Script add - RAM status

This commit is contained in:
silversword411 2021-04-11 09:13:47 -04:00
parent a251ae9b90
commit 27dae05e1b
2 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,15 @@
"shell": "powershell",
"category": "TRMM (Win):Hardware"
"guid": "ae231ac4-b01f-4a39-a9d2-3d817af75260",
"filename": "Win_Hardware_RAM_Status.ps1",
"submittedBy": "",
"name": "RAM - Check Information",
"description": "Retreives and reports on RAM info: DIMM's, total memory, slots total and used",
"shell": "powershell",
"category": "TRMM (Win):Hardware"
"guid": "95a2ee6f-b89b-4551-856e-3081b041caa7",
"filename": "Win_Reset_High_Performance_Power_Profile_to_Defaults.ps1",

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#Identifies Computer RAM capacity and status
[string]$Computername = "localhost"
$PysicalMemory = Get-WmiObject -class "win32_physicalmemory" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -ComputerName $Computername
Write-Host "RAM Modules:" -ForegroundColor Green
$PysicalMemory | Format-Table Tag, BankLabel, @{n = "Capacity(GB)"; e = { $_.Capacity / 1GB } }, Manufacturer, PartNumber, Speed -AutoSize
Write-Host "Total Memory:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "$((($PysicalMemory).Capacity | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum/1GB)GB"
$TotalSlots = ((Get-WmiObject -Class "win32_PhysicalMemoryArray" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -ComputerName $Computername).MemoryDevices | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
Write-Host "`nTotal Memory Slots:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host $TotalSlots
$UsedSlots = (($PysicalMemory) | Measure-Object).Count
Write-Host "`nUsed Memory Slots:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host $UsedSlots
If ($UsedSlots -eq $TotalSlots) {
Write-Host "All memory slots are filled up, none is empty!" -ForegroundColor Yellow