#GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION := "v1.41.1" # Optional configuration to pinpoint golangci-lint version. # The head of Makefile determines location of dev-go to include standard targets. GO ?= go export GO111MODULE = on ifneq "$(GOFLAGS)" "" $(info GOFLAGS: ${GOFLAGS}) endif ifneq "$(wildcard ./vendor )" "" $(info Using vendor) modVendor = -mod=vendor ifeq (,$(findstring -mod,$(GOFLAGS))) export GOFLAGS := ${GOFLAGS} ${modVendor} endif ifneq "$(wildcard ./vendor/github.com/bool64/dev)" "" DEVGO_PATH := ./vendor/github.com/bool64/dev endif endif ifeq ($(DEVGO_PATH),) DEVGO_PATH := $(shell GO111MODULE=on $(GO) list ${modVendor} -f '{{.Dir}}' -m github.com/bool64/dev) ifeq ($(DEVGO_PATH),) $(info Module github.com/bool64/dev not found, downloading.) DEVGO_PATH := $(shell export GO111MODULE=on && $(GO) mod tidy && $(GO) list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m github.com/bool64/dev) endif endif -include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/main.mk -include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/lint.mk -include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/test-unit.mk -include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/bench.mk -include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/reset-ci.mk # Add your custom targets here. ## Run tests test: test-unit