check if meshcentral is ready first before trying to generate the login key, instead of just waiting 30 seconds and hoping it will be finished installing it's plugins by then

This commit is contained in:
wh1te909 2020-08-16 00:50:17 +00:00
parent 977c89bc73
commit 45cf776c00
1 changed files with 20 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -647,11 +647,20 @@ done
sleep 5
sudo systemctl enable meshcentral
print_green 'Restarting meshcentral and waiting for it to install plugins'
print_green 'Starting meshcentral and waiting for it to install plugins'
sudo systemctl restart meshcentral
sleep 30
sleep 3
# The first time we start meshcentral, it will need some time to generate certs and install plugins.
# This will take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the server's hardware
# We will know it's ready once the last line of the systemd service stdout is 'MeshCentral HTTP server running on port.....'
while ! [[ $CHECK_MESH_READY ]]; do
CHECK_MESH_READY=$(sudo journalctl -u meshcentral.service -b --no-pager | grep "MeshCentral HTTP server running on port")
echo -ne "${GREEN}Mesh Central not ready yet...${NC}\n"
sleep 3
print_green 'Generating meshcentral login token key'
@ -667,15 +676,24 @@ echo "${meshtoken}" | tee --append /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/tacticalrmm/local_settin
print_green 'Creating meshcentral account and group'
sudo systemctl stop meshcentral
sleep 3
cd /meshcentral
node node_modules/meshcentral --createaccount ${meshusername} --pass ${MESHPASSWD} --email ${letsemail}
sleep 2
node node_modules/meshcentral --adminaccount ${meshusername}
sudo systemctl start meshcentral
sleep 5
while ! [[ $CHECK_MESH_READY2 ]]; do
CHECK_MESH_READY2=$(sudo journalctl -u meshcentral.service -b --no-pager | grep "MeshCentral HTTP server running on port")
echo -ne "${GREEN}Mesh Central not ready yet...${NC}\n"
sleep 3
node node_modules/meshcentral/meshctrl.js --url wss://${meshdomain}:443 --loginuser ${meshusername} --loginpass ${MESHPASSWD} AddDeviceGroup --name TacticalRMM
sleep 5
MESHEXE=$(node node_modules/meshcentral/meshctrl.js --url wss://${meshdomain}:443 --loginuser ${meshusername} --loginpass ${MESHPASSWD} GenerateInviteLink --group TacticalRMM --hours 8)
cd /rmm/api/tacticalrmm