rework alert template form into a stepper. Add better docs for Alert Templates
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# Alerting Overview
## Notification Types
* *Email Alerts* - Sends email
* *SMS Alerts* - Sends text message
* *Dashboard Alerts* - Adds a notification in the dashboard alert icon
## Alert Severities
* Informational
* Warning
* Error
#### Agents
Agent offline alerts always have an error severity.
#### Checks
Checks can be configured to create alerts with different severities
* Memory and Cpuload checks can be configured with a warning and error threshold. To disable one of them put in a 0.
* Script checks allow for information and warning return codes. Everything else, besides a 0 will result in an error severity.
* Event Log, service, and ping checks require you to set the severity to information, warning, or error.
#### Automated Tasks
For automated tasks, you set the what the alert severity should be directly on the task.
## Configure Alert Templates
Alert template allow you to setup alerting and notifications on many agents at once. Alert templates can be applied to Sites, Client, Automation Policies, and in the Global Settings.
To create an alert template, go to Settings > Alerts Manager. Then click New
In the form, give the alert template a name and make sure it is enabled.
Optionally setup any of the below settings:
* *Failure Action* - Runs the selected script once on any agent. This is useful for running one-time tasks like sending an http request to an external system to create a ticket.
* *Failure action args* - Optionally pass in arguments to the failure script.
* *Failure action timeout* - Sets the timeout for the script.
* *Resolved action* - Runs the selected script once on any agent if the alert is resolved. This is useful for running onetime tasks like sending an http request to an external system to close the ticket that was created.
* *Resolved action args* - Optionally pass in arguments to the resolved script.
* *Resolved action timeout* - Sets the timeout for the script.
* *Email Recipients* - Overrides the default email recipients in Global Settings.
* *From Email* - Overrides the From email address in Global Settings.
* *SMS Recipients* - Overrides the SMS recipients in Global Settings.
* *Include desktops* - Will apply to desktops
#### agent/check/task settings
* *Email on resolved* - Sends a email when the alert clears
* *Text on resolved* - Sends a text when the alert clears
* *Always email* - This enables the email notification setting on the agent/check/task
* *Always sms* - This enables the text notification setting on the agent/check/task
* *Always dashboard alert* - This enables the dashboard alert notification setting on the agent/check/task
* *Periodic notification* - This sets up a periodic notification on for the agent/check/task alert
* *Alert on severity* - When configured, will only send a notification through the corresponding channel if the alert is of the specified severity
## Applying Alert Templates
Alerts are applied in the following over. The agent picks the closest matching alert template.
* Right-click on any Client or Site and go to Assign Alert Template
* In Automation Manager, click on Assign Alert Template for the policy you want to apply it to
* In Global Settings, select the default alert template
1. Policy w/ Alert Template applied to Site
2. Site
3. Policy w/ Alert Template applied to Client
4. Client
5. Default Alert Template
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Alerting Overview
Alerting and notifications can be managed centrally using Alert Templates. All an alert template does is configure the Email, Text and Dashboard alert check boxes on Agents, Checks, and Automated Tasks.
Using Alert Templates also enables additional feature like:
- Periodic notifications if an alert is left unresolved
- Being able to notify on certain alert severities
- Sending notifications when an alert is resolved
- Executing scripts when an alert is triggered or resolved
## Supported Notifications
- **Email Alerts** - Sends email to configured set of email addresses
- **SMS Alerts** - Sends text messages to configured set of numbers
- **Dashboard Alerts** - A notification popup will show up and be visible in the dashboard
## Alert Severities
Agent overdue alerts are always of severity Error
Alert severities are configured directly on the Check or Automated Task. When the Check/Automated Task fails, it will create an alert of the specified severity. The severity types are:
- Informational
- Warning
- Error
## Adding Alert Templates
To create an alert template, go to **Settings > Alerts Manager**. Then click **New**
The available options are:
### General Settings
- **Name** - The name that is used to identify the Alert Template in the dashboard
- **Email Recipients** - Sets the list of email recipients. If this isn't set the email recipients will global settings will be used.
