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206 lines
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Allows listing, finding and uninstalling most software on Windows. There will be a best effort to uninstall silently if the silent
uninstall string is not provided.
Allows listing, finding and uninstalling most software on Windows. There will be a best effort to uninstall silently if the silent
uninstall string is not provided.
-list Will list all installed 32-bit and 64-bit software installed on the target machine.
-list "<software name>" will find a particular application installed giving you the uninstall string and quiet uninstall string if it exists
-list "<software name>" -u "<uninstall string>" will allow you to uninstall the software from the Windows machine silently
-list "<software name>" -u "<quiet uninstall string>" will allow you to uninstall the software from the Windows machine silently
Follow the steps below via script arguments to find and then uninstall VLC Media Player.
Step 1: -list "vlc"
Step 1 result:
1 results
Name: VLC media player
Version: 3.0.12
Uninstall String: "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe"
Step 2: -list "vlc" -u "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe"
Step 3: Will get result back stating if the application has been uninstalled or not.
For a more complex uninstall of for example the Bentley CONNECTION Client with extra arguments.
Step 1: -list "CONNECTION Client"
Step 1 result:
2 results
Silent Uninstall String: "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54c12e19-d8a1-4c26-80cd-6af08f602d4f}\Setup_CONNECTIONClientx64_11.00.03.14.exe" /uninstall /quiet
Uninstall String: MsiExec.exe /X{BF2011BD-2485-4CBA-BBFB-93205438C75B}
Step 2: -list "CONNECTION Client" -u "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54c12e19-d8a1-4c26-80cd-6af08f602d4f}\Setup_CONNECTIONClientx64_11.00.03.14.exe" -args "/uninstall /quiet"
Step 3: Will get result back stating if the application has been uninstalled or not.
See https://github.com/subzdev/uninstall_software/blob/main/uninstall_software.ps1 . If you have extra additions please feel free to contribute and create PR
v1.0 - 8/18/2021 Initial release
$Paths = @("HKLM:\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\*", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\*", "HKU:\*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*")
$null = New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root Registry::HKEY_USERS
If ($list -And !($find) -And !($u) -And !($args)) {
$ResultCount = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-Object { $_.UninstallString -notlike "" } | Measure-Object).Count
Write-Output "$($ResultCount) results `r"
Write-Output "********** `n"
foreach ($app in Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-Object { $_.UninstallString -notlike "" } | Sort-Object DisplayName) {
if ($app.UninstallString) {
$UninstallString = if ($app.QuietUninstallString) { "Silent Uninstall String: $($app.QuietUninstallString)" } else { "Uninstall String: $($app.UninstallString)" }
Write-Output "Name: $($app.DisplayName)"
Write-Output "Version: $($app.DisplayVersion)"
Write-Output $UninstallString
Write-Output "`r"
Write-Output "**********"
Write-Output "`r"
else {
If ($list -And $find -And !($u)) {
$FindResults = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-object { $_.Displayname -match [regex]::Escape($find) } | Measure-Object).Count
Write-Output "`r"
Write-Output "$($FindResults) results `r"
Write-Output "********** `n"
foreach ($app in Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-Object { $_.Displayname -match [regex]::Escape($find) } | Sort-Object DisplayName) {
if ($app.UninstallString) {
$UninstallString = if ($app.QuietUninstallString) { "Silent Uninstall String: $($app.QuietUninstallString)" } else { "Uninstall String: $($app.UninstallString)" }
Write-Output "Name: $($app.DisplayName)"
Write-Output "Version: $($app.DisplayVersion)"
Write-Output $UninstallString
Write-Output "`r"
Write-Output "**********"
Write-Output "`r"
else {
#uninstall code 32-bit and 64-bit
Function WithArgs ($u, $exeargs) {
Start-Process -Filepath "$u" -ArgumentList $exeargs -Wait
$UninstallTest = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-object { $_.UninstallString -match [regex]::Escape($u) }).DisplayName
If ($UninstallTest) {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has not been uninstalled"
else {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has been uninstalled"
$AppName = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-object { $_.UninstallString -match [regex]::Escape($u) }).DisplayName
If ($list -And $find -And $u -Or $u -And !($list)) {
If ($u -Match [regex]::Escape("MsiExec")) {
$MsiArguments = $u -Replace "MsiExec.exe /I", "/X" -Replace "MsiExec.exe ", ""
Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "$MsiArguments /quiet /norestart" -Wait
$UninstallTest = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-object { $_.UninstallString -match [regex]::Escape($u) }).DisplayName
If ($UninstallTest) {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has not been uninstalled"
else {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has been uninstalled"
else {
If (Test-Path -Path "$u" -PathType Leaf) {
If ($args) {
$exeargs = $args + ' ' + "/S /SILENT /VERYSILENT /NORESTART"
WithArgs $u $exeargs
else {
WithArgs $u $exeargs
else {
Write-Output "The path '$($u)' does not exist."
If ($list -And $u) {
If ($u -Match [regex]::Escape("MsiExec")) {
$MsiArguments = $u -Replace "MsiExec.exe /I", "/X" -Replace "MsiExec.exe ", ""
Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "$MsiArguments /quiet /norestart" -Wait
$UninstallTest = (Get-ItemProperty $Paths | Where-object { $_.UninstallString -match [regex]::Escape($u) }).DisplayName
If ($UninstallTest) {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has not been uninstalled"
else {
Write-Output "$($AppName) has been uninstalled"
else {
If (Test-Path -Path "$u" -PathType Leaf) {
If ($args) {
$exeargs = $args + ' ' + "/S /SILENT /VERYSILENT /NORESTART"
WithArgs $u $exeargs
else {
WithArgs $u $exeargs
else {
Write-Output "The path '$($u)' does not exist."