# Terminalizer [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/terminalizer.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/terminalizer) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/terminalizer.svg)](https://github.com/faressoft/terminalizer/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/join_chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/terminalizer/Lobby) [![Unicorn](https://img.shields.io/badge/nyancat-approved-ff69b4.svg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4) [![Tweet](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-share-76abec.svg)](https://goo.gl/QJzJu1) > Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player link [www.terminalizer.com](https://www.terminalizer.com)

Built to be jusT cOol 👌🦄 ! > If you think so, support me with a `star` and a `follow` 😘 ---


Special Thanks To:

--- # Table of Contents - [Terminalizer](#terminalizer) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Features](#features) - [What's Next](#whats-next) - [Installation](#installation) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Compression](#compression) - [Usage](#usage) - [Init](#init) - [Config](#config) - [Record](#record) - [Play](#play) - [Render](#render) - [Share](#share) - [Generate](#generate) - [Configurations](#configurations) - [Recording](#recording) - [Delays](#delays) - [GIF](#gif) - [Terminal](#terminal) - [Theme](#theme) - [Watermark](#watermark) - [Frame Box](#frame-box) - [Null Frame](#null-frame) - [Window Frame](#window-frame) - [Floating Frame](#floating-frame) - [Solid Frame](#solid-frame) - [Solid Frame Without Title](#solid-frame-without-title) - [Styling Hint](#styling-hint) - [FAQ](#faq) - [How to support ZSH](#how-to-support-zsh) - [Issues](#issues) - [License](#license) # Features - Highly customizable. - Cross platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS). - Custom `window frames`. - Custom `font`. - Custom `colors`. - Custom `styles` with `CSS`. - Watermark. - Edit frames and adjust delays before rendering. - Skipping frames by a step value to reduce the number of rendered frames. - Render images with texts on them instead of capturing your screen for better quality. - The ability to configure: - The command to capture (bash, powershell.exe, yourOwnCommand, etc) - The current working directory. - Explicit values for the number of cols and rows. - GIF quality and repeating. - Frames delays. - The max idle time between frames. - Cursor style. - Font. - Font size. - Line height. - Letter spacing. - Theme. # What's Next - The `Generate` command to generate a web player for a recording file. - Support `apt-get`, `yum`, `brew` installation. # Installation You need to install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) first, then install the tool globally using this command: ```bash npm install -g terminalizer ```

