From https://smsagent.blog/2018/08/15/create-disk-usage-reports-with-powershell-and-wiztree/
To use the script, simply download the WizTree Portable app, extract the WizTree64.exe and place it in the same location as the script (assuming 64-bit OS). Set the run location in the script (ie $PSScriptRoot if calling the script, or the directory location if running in the ISE), the temporary location where it can create files, and the server share where you want to copy the reports to. Then just run the script in admin context.
# Script to export html and csv reports of file and directory content on the system drive
# Use to identify large files/directories for disk space cleanup
# Uses WizTree portable to quickly retrieve file and directory sizes from the Master File Table on disk
# Download and extract the WizTree64.exe and place in the same directory as this script
# Set the running location
$RunLocation = $PSScriptRoot
#$RunLocation = "C:\temp"
$TempLocation = "C:\temp"
# Set Target share to copy the reports to
$TargetRoot = "\\server-01\sharename\DirectorySizeInfo"
# Free disk space thresholds (percentages) for summary report
$script:Thresholds = @{}
$Thresholds.Warning = 80
$Thresholds.Critical = 90
# Custom function to exit with a specific code
function ExitWithCode {
# Function to set the progress bar colour based on the the threshold value in the summary report
function Set-PercentageColour {
If ($Value -lt $Thresholds.Warning) {
$Hex = "#00ff00" # Green
If ($Value -ge $Thresholds.Warning -and $Value -lt $Thresholds.Critical) {
$Hex = "#ff9900" # Amber
If ($Value -ge $Thresholds.Critical) {
$Hex = "#FF0000" # Red
Return $Hex
# Define Html CSS style
$Style = @"
# Set the filenames of WizTree csv's
$FilesCSV = "Files_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').csv"
$FoldersCSV = "Folders_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').csv"
# Set the filenames of customised csv's
$ExportedFilesCSV = "Exported_Files_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').csv"
$ExportedFoldersCSV = "Exported_Folders_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').csv"
# Set the filenames of html reports
$ExportedFilesHTML = "Largest_Files_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').html"
$ExportedFoldersHTML = "Largest_Folders_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').html"
$SummaryHTMLReport = "Disk_Usage_Summary_$(Get-Date –Format 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss').html"
# Run the WizTree portable app
Start-Process –FilePath "$RunLocation\WizTree64.exe" –ArgumentList """$Env:SystemDrive"" /export=""$TempLocation\$FilesCSV"" /admin 1 /sortby=2 /exportfolders=0" –Verb runas –Wait
Start-Process –FilePath "$RunLocation\WizTree64.exe" –ArgumentList """$Env:SystemDrive"" /export=""$TempLocation\$FoldersCSV"" /admin 1 /sortby=2 /exportfiles=0" –Verb runas –Wait
#region Files
# Remove the first 2 rows from the CSVs to leave just the relevant data
$CSVContent = Get-Content –Path $TempLocation\$FilesCSV –ReadCount 0
$CSVContent = $CSVContent | Select –Skip 1
$CSVContent = $CSVContent | Select –Skip 1
# Create a table to store the results
$Table = [System.Data.DataTable]::new("Directory Structure")
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Name", [System.String]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (Bytes)", [System.Int64]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (KB)", [System.Decimal]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (MB)", [System.Decimal]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (GB)", [System.Decimal]))
# Populate the table from the CSV data
Foreach ($csvrow in $CSVContent) {
$Content = $csvrow.split(',')
[void]$Table.rows.Add(($Content[0].Replace('"', '')), $Content[2], ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1KB), 2)), ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1MB), 2)), ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1GB), 2)))
# Export the table to a new CSV
$Table | Sort 'Size (Bytes)' –Descending | Export-CSV –Path $TempLocation\$ExportedFilesCSV –NoTypeInformation –UseCulture
# Export the largest 100 results into html format
$Table |
Sort 'Size (Bytes)' –Descending |
Select –First 100 |
ConvertTo-Html –Property 'Name', 'Size (Bytes)', 'Size (KB)', 'Size (MB)', 'Size (GB)' –Head $style –Body "
100 largest files on $env:COMPUTERNAME
" –CssUri "http://www.w3schools.com/lib/w3.css" |
Out-String | Out-File $TempLocation\$ExportedFilesHTML
#region Folders
# Remove the first 2 rows from the CSVs to leave just the relevant data
$CSVContent = Get-Content –Path $TempLocation\$FoldersCSV –ReadCount 0
$CSVContent = $CSVContent | Select –Skip 1
$CSVContent = $CSVContent | Select –Skip 1
# Create a table to store the results
$Table = [System.Data.DataTable]::new("Directory Structure")
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Name", [System.String]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (Bytes)", [System.Int64]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (KB)", [System.Decimal]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (MB)", [System.Decimal]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Size (GB)", [System.Decimal]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Files", [System.String]))
[void]$Table.Columns.Add([System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Folders", [System.String]))
# Populate the table from the CSV data
Foreach ($csvrow in $CSVContent) {
$Content = $csvrow.split(',')
[void]$Table.rows.Add($($Content[0].Replace('"', '')), $Content[2], ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1KB), 2)), ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1MB), 2)), ([math]::Round(($Content[2] / 1GB), 2)), $Content[5], $Content[6])
# Export the table to a new CSV
$Table | Sort 'Size (Bytes)' –Descending | Export-CSV –Path $TempLocation\$ExportedFoldersCSV –NoTypeInformation –UseCulture
# Export the largest 100 results into html format
$Table |
Sort 'Size (Bytes)' –Descending |
Select –First 100 |
ConvertTo-Html –Property 'Name', 'Size (Bytes)', 'Size (KB)', 'Size (MB)', 'Size (GB)', 'Files', 'Folders' –Head $style –Body "