require('dotenv').config(); const path = require('path'); module.exports = function () { return { supportTS: false, // // preFetch: true, boot: [ 'axios', ], // css: [ 'app.sass' ], // extras: [ // 'ionicons-v4', 'mdi-v5', 'fontawesome-v5', // 'eva-icons', // 'themify', // 'line-awesome', // 'roboto-font-latin-ext', // this or either 'roboto-font', NEVER both! 'roboto-font', // optional, you are not bound to it 'material-icons', // optional, you are not bound to it ], // Full list of options: build: { env: { DEV_API: process.env.DEV_URL, PROD_API: process.env.PROD_URL, DOCKER_BUILD: process.env.DOCKER_BUILD }, vueRouterMode: 'history', // available values: 'hash', 'history' distDir: "dist/", devtool: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "cheap-module-eval-source-map" : "source-map", // Add dependencies for transpiling with Babel (Array of regexes) // (from node_modules, which are by default not transpiled). // Does not applies to modern builds. // transpileDependencies: [], // rtl: false, // // preloadChunks: false, // showProgress: false, // gzip: true, // analyze: true, // Options below are automatically set depending on the env, set them if you want to override // extractCSS: false, // extendWebpack(cfg) { cfg.resolve.alias = { ...cfg.resolve.alias, "@": path.resolve(__dirname, './src'), } }, }, // Full list of options: devServer: { https: false, host: process.env.DEV_HOST, port: process.env.DEV_PORT, public: process.env.APP_URL, open: false }, // framework: { iconSet: 'material-icons', // Quasar icon set lang: 'en-us', // Quasar language pack // * 'auto' - Auto-import needed Quasar components & directives // (slightly higher compile time; next to minimum bundle size; most convenient) // * false - Manually specify what to import // (fastest compile time; minimum bundle size; most tedious) // * true - Import everything from Quasar // (not treeshaking Quasar; biggest bundle size; convenient) importStrategy: 'auto', // Quasar plugins plugins: [ 'Dialog', 'Loading', 'LoadingBar', 'Meta', 'Notify' ], config: { loadingBar: { size: "4px" }, notify: { position: "top", timeout: 2000, textColor: "white", actions: [{ icon: "close", color: "white" }] } } }, // animations: 'all', // --- includes all animations // animations: [], // ssr: { pwa: false } } }