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2021-03-27 04:47:11 +00:00
## Copied from https://github.com/ThatsNASt/tacticalrmm to add to new pull request for https://github.com/wh1te909/tacticalrmm
function Log-Message {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
if ($LogFile) {
Write-Output ("{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date), $LogMessage) | Out-File -Append $LogFile
if ($Echo) {
Write-Output ("{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date), $LogMessage)
Else {
Write-Output ("{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date), $LogMessage)
$log = "BitlockerReport.txt"
#Find BL info
$mbde = [string](manage-bde -status)
$mbdeProt = (manage-bde -protectors -get c: | Select-Object -Skip 6)
#Dig out the recovery password, check for PIN
ForEach ($line in $mbdeProt) {
if ($line -like "******-******-******-******-******-******-******-******") {
$RecoveryPassword = $line.Trim()
if ($line -like "*TPM And PIN:*") {
$PIN = $true
#Determine BL status
if ($mbde.Contains("Fully Decrypted")) {
$Encrypted = "No"
if ($mbde.Contains("Fully Encrypted")) {
$Encrypted = "Yes"
if ($mbde.Contains("Encryption in Progress")) {
$Encrypted = "InProgress"
if ($mbde.Contains("Decryption in Progress")) {
$Encrypted = "InProgressNo"
#Check for recovery password, report if found.
if ($RecoveryPassword) {
Try {
Log-Message "RP: $RecoveryPassword" $log e -ErrorAction Stop
#Catch for recovery password in place but encryption not active
Catch {
Log-Message "Could not retrieve recovery password, but it is enabled." $log e
if (!$RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "No Recovery Password found." $log e
#Try to make a summary for common situations
if ($Encrypted -eq "No" -and !$RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Decrypted, no password." $log e
exit 2001
if ($Encrypted -eq "No" -and $RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Decrypted, password set. Interrupted process?" $log e
exit 2002
if ($Encrypted -eq "Yes" -and !$RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Encrypted, no password." $log e
exit 2000
if ($Encrypted -eq "InProgress" -and $RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Encryption in progress, password set." $log e
exit 3000
if ($Encrypted -eq "InProgress" -and !$RecoveryPassword) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Encryption in progress, no password." $log e
exit 3001
if ($Encrypted -eq "InProgressNo") {
Log-Message "WARNING: Decryption in progress" $log e
exit 3002
if ($Encrypted -eq "Yes" -and $RecoveryPassword -and !$PIN) {
Log-Message "WARNING: Encrypted, PIN DISABLED, password is set." $log e
exit 3003
if ($Encrypted -eq "Yes" -and $RecoveryPassword -and $PIN -eq $true) {
Log-Message "SUCCESS: Encrypted, PIN enabled, password is set." $log e
Write-Host "Script check passed"
exit 0