- **From Email** - Sets the From email address of the notification. If this isn't set the From address from global settings is used.
- **SMS Recipients** - Sets the list of text recipients. If this isn't set the sms list from global settings is used.
### Action Settings
- **Failure Action** - Runs the selected script once on any agent. This is useful for running one-time tasks like sending an http request to an external system to create a ticket.
- **Failure Action Args** - Optionally pass in arguments to the failure script.
- **Failure Action Timeout** - Sets the timeout for the script.
- **Resolved Action** - Runs the selected script once on any agent if the alert is resolved. This is useful for running one-time tasks like sending an http request to an external system to close the ticket that was created.
- **Resolved Action Args** - Optionally pass in arguments to the resolved script.
- **Resolved Action Timeout** - Sets the timeout for the script.
### Agent/Check/Task Failure Settings
- **Email** - When **Enabled**, will send an email notification and override the Email Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task. When **Not Configured**, the Email Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task will take effect. If **Disabled**, no email notifications will be sent and will override any Email alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task
- **Text** - When **Enabled**, will send a text notification and override the SMS Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task. When **Not Configured**, the SMS Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task will take effect. If **Disabled**, no SMS notifications will be sent and will override any SMS Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task
- **Dashboard** - When **Enabled**, will send a dashboard notification and override the Dashboard Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task. When **Not Configured**, the Dashboard Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task will take effect. If **Disabled**, no SMS notifications will be sent and will override any Dashboard Alert checkbox on the Agent/Check/Task
- **Alert again if not resolved after (days)** - This sends another notification if the alert isn't resolved after the set amount of days. Set to 0 to disable this
- **Alert on severity** - Only applicable to Check and Task alert notifications. This will only send alerts when they are of the configured severity.
Alert on Severity needs to be configured for check and task notifications to be sent!
### Agent/Check/Task Resolved Settings
- **Email** - If enabled, sends an email notification when an alert is resolved
- **Text** - If enabled, sends a text messaged when an alert is resolved
## Applying Alert Templates
Alert templates can be configured Globally, through an Automation Policy, or set directly on the Client or Site.
- To apply **Globally**, navigate to **Settings > Global Settings**. Set the **Alert Template** dropdown and save.
- You can configure an alert template on an automation policy by navigating to **Settings > Automation Manager**, and clicking the **Assign Alert Template** click on the policy, or right-clicking the policy and selecting **Assign Alert Template**
- To configure on a Client or Site, right-click on one in the Client/Site tree view and select **Assign Alert Template**
## Alert Template Exclusions
You can exclude Clients, Sites, and Agents from alert templates. To do this you can:
- right-click on the **Alert Template** in **Alerts Manager** and select **Exclusions**
- select the **Alert Exclusions** link in the Alert Template row.
You can also **Exclude Desktops** from the alert template. This is useful if you only care about servers.
## Alert Template inheritance
Alerts are applied in the following over. The agent picks the closest matching alert template.
