#!/bin/bash # Tactical RMM install troubleshooting script # Contributed by https://github.com/dinger1986 # v1.1 1/21/2022 update to include all services # This script asks for the 3 subdomains, checks they exist, checks they resolve locally and remotely (using google dns for remote), # checks services are running, checks ports are opened. The only part that will make the script stop is if the sub domains dont exist, theres literally no point in going further if thats the case GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # Resolve Locally used DNS server locdns=$(resolvectl | grep 'Current DNS Server:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}') while [[ $rmmdomain != *[.]*[.]* ]] do echo -ne "${YELLOW}Enter the subdomain for the backend (e.g. api.example.com)${NC}: " read rmmdomain done if ping -c 1 $rmmdomain &> /dev/null then echo -ne ${GREEN} Verified $rmmdomain | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} $rmmdomain doesnt exist please create it or check for a typo | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" printf >&2 "You will have a log file called checklog.log in the directory you ran this script from\n\n" printf >&2 "\n\n" exit fi while [[ $frontenddomain != *[.]*[.]* ]] do echo -ne "${YELLOW}Enter the subdomain for the frontend (e.g. rmm.example.com)${NC}: " read frontenddomain done if ping -c 1 $frontenddomain &> /dev/null then echo -ne ${GREEN} Verified $frontenddomain | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} $frontenddomain doesnt exist please create it or check for a typo | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" printf >&2 "You will have a log file called checklog.log in the directory you ran this script from\n\n" printf >&2 "\n\n" exit fi while [[ $meshdomain != *[.]*[.]* ]] do echo -ne "${YELLOW}Enter the subdomain for meshcentral (e.g. mesh.example.com)${NC}: " read meshdomain done if ping -c 1 $meshdomain &> /dev/null then echo -ne ${GREEN} Verified $meshdomain | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} $meshdomain doesnt exist please create it or check for a typo | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "You will have a log file called checklog.log in the directory you ran this script from\n\n" printf >&2 "\n\n" exit fi while [[ $domain != *[.]* ]] do echo -ne "${YELLOW}Enter yourdomain used for letsencrypt (e.g. example.com)${NC}: " read domain done echo -ne ${YELLOW} Checking IPs | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" # Check rmmdomain IPs locapiip=`dig @"$locdns" +short $rmmdomain` remapiip=`dig @ +short $rmmdomain` if [ "$locapiip" = "$remapiip" ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success $rmmdomain is Locally Resolved: "$locapiip" Remotely Resolved: "$remapiip" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} Locally Resolved: "$locapiip" Remotely Resolved: "$remapiip" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} Your Local and Remote IP for $rmmdomain all agents will require non-public DNS to find TRMM server | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # Check Frontenddomain IPs locrmmip=`dig @"$locdns" +short $frontenddomain` remrmmip=`dig @ +short $frontenddomain` if [ "$locrmmip" = "$remrmmip" ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success $frontenddomain is Locally Resolved: "$locrmmip" Remotely Resolved: "$remrmmip"| tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} Locally Resolved: "$locrmmip" Remotely Resolved: "$remrmmip" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} echo Your Local and Remote IP for $frontenddomain all agents will require non-public DNS to find TRMM server | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # Check meshdomain IPs locmeship=`dig @"$locdns" +short $meshdomain` remmeship=`dig @ +short $meshdomain` if [ "$locmeship" = "$remmeship" ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success $meshdomain is Locally Resolved: "$locmeship" Remotely Resolved: "$remmeship" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log else echo -ne ${RED} Locally Resolved: "$locmeship" Remotely Resolved: "$remmeship" | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} Your Local and Remote IP for $meshdomain all agents will require non-public DNS to find TRMM server | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log fi echo -ne ${YELLOW} Checking Services | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" # Check if services are running rmmstatus=$(systemctl is-active rmm) daphnestatus=$(systemctl is-active daphne) celerystatus=$(systemctl is-active celery) celerybeatstatus=$(systemctl is-active celerybeat) nginxstatus=$(systemctl is-active nginx) natsstatus=$(systemctl is-active nats) natsapistatus=$(systemctl is-active nats-api) meshcentralstatus=$(systemctl is-active meshcentral) mongodstatus=$(systemctl is-active mongod) postgresqlstatus=$(systemctl is-active postgresql) redisserverstatus=$(systemctl is-active redis-server) # RMM Service if [ $rmmstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success RMM Service is Running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'RMM Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # daphne Service if [ $daphnestatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success daphne Service is Running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'daphne Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # celery Service if [ $celerystatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success celery Service is Running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'celery Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # celerybeat Service if [ $celerybeatstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success celerybeat Service is Running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'celerybeat Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # nginx Service if [ $nginxstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success nginx Service is Running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'nginx Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # nats Service if [ $natsstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success nats Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'nats Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # nats-api Service if [ $natsapistatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success nats-api Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'nats-api Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # meshcentral Service if [ $meshcentralstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success meshcentral Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'meshcentral Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # mongod Service if [ $mongodstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success mongod Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'mongod Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # postgresql Service if [ $postgresqlstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success postgresql Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'postgresql Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # redis-server Service if [ $redisserverstatus = active ]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} Success redis-server Service is running | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else printf >&2 "\n\n" | tee -a checklog.log echo -ne ${RED} 'redis-server Service isnt running (Tactical wont work without this)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi echo -ne ${YELLOW} Checking Open Ports | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" #Get WAN IP wanip=$(dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short) echo -ne ${GREEN} WAN IP is $wanip | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" #Check if NATs Port is open if ( nc -zv $wanip 4222 2>&1 >/dev/null ); then echo -ne ${GREEN} 'NATs Port is open' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} 'NATs port is closed (you may want this if running locally only)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi #Check if HTTPs Port is open if ( nc -zv $wanip 443 2>&1 >/dev/null ); then echo -ne ${GREEN} 'HTTPs Port is open' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} 'HTTPs port is closed (you may want this if running locally only)' | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi echo -ne ${YELLOW} Checking For Proxy | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" echo -ne ${YELLOW} ......this might take a while!! printf >&2 "\n\n" # Detect Proxy via cert proxyext=$(openssl s_client -showcerts -servername $remapiip -connect $remapiip:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text) proxyint=$(openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text) if [[ $proxyext == $proxyint ]]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} No Proxy detected using Certificate | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} Proxy detected using Certificate | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi # Detect Proxy via IP if [ $wanip != $remrmmip ]; then echo -ne ${RED} Proxy detected using IP | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${GREEN} No Proxy detected using IP | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi echo -ne ${YELLOW} Checking SSL Certificate is up to date | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" #SSL Certificate check cert=$(openssl verify -CAfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/$domain/chain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/$domain/cert.pem) if [[ "$cert" == *"OK"* ]]; then echo -ne ${GREEN} SSL Certificate for $domain is fine | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" else echo -ne ${RED} SSL Certificate has expired or doesnt exist for $domain | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" fi echo -ne ${YELLOW} Getting summary output of logs | tee -a checklog.log tail /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/tacticalrmm/private/log/django_debug.log | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" tail /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/tacticalrmm/private/log/error.log | tee -a checklog.log printf >&2 "\n\n" printf >&2 "\n\n" echo -ne ${YELLOW} printf >&2 "You will have a log file called checklog.log in the directory you ran this script from\n\n" echo -ne ${NC}