<# Requires global variables for serviceName "ScreenConnectService" serviceName is the name of the ScreenConnect Service once it is installed EG: "ScreenConnect Client (1327465grctq84yrtocq)" Variable value must start and end with " (Prior to TRMM Version 0.6.5), remove / don't use " on TRMM Version 0.6.5 or later. Requires Custom Fields Agent entry Name: ScreenConnectGUID Type: text URL Action entry (check your screenconnect to see what folder name is your "All Machines" folder): https://YOURNAME.screenconnect.com/Host#Access/All%20Machines//{{agent.ScreenConnectGUID}}/Join or https://YOURNAME.screenconnect.com/Host#Access/All%20Machines%20by%20Company//{{agent.ScreenConnectGUID}}/Join #> param ( [string] $serviceName ) if (!$serviceName) { write-output "Variable not specified ScreenConnectService, please create a global custom field under Client called ScreenConnectService, Example Value: `"ScreenConnect Client (1327465grctq84yrtocq)`" `n" $ErrorCount += 1 } if (!$ErrorCount -eq 0) { exit 1 } $imagePath = (Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$serviceName).GetValue('ImagePath') $imagePath2 = ($imagePath -split "&s=")[1] $machineGUID = ($imagePath2 -split "&k=")[0] Write-Output $machineGUID