1. Policy w/ Alert Template applied to Site
2. Site
3. Policy w/ Alert Template applied to Client
4. Client
5. Default Alert Template
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Automation Policies
Automation policies in Tactical RMM allow for mass deployment of Checks, Automated Tasks, Patch Policies, and Alert Templates. You can apply Automation Policies to:
- Global Settings
- Client
- Site
- Agent
## Adding Automation Policies
In the dashboard, navigate to **Settings > Automation Manager**. Use the **Add** button to create a blank Automation Policy. The options available are:
- **Name** - The name that will be used to identify the automation policy in the dashboard
- **Description** - Optional description of the automation policy
- **Enabled** - Specifies if the automation policy is active or not
- **Enforced** - Specifies that the automation policy should overwrite any conflicting checks configured directly on the agent
## Policy Inheritance
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ nav:
- "Remote Background": functions/
- "URL Actions": functions/
- "Maintenance Mode": functions/
- "Alerting":
- "Alerting": functions/
- "User Interface Preferences": functions/
- "Django Admin": functions/
- Backup:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<q-dialog ref="dialog" @hide="onHide">
<q-card style="width: 50vw; max-width: 50vw">
<q-card style="width: 90vw; max-width: 90vw">
{{ title }}
<q-space />
@ -8,28 +8,106 @@
<q-tooltip content-class="bg-white text-primary">Close</q-tooltip>
<q-form ref="form" @submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<q-scroll-area :thumb-style="thumbStyle" style="height: 60vh">
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">Name</div>
<div class="col-10">
<q-input outlined dense v-model="" :rules="[val => !!val || '*Required']" />
<div class="col-12">
<q-toggle v-model="template.is_active" color="green" label="Enabled" left-label />
<q-stepper v-model="step" ref="stepper" alternative-labels header-nav color="primary" animated>
<q-step :name="1" :error="! && step > 1" title="General Settings" icon="settings">
<q-card flat>
:rules="[val => !!val || '*Required']"
<div class="col-2 q-my-sm">
<q-toggle v-model="template.is_active" color="green" label="Enabled" left-label />
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">Email Settings (Overrides global email settings)</div>
<q-input label="Email From address" class="q-mb-sm" outlined dense v-model="template.email_from" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mb-sm">Email recipients</div>
<div class="col-4 q-mb-sm">
<q-list dense v-if="template.email_recipients.length !== 0">
<q-item v-for="email in template.email_recipients" :key="email" dense>
<q-item-label>{{ email }}</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side>
<q-icon class="cursor-pointer" name="delete" color="red" @click="removeEmail(email)" />
<q-list v-else>
<q-item-label>No recipients</q-item-label>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm"></div>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm">
<q-btn size="sm" icon="fas fa-plus" color="secondary" label="Add email" @click="toggleAddEmail" />
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">SMS Settings (Overrides global SMS settings)</div>
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mb-sm">SMS recipients</div>
<div class="col-4 q-mb-md">
<q-list dense v-if="template.text_recipients.length !== 0">
<q-item v-for="num in template.text_recipients" :key="num" dense>
<q-item-label>{{ num }}</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side>
<q-icon class="cursor-pointer" name="delete" color="red" @click="removeSMSNumber(num)" />
<q-list v-else>
<q-item-label>No recipients</q-item-label>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm"></div>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm">
icon="fas fa-plus"
label="Add sms number"
<q-step :name="2" title="Alert Actions" icon="warning">
<q-card flat>
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Failure action
>Alert Failure Settings
Optionally run a script on an agent when it triggers an alert. This will be run once per alert, and
may run on any online agent.</q-tooltip
The selected script will run when an alert is triggered. This script will run on any online agent.
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
label="Failure action"
@ -50,11 +128,9 @@
<div class="col-2 q-my-sm">Failure action args</div>
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
label="Failure action arguments (press Enter after typing each argument)"
@ -66,11 +142,10 @@
<div class="col-2">Failure action timeout (seconds)</div>
<div class="col-10">
label="Failure action timeout (seconds)"
@ -81,19 +156,21 @@
val => val <= 60 || 'Timeout must be 60 or less',
<div class="col-2 q-my-sm">
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Resolved action
>Alert Resolved Settings
Optionally run a script on an agent when the alert is resolved. This will be run once per alert, and
may run on any online agent.</q-tooltip
The selected script will run when an alert is resolved. This script will run on any online agent.
