mirror of https://github.com/stashapp/stash.git
257 lines
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257 lines
8.1 KiB
package sqlite
import (
var randomSortFloat = rand.Float64()
func selectAll(tableName string) string {
idColumn := getColumn(tableName, "*")
return "SELECT " + idColumn + " FROM " + tableName + " "
func distinctIDs(qb *queryBuilder, tableName string) {
qb.addColumn("DISTINCT " + getColumn(tableName, "id"))
qb.from = tableName
func getColumn(tableName string, columnName string) string {
return tableName + "." + columnName
func getPagination(findFilter *models.FindFilterType) string {
if findFilter == nil {
panic("nil find filter for pagination")
if findFilter.IsGetAll() {
return " "
return getPaginationSQL(findFilter.GetPage(), findFilter.GetPageSize())
func getPaginationSQL(page int, perPage int) string {
page = (page - 1) * perPage
return " LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(perPage) + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(page) + " "
func getSortDirection(direction string) string {
if direction != "ASC" && direction != "DESC" {
return "ASC"
} else {
return direction
func getSort(sort string, direction string, tableName string) string {
direction = getSortDirection(direction)
const randomSeedPrefix = "random_"
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(sort, "_count"):
var relationTableName = strings.TrimSuffix(sort, "_count") // TODO: pluralize?
colName := getColumn(relationTableName, "id")
return " ORDER BY COUNT(distinct " + colName + ") " + direction
case strings.Compare(sort, "filesize") == 0:
colName := getColumn(tableName, "size")
return " ORDER BY cast(" + colName + " as integer) " + direction
case strings.Compare(sort, "perceptual_similarity") == 0:
colName := getColumn(tableName, "phash")
secondaryColName := getColumn(tableName, "size")
return " ORDER BY " + colName + " " + direction + ", " + secondaryColName + " DESC"
case strings.HasPrefix(sort, randomSeedPrefix):
// seed as a parameter from the UI
// turn the provided seed into a float
seedStr := "0." + sort[len(randomSeedPrefix):]
seed, err := strconv.ParseFloat(seedStr, 32)
if err != nil {
// fallback to default seed
seed = randomSortFloat
return getRandomSort(tableName, direction, seed)
case strings.Compare(sort, "random") == 0:
return getRandomSort(tableName, direction, randomSortFloat)
colName := getColumn(tableName, sort)
var additional string
if tableName == "scenes" {
additional = ", bitrate DESC, framerate DESC, scenes.rating DESC, scenes.duration DESC"
} else if tableName == "scene_markers" {
additional = ", scene_markers.scene_id ASC, scene_markers.seconds ASC"
if strings.Compare(sort, "name") == 0 {
return " ORDER BY " + colName + " COLLATE NOCASE " + direction + additional
if strings.Compare(sort, "title") == 0 {
return " ORDER BY " + colName + " COLLATE NATURAL_CS " + direction + additional
return " ORDER BY " + colName + " " + direction + additional
func getRandomSort(tableName string, direction string, seed float64) string {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/24511461
colName := getColumn(tableName, "id")
randomSortString := strconv.FormatFloat(seed, 'f', 16, 32)
return " ORDER BY " + "(substr(" + colName + " * " + randomSortString + ", length(" + colName + ") + 2))" + " " + direction
func getCountSort(primaryTable, joinTable, primaryFK, direction string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = %s.id) %s", joinTable, primaryFK, primaryTable, getSortDirection(direction))
func getSearchBinding(columns []string, q string, not bool) (string, []interface{}) {
var likeClauses []string
var args []interface{}
notStr := ""
binaryType := " OR "
if not {
notStr = " NOT"
binaryType = " AND "
q = strings.TrimSpace(q)
trimmedQuery := strings.Trim(q, "\"")
if trimmedQuery == q {
q = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(q, " ")
queryWords := strings.Split(q, " ")
// Search for any word
for _, word := range queryWords {
for _, column := range columns {
likeClauses = append(likeClauses, column+notStr+" LIKE ?")
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
} else {
// Search the exact query
for _, column := range columns {
likeClauses = append(likeClauses, column+notStr+" LIKE ?")
args = append(args, "%"+trimmedQuery+"%")
likes := strings.Join(likeClauses, binaryType)
return "(" + likes + ")", args
func getInBinding(length int) string {
bindings := strings.Repeat("?, ", length)
bindings = strings.TrimRight(bindings, ", ")
return "(" + bindings + ")"
func getIntCriterionWhereClause(column string, input models.IntCriterionInput) (string, []interface{}) {
return getIntWhereClause(column, input.Modifier, input.Value, input.Value2)
func getIntWhereClause(column string, modifier models.CriterionModifier, value int, upper *int) (string, []interface{}) {
if upper == nil {
u := 0
upper = &u
args := []interface{}{value}
betweenArgs := []interface{}{value, *upper}
switch modifier {
case models.CriterionModifierIsNull:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s IS NULL", column), nil
case models.CriterionModifierNotNull:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s IS NOT NULL", column), nil
case models.CriterionModifierEquals:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", column), args
case models.CriterionModifierNotEquals:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s != ?", column), args
case models.CriterionModifierBetween:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s BETWEEN ? AND ?", column), betweenArgs
case models.CriterionModifierNotBetween:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?", column), betweenArgs
case models.CriterionModifierLessThan:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s < ?", column), args
case models.CriterionModifierGreaterThan:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s > ?", column), args
panic("unsupported int modifier type")
// returns where clause and having clause
func getMultiCriterionClause(primaryTable, foreignTable, joinTable, primaryFK, foreignFK string, criterion *models.MultiCriterionInput) (string, string) {
whereClause := ""
havingClause := ""
switch criterion.Modifier {
case models.CriterionModifierIncludes:
// includes any of the provided ids
if joinTable != "" {
whereClause = joinTable + "." + foreignFK + " IN " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value))
} else {
whereClause = foreignTable + ".id IN " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value))
case models.CriterionModifierIncludesAll:
// includes all of the provided ids
if joinTable != "" {
whereClause = joinTable + "." + foreignFK + " IN " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value))
havingClause = "count(distinct " + joinTable + "." + foreignFK + ") IS " + strconv.Itoa(len(criterion.Value))
} else {
whereClause = foreignTable + ".id IN " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value))
havingClause = "count(distinct " + foreignTable + ".id) IS " + strconv.Itoa(len(criterion.Value))
case models.CriterionModifierExcludes:
// excludes all of the provided ids
if joinTable != "" {
whereClause = primaryTable + ".id not in (select " + joinTable + "." + primaryFK + " from " + joinTable + " where " + joinTable + "." + foreignFK + " in " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value)) + ")"
} else {
whereClause = "not exists (select s.id from " + primaryTable + " as s where s.id = " + primaryTable + ".id and s." + foreignFK + " in " + getInBinding(len(criterion.Value)) + ")"
return whereClause, havingClause
func getCountCriterionClause(primaryTable, joinTable, primaryFK string, criterion models.IntCriterionInput) (string, []interface{}) {
lhs := fmt.Sprintf("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s s WHERE s.%s = %s.id)", joinTable, primaryFK, primaryTable)
return getIntCriterionWhereClause(lhs, criterion)
func getImage(tx dbi, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
rows, err := tx.Queryx(query, args...)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var ret []byte
if rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
func coalesce(column string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("COALESCE(%s, '')", column)
func like(v string) string {
return "%" + v + "%"