#!/usr/bin/env python import logging from redbot.resource import HttpResource import redbot.speak as rs import thor import threading from tornado import gen from tornado.options import parse_command_line from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase, LogTrapTestCase from tornado.web import RequestHandler, Application, asynchronous import unittest class HelloHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write("Hello world") class RedirectHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self, path): self.redirect(path, status=int(self.get_argument('status', '302'))) class PostHandler(RequestHandler): def post(self): assert self.get_argument('foo') == 'bar' self.redirect('/hello', status=303) class ChunkedHandler(RequestHandler): @asynchronous @gen.engine def get(self): self.write('hello ') yield gen.Task(self.flush) self.write('world') yield gen.Task(self.flush) self.finish() class TestMixin(object): def get_handlers(self): return [ ('/hello', HelloHandler), ('/redirect(/.*)', RedirectHandler), ('/post', PostHandler), ('/chunked', ChunkedHandler), ] def get_app_kwargs(self): return dict(static_path='.') def get_allowed_warnings(self): return [ # We can't set a non-heuristic freshness at the framework level, # so just ignore this warning rs.FRESHNESS_HEURISTIC, # For our small test responses the Content-Encoding header # wipes out any gains from compression rs.CONNEG_GZIP_BAD, ] def get_allowed_errors(self): return [] def check_url(self, path, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, expected_status=200, allowed_warnings=None, allowed_errors=None): url = self.get_url(path) red = self.run_redbot(url, method, body, headers) if not red.response.complete: if isinstance(red.response.http_error, Exception): logging.warning((red.response.http_error.desc, vars(red.response.http_error), url)) raise red.response.http_error.res_error else: raise Exception("unknown error; incomplete response") self.assertEqual(int(red.response.status_code), expected_status) allowed_warnings = (allowed_warnings or []) + self.get_allowed_warnings() allowed_errors = (allowed_errors or []) + self.get_allowed_errors() errors = [] warnings = [] for msg in red.response.notes: if msg.level == 'bad': logger = logging.error if not isinstance(msg, tuple(allowed_errors)): errors.append(msg) elif msg.level == 'warning': logger = logging.warning if not isinstance(msg, tuple(allowed_warnings)): warnings.append(msg) elif msg.level in ('good', 'info', 'uri'): logger = logging.info else: raise Exception('unknown level' + msg.level) logger('%s: %s (%s)', msg.category, msg.show_summary('en'), msg.__class__.__name__) logger(msg.show_text('en')) self.assertEqual(len(warnings) + len(errors), 0, 'Had %d unexpected warnings and %d errors' % (len(warnings), len(errors))) def run_redbot(self, url, method, body, headers): red = HttpResource(url, method=method, req_body=body, req_hdrs=headers) def work(): red.run(thor.stop) thor.run() self.io_loop.add_callback(self.stop) thread = threading.Thread(target=work) thread.start() self.wait() thread.join() return red def test_hello(self): self.check_url('/hello') def test_static(self): # TODO: 304 responses SHOULD return the same etag that a full # response would. We currently do for If-None-Match, but not # for If-Modified-Since (because IMS does not otherwise # require us to read the file from disk) self.check_url('/static/red_test.py', allowed_warnings=[rs.MISSING_HDRS_304]) def test_static_versioned_url(self): self.check_url('/static/red_test.py?v=1234', allowed_warnings=[rs.MISSING_HDRS_304]) def test_redirect(self): self.check_url('/redirect/hello', expected_status=302) def test_permanent_redirect(self): self.check_url('/redirect/hello?status=301', expected_status=301) def test_404(self): self.check_url('/404', expected_status=404) def test_post(self): body = 'foo=bar' # Without an explicit Content-Length redbot will try to send the # request chunked. self.check_url( '/post', method='POST', body=body, headers=[('Content-Length', str(len(body))), ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')], expected_status=303) def test_chunked(self): self.check_url('/chunked') class DefaultHTTPTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase, LogTrapTestCase, TestMixin): def get_app(self): return Application(self.get_handlers(), **self.get_app_kwargs()) class GzipHTTPTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase, LogTrapTestCase, TestMixin): def get_app(self): return Application(self.get_handlers(), gzip=True, **self.get_app_kwargs()) def get_allowed_errors(self): return super(GzipHTTPTest, self).get_allowed_errors() + [ # TODO: The Etag is supposed to change when Content-Encoding is # used. This should be fixed, but it's difficult to do with the # way GZipContentEncoding fits into the pipeline, and in practice # it doesn't seem likely to cause any problems as long as we're # using the correct Vary header. rs.VARY_ETAG_DOESNT_CHANGE, ] if __name__ == '__main__': parse_command_line() unittest.main()