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
label="Resolved Action"
@ -114,11 +191,9 @@
<div class="col-2 q-my-sm">Resolved action args</div>
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
label="Resolved action arguments (press Enter after typing each argument)"
@ -130,11 +205,10 @@
<div class="col-2">Resolved action timeout (seconds)</div>
<div class="col-10">
label="Resolved action timeout (seconds)"
@ -145,152 +219,110 @@
val => val <= 60 || 'Timeout must be 60 or less',
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">Email Settings (Overrides global email settings)</div>
<q-separator class="q-mb-sm" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mb-sm">Email recipients</div>
<div class="col-4 q-mb-sm">
<q-list dense v-if="template.email_recipients.length !== 0">
<q-item v-for="email in template.email_recipients" :key="email" dense>
<q-item-label>{{ email }}</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side>
<q-icon class="cursor-pointer" name="delete" color="red" @click="removeEmail(email)" />
<q-list v-else>
<q-item-label>No recipients</q-item-label>
<q-step :name="3" title="Agent Overdue Settings" icon="devices">
<q-card flat>
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Alert Failure Settings
Select what notifications should be sent when an agent is overdue. Enabled will override the agent
notification setting sand always notify. Not configured will use what notification settings are
configured on the agent. Disabled will override the agent notification settings and never notify.
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm"></div>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm">
<q-btn size="sm" icon="fas fa-plus" color="secondary" label="Add email" @click="toggleAddEmail" />
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">Email From address</div>
<div class="col-10">
<q-input class="q-mb-sm" outlined dense v-model="template.email_from" />
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">SMS Settings (Overrides global SMS settings)</div>
<q-separator class="q-mb-sm" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mb-sm">SMS recipients</div>
<div class="col-4 q-mb-md">
<q-list dense v-if="template.text_recipients.length !== 0">
<q-item v-for="num in template.text_recipients" :key="num" dense>
<q-item-label>{{ num }}</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side>
<q-icon class="cursor-pointer" name="delete" color="red" @click="removeSMSNumber(num)" />
<q-list v-else>
<q-item-label>No recipients</q-item-label>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm"></div>
<div class="col-3 q-mb-sm">
icon="fas fa-plus"
label="Add sms number"
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">Agent Alert Settings</div>
<q-separator class="q-mb-sm" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_email_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Email on resolved<q-tooltip>Sends an email when agent is back online</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_text_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Text on resolved<q-tooltip>Sends an SMS message when agent is back online</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4"></div>
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_always_email" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always email<q-tooltip
>Overrides the email alert option on the agent if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_always_text" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always sms<q-tooltip
>Overrides the sms alert option on the agent if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_always_alert" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always dashboard alert<q-tooltip
>Overrides the dashboard alert option on the agents if configured. Default: Not
<div class="col-3 q-mt-sm">Periodic notification (days)</div>
<div class="col-2">
label="Alert again if not resolved after (days)"
:rules="[val => val >= 0 || 'Periodic days must be 0 or greater']"
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">Check Alert Settings</div>
<q-separator class="q-mb-sm" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-my-sm">
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Email on severity<q-tooltip>Sends a email only on selected severities</q-tooltip></span
>Alert Resolved Settings
<q-tooltip> Select what notifications should be sent when an overdue agent is back online. </q-tooltip>
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_email_on_resolved" label="Email" color="green" left-label />
<q-toggle v-model="template.agent_text_on_resolved" label="Text" color="green" left-label />
<q-step :name="4" title="Check Settings" icon="fas fa-check-double">
<q-card flat>
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Alert Failure Settings
Select what notifications are sent when a check fails. Enabled will override the check notification
settings and always notify. Not configured will use the notification settings configured on the check.
Disabled will override the check notification settings and never notify.
