
88 lines
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Rename computer.
Rename domain and non domain joined computers.
Specifies the new computer name.
Specifies the username with permission to rename a domain computer.
Required for domain joined computers.
Do not add the domain part like "Domain01\" to the username as that is already extracted and appended to the Rename-Computer cmdlet.
Specifies the password for the username.
Required for domain joined computers.
Switch to force the computer to restart after a successful rename.
Results are printed to the console.
-NewName mynewname
-Username myuser -Password mypassword -NewName mynewname -Restart
Change Log
V1.0 Initial release
V2.0 Added domain join
[string] $Username,
[string] $Password,
[switch] $Restart,
[string] $NewName
if (!$NewName) {
Write-Host "-NewName parameter required."
Exit 1
if ((Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).partofdomain -eq $false) {
# Rename Non Domain Joined Computer
if ($Restart) {
Rename-computer -NewName $NewName -Force -Restart
else {
Rename-computer -NewName $NewName -Force
Write-Host "Attempted rename of computer to $NewName."
else {
# Rename Domain Joined Computer
if (!$Username) {
Write-Host "-Username parameter required on domain joined computers."
Exit 1
if (!$Password) {
Write-Host "-Password parameter required on domain joined computers."
Exit 1
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $Password -asPlainText -Force
$domainUsername = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain + "\$Username"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($domainUsername, $securePassword)
if ($Restart) {
Rename-computer -NewName $NewName -DomainCredential $credential -Force -Restart
else {
Rename-computer -NewName $NewName -DomainCredential $credential -Force
Write-Host "Attempted rename of domain computer to $NewName."