"The query root for this schema" type Query { # Filters findSavedFilter(id: ID!): SavedFilter findSavedFilters(mode: FilterMode): [SavedFilter!]! findDefaultFilter(mode: FilterMode!): SavedFilter "Find a scene by ID or Checksum" findScene(id: ID, checksum: String): Scene findSceneByHash(input: SceneHashInput!): Scene "A function which queries Scene objects" findScenes( scene_filter: SceneFilterType scene_ids: [Int!] @deprecated(reason: "use ids") ids: [ID!] filter: FindFilterType ): FindScenesResultType! findScenesByPathRegex(filter: FindFilterType): FindScenesResultType! """ Returns any groups of scenes that are perceptual duplicates within the queried distance and the difference between their duration is smaller than durationDiff """ findDuplicateScenes( distance: Int """ Max difference in seconds between files in order to be considered for similarity matching. Fractional seconds are ok: 0.5 will mean only files that have durations within 0.5 seconds between them will be matched based on PHash distance. """ duration_diff: Float ): [[Scene!]!]! "Return valid stream paths" sceneStreams(id: ID): [SceneStreamEndpoint!]! parseSceneFilenames( filter: FindFilterType config: SceneParserInput! ): SceneParserResultType! "A function which queries SceneMarker objects" findSceneMarkers( scene_marker_filter: SceneMarkerFilterType filter: FindFilterType ): FindSceneMarkersResultType! findImage(id: ID, checksum: String): Image "A function which queries Scene objects" findImages( image_filter: ImageFilterType image_ids: [Int!] @deprecated(reason: "use ids") ids: [ID!] filter: FindFilterType ): FindImagesResultType! "Find a performer by ID" findPerformer(id: ID!): Performer "A function which queries Performer objects" findPerformers( performer_filter: PerformerFilterType filter: FindFilterType performer_ids: [Int!] @deprecated(reason: "use ids") ids: [ID!] ): FindPerformersResultType! "Find a studio by ID" findStudio(id: ID!): Studio "A function which queries Studio objects" findStudios( studio_filter: StudioFilterType filter: FindFilterType ids: [ID!] ): FindStudiosResultType! "Find a movie by ID" findMovie(id: ID!): Movie "A function which queries Movie objects" findMovies( movie_filter: MovieFilterType filter: FindFilterType ids: [ID!] ): FindMoviesResultType! findGallery(id: ID!): Gallery findGalleries( gallery_filter: GalleryFilterType filter: FindFilterType ids: [ID!] ): FindGalleriesResultType! findTag(id: ID!): Tag findTags( tag_filter: TagFilterType filter: FindFilterType ids: [ID!] ): FindTagsResultType! "Retrieve random scene markers for the wall" markerWall(q: String): [SceneMarker!]! "Retrieve random scenes for the wall" sceneWall(q: String): [Scene!]! "Get marker strings" markerStrings(q: String, sort: String): [MarkerStringsResultType]! "Get stats" stats: StatsResultType! "Organize scene markers by tag for a given scene ID" sceneMarkerTags(scene_id: ID!): [SceneMarkerTag!]! logs: [LogEntry!]! # Scrapers "List available scrapers" listScrapers(types: [ScrapeContentType!]!): [Scraper!]! "Scrape for a single scene" scrapeSingleScene( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeSingleSceneInput! ): [ScrapedScene!]! "Scrape for multiple scenes" scrapeMultiScenes( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeMultiScenesInput! ): [[ScrapedScene!]!]! "Scrape for a single studio" scrapeSingleStudio( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeSingleStudioInput! ): [ScrapedStudio!]! "Scrape for a single performer" scrapeSinglePerformer( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeSinglePerformerInput! ): [ScrapedPerformer!]! "Scrape for multiple performers" scrapeMultiPerformers( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeMultiPerformersInput! ): [[ScrapedPerformer!]!]! "Scrape for a single gallery" scrapeSingleGallery( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeSingleGalleryInput! ): [ScrapedGallery!]! "Scrape for a single movie" scrapeSingleMovie( source: ScraperSourceInput! input: ScrapeSingleMovieInput! ): [ScrapedMovie!]