> Still facing an issue? Check the [Issues](#issues) section or open a new issue. The installation should be very smooth with Node.js v4-v16. For newer versions, if the installation is failed, you may need to install the development tools to build the `C++` add-ons. Check [node-gyp](https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#installation). # Getting Started Start recording your terminal using the `record` command. ```bash terminalizer record demo ``` A file called `demo.yml` will be created in the current directory. You can open it using any editor to edit the configurations and the recorded frames. You can replay your recording using the `play` command. ```bash terminalizer play demo ``` Now let's render our recording as an animated gif. ```bash terminalizer render demo ``` ## Compression GIF compression is not implemented yet. For now we recommend [https://gifcompressor.com](https://gifcompressor.com). # Usage > You can use the `--help` option to get more details about the commands and their options ```bash terminalizer [options] ``` ## Init > Create a global config directory ```bash terminalizer init ``` ## Config > Generate a config file in the current directory ```bash terminalizer config ``` ## Record > Record your terminal and create a recording file ```bash terminalizer record ``` Options ``` -c, --config Overwrite the default configurations [string] -d, --command The command to be executed [string] [default: null] -k, --skip-sharing Skip sharing and showing the sharing prompt message [boolean] [default: false] ``` Examples ``` terminalizer record foo Start recording and create a recording file called foo.yml terminalizer record foo --config config.yml Start recording with your own configurations ``` ## Play > Play a recording file on your terminal ```bash terminalizer play ``` Options ``` -r, --real-timing Use the actual delays between frames as recorded [boolean] [default: false] -s, --speed-factor Speed factor, multiply the frames delays by this factor [number] [default: 1] ``` ## Render > Render a recording file as an animated gif image ```bash terminalizer render ``` Options ``` -o, --output A name for the output file [string] -q, --quality The quality of the rendered image (1 - 100) [number] -s, --step To reduce the number of rendered frames (step > 1) [number] [default: 1] ``` ## Share > Upload a recording file and get a link for an online player ```bash terminalizer share ``` ## Generate > Generate a web player for a recording file ```bash terminalizer generate ``` # Configurations The default `config.yml` file is stored under the root directory of the project. Execute the below command to copy it to your current directory. > Use any editor to edit the copied `config.yml`, then use the `-c` option to override the default one. ```bash terminalizer config ``` > RECOMMENDED, use the `init` command to create a global config file to be used instead of the default one. ```bash terminalizer init ``` For Linux and MacOS, the created directory is located under the home directory `~/config/terminalizer`. For Windows, it is located under the `AppData`. ## Recording - `command`: Specify a command to be executed like `/bin/bash -l`, `ls`, or any other command. The default is `bash` for `Linux` or `powershell.exe` for `Windows`. - `cwd`: Specify the current working directory path. The default is the current working directory path. - `env`: Export additional ENV variables, to be read by your scripts when starting the recording. - `cols`: Explicitly set the number of columns or use `auto` to take the current number of columns of your shell. - `rows`: Explicitly set the number of rows or use `auto` to take the current number of rows of your shell. ## Delays - `frameDelay`: The delay between frames in ms. If the value is `auto` use the actual recording delays. - `maxIdleTime`: Maximum delay between frames in ms. Ignored if the `frameDelay` isn't set to `auto`. Set to `auto` to prevent limiting the max idle time. ## GIF - `quality`: The quality of the generated GIF image (1 - 100). - `repeat`: Amount of times to repeat GIF: - If value is `-1`, play once. - If value is `0`, loop indefinitely. - If value is a positive number, loop `n` times. ## Terminal - `cursorStyle`: Cursor style can be one of `block`, `underline`, or `bar`. - `fontFamily`: You can use any font that is installed on your machine like `Monaco` or `Lucida Console` (CSS-like list). - `fontSize`: The size of the font in pixels. - `lineHeight`: The height of lines in pixels. - `letterSpacing`: The spacing between letters in pixels. ## Theme You can set the colors of your terminal using one of the CSS formats: - Hex: `#FFFFFF`. - RGB: `rgb(255, 255, 255)`. - HSL: `hsl(0, 0%, 100%)`. - Name: `white`, `red`, `blue`. > You can use the value `transparent` too. The default colors that are assigned to the terminal colors are: - background: ![#ffffff](https://placehold.it/15/ffffff/000000?text=+) `transparent` - foreground: ![#afafaf](https://placehold.it/15/afafaf/000000?text=+) `#afafaf` - cursor: ![#c7c7c7](https://placehold.it/15/c7c7c7/000000?text=+) `#c7c7c7` - black: ![#232628](https://placehold.it/15/232628/000000?text=+) `#232628` - red: ![#fc4384](https://placehold.it/15/fc4384/000000?text=+) `#fc4384` - green: ![#b3e33b](https://placehold.it/15/b3e33b/000000?text=+) `#b3e33b` - yellow: ![#ffa727](https://placehold.it/15/ffa727/000000?text=+) `#ffa727` - blue: ![#75dff2](https://placehold.it/15/75dff2/000000?text=+) `#75dff2` - magenta: ![#ae89fe](https://placehold.it/15/ae89fe/000000?text=+) `#ae89fe` - cyan: ![#708387](https://placehold.it/15/708387/000000?text=+) `#708387` - white: ![#d5d5d0](https://placehold.it/15/d5d5d0/000000?text=+) `#d5d5d0` - brightBlack: ![#626566](https://placehold.it/15/626566/000000?text=+) `#626566` - brightRed: ![#ff7fac](https://placehold.it/15/ff7fac/000000?text=+) `#ff7fac` - brightGreen: ![#c8ed71](https://placehold.it/15/c8ed71/000000?text=+) `#c8ed71` - brightYellow: ![#ebdf86](https://placehold.it/15/ebdf86/000000?text=+) `#ebdf86` - brightBlue: ![#75dff2](https://placehold.it/15/75dff2/000000?text=+) `#75dff2` - brightMagenta: ![#ae89fe](https://placehold.it/15/ae89fe/000000?text=+) `#ae89fe` - brightCyan: ![#b1c6ca](https://placehold.it/15/b1c6ca/000000?text=+) `#b1c6ca` - brightWhite: ![#f9f9f4](https://placehold.it/15/f9f9f4/000000?text=+) `#f9f9f4` ## Watermark You can add a watermark logo to your generated GIF images.

``` watermark: imagePath: AbsolutePathOrURL style: position: absolute right: 15px bottom: 15px width: 100px opacity: 0.9 ``` - `watermark.imagePath`: An absolute path for the image on your machine or a URL. - `watermark.style`: Apply CSS styles (camelCase) to the watermark image, like resizing it. ## Frame Box Terminalizer comes with predefined frames that you can use to make your GIF images look cool. - `frameBox.type`: Can be `null`, `window`, `floating`, or `solid`. - `frameBox.title`: To display a title for the frame or `null`. - `frameBox.style`: To apply custom CSS styles or to override the current ones. ### Null Frame No frame, just your recording.

> Don't forget to add a `backgroundColor` under `style`. ``` frameBox: type: null title: null style: backgroundColor: black ``` ### Window Frame

``` frameBox: type: window title: Terminalizer style: [] ``` ### Floating Frame

``` frameBox: type: floating title: Terminalizer style: [] ``` ### Solid Frame

``` frameBox: type: solid title: Terminalizer style: [] ``` ### Solid Frame Without Title

``` frameBox: type: solid title: null style: [] ``` ### Styling Hint You can disable the default shadows and margins.

``` frameBox: type: solid title: null style: boxShadow: none margin: 0px ``` # FAQ ### How to support ZSH The default command that gets recorded for Linux is `bash -l`. You need to change the default command to `zsh`. - Generate a config file in the current directory ```bash terminalizer config ``` - Open the generated config file in your preferred editor. - Change the `command` to `zsh`: ``` command: zsh ``` - You may need to change the font, check the font that is used in your terminal: ``` fontFamily: "Meslo for Powerline, Meslo LG M for Powerline" ``` - Use the `-c` option to override the config file: ```bash terminalizer record demo -c config.yml ``` # Issues > error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Solution: ```bash sudo yum install libXScrnSaver ``` > error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Solution: ```bash sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4 ``` > Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib' Solution: ```bash sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/node_modules && sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules # then use the install command in the "Installation" section above npm install -g terminalizer ``` # License This project is under the MIT license.