import json import sys import time import log from stash_interface import StashInterface # raw plugins may accept the plugin input from stdin, or they can elect # to ignore it entirely. In this case it optionally reads from the # command-line parameters. def main(): input = None if len(sys.argv) < 2: input = readJSONInput() log.LogDebug("Raw input: %s" % json.dumps(input)) else: log.LogDebug("Using command line inputs") mode = sys.argv[1] log.LogDebug("Command line inputs: {}".format(sys.argv[1:])) input = {} input['args'] = { "mode": mode } # just some hard-coded values input['server_connection'] = { "Scheme": "http", "Port": 9999, } output = {} run(input, output) out = json.dumps(output) print(out + "\n") def readJSONInput(): input = return json.loads(input) def run(input, output): modeArg = input['args']["mode"] try: if modeArg == "" or modeArg == "add": client = StashInterface(input["server_connection"]) addTag(client) elif modeArg == "remove": client = StashInterface(input["server_connection"]) removeTag(client) elif modeArg == "long": doLongTask() elif modeArg == "indef": doIndefiniteTask() except Exception as e: raise #output["error"] = str(e) #return output["output"] = "ok" def doLongTask(): total = 100 upTo = 0 log.LogInfo("Doing long task") while upTo < total: time.sleep(1) log.LogProgress(float(upTo) / float(total)) upTo = upTo + 1 def doIndefiniteTask(): log.LogWarning("Sleeping indefinitely") while True: time.sleep(1) def addTag(client): tagName = "Hawwwwt" tagID = client.findTagIdWithName(tagName) if tagID == None: tagID = client.createTagWithName(tagName) scene = client.findRandomSceneId() if scene == None: raise Exception("no scenes to add tag to") tagIds = [] for t in scene["tags"]: tagIds.append(t["id"]) # remove first to ensure we don't re-add the same id try: tagIds.remove(tagID) except ValueError: pass tagIds.append(tagID) input = { "id": scene["id"], "tag_ids": tagIds } log.LogInfo("Adding tag to scene {}".format(scene["id"])) client.updateScene(input) def removeTag(client): tagName = "Hawwwwt" tagID = client.findTagIdWithName(tagName) if tagID == None: log.LogInfo("Tag does not exist. Nothing to remove") return log.LogInfo("Destroying tag") client.destroyTag(tagID) main()