! "Scrapes content based on a URL" scrapeURL(url: String!, ty: ScrapeContentType!): ScrapedContent "Scrapes a complete performer record based on a URL" scrapePerformerURL(url: String!): ScrapedPerformer "Scrapes a complete scene record based on a URL" scrapeSceneURL(url: String!): ScrapedScene "Scrapes a complete gallery record based on a URL" scrapeGalleryURL(url: String!): ScrapedGallery "Scrapes a complete movie record based on a URL" scrapeMovieURL(url: String!): ScrapedMovie # Plugins "List loaded plugins" plugins: [Plugin!] "List available plugin operations" pluginTasks: [PluginTask!] # Packages "List installed packages" installedPackages(type: PackageType!): [Package!]! "List available packages" availablePackages(type: PackageType!, source: String!): [Package!]! # Config "Returns the current, complete configuration" configuration: ConfigResult! "Returns an array of paths for the given path" directory( "The directory path to list" path: String "Desired collation locale. Determines the order of the directory result. eg. 'en-US', 'pt-BR', ..." locale: String = "en" ): Directory! validateStashBoxCredentials(input: StashBoxInput!): StashBoxValidationResult! # System status systemStatus: SystemStatus! # Job status jobQueue: [Job!] findJob(input: FindJobInput!): Job dlnaStatus: DLNAStatus! # Get everything allScenes: [Scene!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findScenes instead") allSceneMarkers: [SceneMarker!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findSceneMarkers instead") allImages: [Image!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findImages instead") allGalleries: [Gallery!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findGalleries instead") allPerformers: [Performer!]! allTags: [Tag!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findTags instead") allStudios: [Studio!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findStudios instead") allMovies: [Movie!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use findMovies instead") # Get everything with minimal metadata # Version version: Version! # LatestVersion latestversion: LatestVersion! } type Mutation { setup(input: SetupInput!): Boolean! migrate(input: MigrateInput!): Boolean! sceneCreate(input: SceneCreateInput!): Scene sceneUpdate(input: SceneUpdateInput!): Scene sceneMerge(input: SceneMergeInput!): Scene bulkSceneUpdate(input: BulkSceneUpdateInput!): [Scene!] sceneDestroy(input: SceneDestroyInput!): Boolean! scenesDestroy(input: ScenesDestroyInput!): Boolean! scenesUpdate(input: [SceneUpdateInput!]!): [Scene] "Increments the o-counter for a scene. Returns the new value" sceneIncrementO(id: ID!): Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use sceneAddO instead") "Decrements the o-counter for a scene. Returns the new value" sceneDecrementO(id: ID!): Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use sceneRemoveO instead") "Increments the o-counter for a scene. Uses the current time if none provided." sceneAddO(id: ID!, times: [Timestamp!]): HistoryMutationResult! "Decrements the o-counter for a scene, removing the last recorded time if specific time not provided. Returns the new value" sceneDeleteO(id: ID!, times: [Timestamp!]): HistoryMutationResult! "Resets the o-counter for a scene to 0. Returns the new value" sceneResetO(id: ID!): Int! "Sets the resume time point (if provided) and adds the provided duration to the scene's play duration" sceneSaveActivity(id: ID!, resume_time: Float, playDuration: Float): Boolean! "Increments the play count for the scene. Returns the new play count value." sceneIncrementPlayCount(id: ID!): Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use sceneAddPlay instead") "Increments the play count for the scene. Uses the current time if none provided." sceneAddPlay(id: ID!, times: [Timestamp!]): HistoryMutationResult! "Decrements the play count for the scene, removing the specific times or the last recorded time if not provided." sceneDeletePlay(id: ID!, times: [Timestamp!]): HistoryMutationResult! "Resets the play count for a scene to 0. Returns the new play count value." sceneResetPlayCount(id: ID!): Int! "Generates screenshot at specified time in seconds. Leave empty to generate default screenshot" sceneGenerateScreenshot(id: ID!, at: Float): String! sceneMarkerCreate(input: SceneMarkerCreateInput!): SceneMarker sceneMarkerUpdate(input: SceneMarkerUpdateInput!): SceneMarker sceneMarkerDestroy(id: ID!): Boolean! sceneAssignFile(input: AssignSceneFileInput!): Boolean! imageUpdate(input: ImageUpdateInput!): Image bulkImageUpdate(input: BulkImageUpdateInput!): [Image!] imageDestroy(input: ImageDestroyInput!): Boolean! imagesDestroy(input: ImagesDestroyInput!): Boolean! imagesUpdate(input: [ImageUpdateInput!]