label="Only email on alert severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive email notifications"
@ -301,15 +333,12 @@
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>SMS on severity <q-tooltip>Sends a SMS message only on selected severities</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-10">
label="Only text on alert severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive text notifications"
@ -320,16 +349,12 @@
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Dashboard alert on severity
<q-tooltip>Adds an alert in the dashboard only on selected severities</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-10 q-mt-sm">
label="Only show dashboard alert on severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive dashboard notifications"
@ -340,83 +365,73 @@
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_email_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Email on resolved <q-tooltip>Sends an email when check alert has resolved</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_text_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Text on resolved <q-tooltip>Sends an SMS message when check alert has resolved</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4"></div>
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_always_email" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always email
>Overrides the email alert setting on checks if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_always_text" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always sms
>Overrides the SMS alert setting on checks if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_always_alert" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always dashboard alert
>Overrides the dashboard alert option on the agents if configured. Default: Not
<div class="col-3 q-mt-sm">Periodic notification (days)</div>
<div class="col-2">
label="Alert again if not resolved after (days)"
:rules="[val => val >= 0 || 'Periodic days must be 0 or greater']"
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">Automated Task Alert Settings</div>
<q-separator class="q-my-sm" />
<q-card-section class="row">
<div class="col-2 q-mb-sm">
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Email on severity
<q-tooltip>Sends a email only on selected severities</q-tooltip>
>Alert Resolved Settings
<q-tooltip> Select what notifications are sent when a failed check is resolved. </q-tooltip>
<div class="col-10 q-mb-sm">
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_email_on_resolved" label="Email" color="green" left-label />
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_text_on_resolved" label="Text" color="green" left-label />
<q-step :name="5" title="Automated Task Settings" icon="fas fa-tasks">
<q-card flat>
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Alert Failure Settings
Select what notifications are sent when an automated task fails. Enabled will override the task
notification settings and always notify. Not configured will use the notification settings configured
on the task. Disabled will override the task notification settings and never notify.
label="Only email on alert severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive email notifications"
@ -427,14 +442,12 @@
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>SMS on severity <q-tooltip>Sends an SMS message only on selected severities</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-10">
label="Only text on alert severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive text notifications"
@ -445,16 +458,12 @@
<div class="col-2 q-mt-sm">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Dashboard alert on severity
<q-tooltip>Adds an alert in the dashboard only on selected severities</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-10 q-mt-sm">
label="Only show dashboard alert on severity"
hint="This needs to be set in order to receive dashboard notifications"
@ -465,76 +474,47 @@
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_email_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Email on resolved <q-tooltip>Sends an email when task alert has resolved</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_text_on_resolved" color="green" left-label>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Text on resolved <q-tooltip>Sends an SMS message when task alert has resolved</q-tooltip></span
<div class="col-4"></div>
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_always_email" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always email
>Overrides the email alert option on the task if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_always_text" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always sms
>Overrides the SMS alert option on the task if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-4">
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_always_alert" color="green" left-label toggle-indeterminate>
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Always dashboard alert
>Overrides the dashboard alert option on the task if configured. Default: Not Configured</q-tooltip
<div class="col-3 q-mt-sm">Periodic notification (days)</div>
<div class="col-2">
label="Alert again if not resolved (days)"
:rules="[val => val >= 0]"
:rules="[val => val >= 0 || 'Periodic days must be 0 or greater']"
<q-card-actions align="right">
<q-btn dense flat label="Cancel" v-close-popup />
<q-btn dense flat label="Save" color="primary" type="submit" />
<div class="q-pl-md text-subtitle1">
<span style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: help"
>Alert Resolved Settings
<q-tooltip> Select what notifications are sent when a failed task is resolved. </q-tooltip>
<q-toggle v-model="template.task_email_on_resolved" label="Email" color="green" left-label />
<q-toggle v-model="template.check_text_on_resolved" label="Text" color="green" left-label />
<template v-slot:navigation>
<q-stepper-navigation class="row">
v-if="step > 1"
<q-btn v-if="step < 5" @click="$" color="primary" label="Next" />
<q-space />
<q-btn @click="onSubmit" color="primary" label="Submit" />
@ -549,6 +529,7 @@ export default {
props: { alertTemplate: Object },
data() {
return {
step: 1,
template: {
name: "",
is_active: true,
@ -664,6 +645,11 @@ export default {
this.template.text_recipients = removed;
onSubmit() {
if (! {
this.notifyError("Name needs to be set");
if (this.editing) {
Reference in New Issue