## Measures the speed of the download, can only be ran on a PC running Windows 10 or a server running Server 2016+, plan is to add uploading also ## Majority of this script has been copied/butchered from https://www.ramblingtechie.co.uk/2020/07/13/internet-speed-test-in-powershell/ # MINIMUM ACCEPTED THRESHOLD IN mbps $mindownloadspeed = 20 $minuploadspeed = 4 # File to download you can find download links for other files here https://speedtest.flonix.net $downloadurl = "https://track.flonix.ml/SpeedTest/10MB.bin" #$UploadURL = "http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip" # SIZE OF SPECIFIED FILE IN MB (adjust this to match the size of your file in MB as above) $size = 10 # Name of Downloaded file $localfile = "SpeedTest.bin" # WEB CLIENT VARIABLES $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient #RUN DOWNLOAD & CALCULATE DOWNLOAD SPEED $downloadstart_time = Get-Date $webclient.DownloadFile($downloadurl, $localfile) $downloadtimetaken = $((Get-Date).Subtract($downloadstart_time).Seconds) $downloadspeed = ($size / $downloadtimetaken)*8 Write-Output "Time taken: $downloadtimetaken second(s) | Download Speed: $downloadspeed mbps" #RUN UPLOAD & CALCULATE UPLOAD SPEED #$uploadstart_time = Get-Date #$webclient.UploadFile($UploadURL, $localfile) > $null; #$uploadtimetaken = $((Get-Date).Subtract($uploadstart_time).Seconds) #$uploadspeed = ($size / $uploadtimetaken) * 8 #Write-Output "Time taken: $uploadtimetaken second(s) | Upload Speed: $uploadspeed mbps" #DELETE TEST DOWNLOAD FILE Remove-Item -path $localfile #SEND ALERTS IF BELOW MINIMUM THRESHOLD if ($downloadspeed -ge $mindownloadspeed) { Write-Output "Speed is acceptable. Current download speed at is $downloadspeed mbps which is above the threshold of $mindownloadspeed mbps" exit 0 } else { Write-Output "Current download speed at is $downloadspeed mbps which is below the minimum threshold of $mindownloadspeed mbps" exit 1 } Exit $LASTEXITCODE