!): [Image] "Increments the o-counter for an image. Returns the new value" imageIncrementO(id: ID!): Int! "Decrements the o-counter for an image. Returns the new value" imageDecrementO(id: ID!): Int! "Resets the o-counter for a image to 0. Returns the new value" imageResetO(id: ID!): Int! galleryCreate(input: GalleryCreateInput!): Gallery galleryUpdate(input: GalleryUpdateInput!): Gallery bulkGalleryUpdate(input: BulkGalleryUpdateInput!): [Gallery!] galleryDestroy(input: GalleryDestroyInput!): Boolean! galleriesUpdate(input: [GalleryUpdateInput!]!): [Gallery] addGalleryImages(input: GalleryAddInput!): Boolean! removeGalleryImages(input: GalleryRemoveInput!): Boolean! galleryChapterCreate(input: GalleryChapterCreateInput!): GalleryChapter galleryChapterUpdate(input: GalleryChapterUpdateInput!): GalleryChapter galleryChapterDestroy(id: ID!): Boolean! performerCreate(input: PerformerCreateInput!): Performer performerUpdate(input: PerformerUpdateInput!): Performer performerDestroy(input: PerformerDestroyInput!): Boolean! performersDestroy(ids: [ID!]!): Boolean! bulkPerformerUpdate(input: BulkPerformerUpdateInput!): [Performer!] studioCreate(input: StudioCreateInput!): Studio studioUpdate(input: StudioUpdateInput!): Studio studioDestroy(input: StudioDestroyInput!): Boolean! studiosDestroy(ids: [ID!]!): Boolean! movieCreate(input: MovieCreateInput!): Movie movieUpdate(input: MovieUpdateInput!): Movie movieDestroy(input: MovieDestroyInput!): Boolean! moviesDestroy(ids: [ID!]!): Boolean! bulkMovieUpdate(input: BulkMovieUpdateInput!): [Movie!] tagCreate(input: TagCreateInput!): Tag tagUpdate(input: TagUpdateInput!): Tag tagDestroy(input: TagDestroyInput!): Boolean! tagsDestroy(ids: [ID!]!): Boolean! tagsMerge(input: TagsMergeInput!): Tag """ Moves the given files to the given destination. Returns true if successful. Either the destination_folder or destination_folder_id must be provided. If both are provided, the destination_folder_id takes precedence. Destination folder must be a subfolder of one of the stash library paths. If provided, destination_basename must be a valid filename with an extension that matches one of the media extensions. Creates folder hierarchy if needed. """ moveFiles(input: MoveFilesInput!): Boolean! deleteFiles(ids: [ID!]!): Boolean! fileSetFingerprints(input: FileSetFingerprintsInput!): Boolean! # Saved filters saveFilter(input: SaveFilterInput!): SavedFilter! destroySavedFilter(input: DestroyFilterInput!): Boolean! setDefaultFilter(input: SetDefaultFilterInput!): Boolean! "Change general configuration options" configureGeneral(input: ConfigGeneralInput!): ConfigGeneralResult! configureInterface(input: ConfigInterfaceInput!): ConfigInterfaceResult! configureDLNA(input: ConfigDLNAInput!): ConfigDLNAResult! configureScraping(input: ConfigScrapingInput!): ConfigScrapingResult! configureDefaults( input: ConfigDefaultSettingsInput! ): ConfigDefaultSettingsResult! # overwrites the entire plugin configuration for the given plugin configurePlugin(plugin_id: ID!, input: Map!): Map! # overwrites the UI configuration # if input is provided, then the entire UI configuration is replaced # if partial is provided, then the partial UI configuration is merged into the existing UI configuration configureUI(input: Map, partial: Map): Map! # sets a single UI key value # key is a dot separated path to the value configureUISetting(key: String!, value: Any): Map! "Generate and set (or clear) API key" generateAPIKey(input: GenerateAPIKeyInput!): String! "Returns a link to download the result" exportObjects(input: ExportObjectsInput!): String "Performs an incremental import. Returns the job ID" importObjects(input: ImportObjectsInput!): ID! "Start an full import. Completely wipes the database and imports from the metadata directory. Returns the job ID" metadataImport: ID! "Start a full export. Outputs to the metadata directory. Returns the job ID" metadataExport: ID! "Start a scan. Returns the job ID" metadataScan(input: ScanMetadataInput!): ID! "Start generating content. Returns the job ID" metadataGenerate(input: GenerateMetadataInput!): ID! "Start auto-tagging. Returns the job ID" metadataAutoTag(input: AutoTagMetadataInput!): ID! "Clean metadata. Returns the job ID" metadataClean(input: CleanMetadataInput!): ID! "Clean generated files. Returns the job ID" metadataCleanGenerated(input: CleanGeneratedInput!): ID! "Identifies scenes using scrapers. Returns the job ID" metadataIdentify(input: IdentifyMetadataInput!): ID! "Migrate generated files for the current hash naming" migrateHashNaming: ID! "Migrates legacy scene screenshot files into the blob storage" migrateSceneScreenshots(input: MigrateSceneScreenshotsInput!): ID! "Migrates blobs from the old storage system to the current one" migrateBlobs(input: MigrateBlobsInput!): ID! "Anonymise the database in a separate file. Optionally returns a link to download the database file" anonymiseDatabase(input: AnonymiseDatabaseInput!): String "Optimises the database. Returns the job ID" optimiseDatabase: ID! "Reload scrapers" reloadScrapers: Boolean! """ Enable/disable plugins - enabledMap is a map of plugin IDs to enabled booleans. Plugins not in the map are not affected. """ setPluginsEnabled(enabledMap: BoolMap!): Boolean! """ Run a plugin task. If task_name is provided, then the task must exist in the plugin config and the tasks configuration will be used to run the plugin. If no task_name is provided, then the plugin will be executed with the arguments provided only. Returns the job ID """ runPluginTask( plugin_id: ID! "if provided, then the default args will be applied" task_name: String "displayed in the task queue" description: String args: [PluginArgInput!] @deprecated(reason: "Use args_map instead") args_map: Map ): ID! """ Runs a plugin operation. The operation is run immediately and does not use the job queue. Returns a map of the result. """ runPluginOperation(plugin_id: ID!, args: Map): Any reloadPlugins: Boolean! """ Installs the given packages. If a package is already installed, it will be updated if needed.. If an error occurs when installing a package, the job will continue to install the remaining packages. Returns the job ID """ installPackages(type: PackageType!, packages: [PackageSpecInput!]!): ID! """ Updates the given packages. If a package is not installed, it will not be installed. If a package does not need to be updated, it will not be updated. If no packages are provided, all packages of the given type will be updated. If an error occurs when updating a package, the job will continue to update the remaining packages. Returns the job ID. """ updatePackages(type: PackageType!, packages: [PackageSpecInput!]): ID! """ Uninstalls the given packages. If an error occurs when uninstalling a package, the job will continue to uninstall the remaining packages. Returns the job ID """ uninstallPackages(type: PackageType!, packages: [PackageSpecInput!]!): ID! stopJob(job_id: ID!): Boolean! stopAllJobs: Boolean! "Submit fingerprints to stash-box instance" submitStashBoxFingerprints( input: StashBoxFingerprintSubmissionInput! ): Boolean! "Submit scene as draft to stash-box instance" submitStashBoxSceneDraft(input: StashBoxDraftSubmissionInput!): ID "Submit performer as draft to stash-box instance" submitStashBoxPerformerDraft(input: StashBoxDraftSubmissionInput!): ID "Backup the database. Optionally returns a link to download the database file" backupDatabase(input: BackupDatabaseInput!): String "DANGEROUS: Execute an arbitrary SQL statement that returns rows." querySQL(sql: String!, args: [Any]): SQLQueryResult! "DANGEROUS: Execute an arbitrary SQL statement without returning any rows." execSQL(sql: String!, args: [Any]): SQLExecResult! "Run batch performer tag task. Returns the job ID." stashBoxBatchPerformerTag(input: StashBoxBatchTagInput!): String! "Run batch studio tag task. Returns the job ID." stashBoxBatchStudioTag(input: StashBoxBatchTagInput!): String! "Enables DLNA for an optional duration. Has no effect if DLNA is enabled by default" enableDLNA(input: EnableDLNAInput!): Boolean! "Disables DLNA for an optional duration. Has no effect if DLNA is disabled by default" disableDLNA(input: DisableDLNAInput!): Boolean! "Enables an IP address for DLNA for an optional duration" addTempDLNAIP(input: AddTempDLNAIPInput!): Boolean! "Removes an IP address from the temporary DLNA whitelist" removeTempDLNAIP(input: RemoveTempDLNAIPInput!): Boolean! } type Subscription { "Update from the metadata manager" jobsSubscribe: JobStatusUpdate! loggingSubscribe: [LogEntry!]! scanCompleteSubscribe: Boolean! } schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription }