package scene import ( "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" ) var CaptionExts = []string{"vtt", "srt"} // in a case where vtt and srt files are both provided prioritize vtt file due to native support // to be used for captions without a language code in the filename // ISO 639-1 uses 2 or 3 a-z chars for codes so 00 is a safe non valid choise // const LangUnknown = "00" // GetCaptionPath generates the path of a caption // from a given file path, wanted language and caption sufffix func GetCaptionPath(path, lang, suffix string) string { ext := filepath.Ext(path) fn := strings.TrimSuffix(path, ext) captionExt := "" if len(lang) == 0 || lang == LangUnknown { captionExt = suffix } else { captionExt = lang + "." + suffix } return fn + "." + captionExt } // ReadSubs reads a captions file func ReadSubs(path string) (*astisub.Subtitles, error) { return astisub.OpenFile(path) } // IsValidLanguage checks whether the given string is a valid // ISO 639 language code func IsValidLanguage(lang string) bool { _, err := language.ParseBase(lang) return err == nil } // IsLangInCaptions returns true if lang is present // in the captions func IsLangInCaptions(lang string, ext string, captions []*models.SceneCaption) bool { for _, caption := range captions { if lang == caption.LanguageCode && ext == caption.CaptionType { return true } } return false } // GenerateCaptionCandidates generates a list of filenames with exts as extensions // that can associated with the caption func GenerateCaptionCandidates(captionPath string, exts []string) []string { var candidates []string basename := strings.TrimSuffix(captionPath, filepath.Ext(captionPath)) // caption filename without the extension // a caption file can be something like or // if a language code is present and valid remove it from the basename languageExt := filepath.Ext(basename) if len(languageExt) > 2 && IsValidLanguage(languageExt[1:]) { basename = strings.TrimSuffix(basename, languageExt) } for _, ext := range exts { candidates = append(candidates, basename+"."+ext) } return candidates } // GetCaptionsLangFromPath returns the language code from a given captions path // If no valid language is present LangUknown is returned func GetCaptionsLangFromPath(captionPath string) string { langCode := LangUnknown basename := strings.TrimSuffix(captionPath, filepath.Ext(captionPath)) // caption filename without the extension languageExt := filepath.Ext(basename) if len(languageExt) > 2 && IsValidLanguage(languageExt[1:]) { langCode = languageExt[1:] } return langCode } // CleanCaptions removes non existent/accessible language codes from captions func CleanCaptions(scenePath string, captions []*models.SceneCaption) (cleanedCaptions []*models.SceneCaption, changed bool) { changed = false for _, caption := range captions { found := false f := caption.Path(scenePath) if _, er := os.Stat(f); er == nil { cleanedCaptions = append(cleanedCaptions, caption) found = true } if !found { changed = true } } return }