module:: tornado.platform.twisted .. deprecated:: 6.0 This module is no longer recommended for new code. Instead of using direct integration between Tornado and Twisted, new applications should rely on the integration with ``asyncio`` provided by both packages. Importing this module has the side effect of registering Twisted's ``Deferred`` class with Tornado's ``@gen.coroutine`` so that ``Deferred`` objects can be used with ``yield`` in coroutines using this decorator (importing this module has no effect on native coroutines using ``async def``). .. function:: install() Install ``AsyncioSelectorReactor`` as the default Twisted reactor. .. deprecated:: 5.1 This function is provided for backwards compatibility; code that does not require compatibility with older versions of Tornado should use ``twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.install()`` directly. .. versionchanged:: 6.0.3 In Tornado 5.x and before, this function installed a reactor based on the Tornado ``IOLoop``. When that reactor implementation was removed in Tornado 6.0.0, this function was removed as well. It was restored in Tornado 6.0.3 using the ``asyncio`` reactor instead.