Tactical RMM is a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django and Vue.\
It uses an [agent](https://github.com/wh1te909/winagent) written in python, as well as the [SaltStack](https://github.com/saltstack/salt) api and [MeshCentral](https://github.com/Ylianst/MeshCentral)
*Tactical RMM is currently in alpha and subject to breaking changes. Use in production at your own risk.*
The install script will begin installing stuff. When it gets to this step, create the django superuser account:
Download the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone and scan the barcode that is generated:
Once the install has finished, navigate to your meshcentral site\
Create an account. Make sure to use the same username that you entered at the beginning of the install script when prompted for "meshcentral username"\
Create a strong password (does __not__ have to be the same as the django superuser account, recommend using a different password)
Now create a device group. Name it whatever you want:
Click on "add one" and download the 64bit Mesh Agent:
You will now have a file named "meshagent64-tacticalrmm.exe" in your Downloads folder
Navigate to the rmm frontend in a new tab\
Login using the username and password you created during the install script for the django superuser\
Then enter the 6 digit code from your google authenticator app when prompted
You will be redirected to the initial setup page
Create your first client and site, then upload the ```meshagent64-tacticalrmm.exe``` from your downloads folder and click Finish: