# See https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/blob/master/.golangci.example.yml run: linters-settings: govet: enable-all: true disable: - shadow unused: check-exported: true unparam: check-exported: true varcheck: exported-fields: true structcheck: exported-fields: true nakedret: max-func-lines: 1 linters: enable-all: true disable: - testpackage - nestif - godot - wsl - lll - dupl - funlen - gochecknoinits - gochecknoglobals - godox - maligned - gocognit - gocyclo - interfacer - gomnd - goerr113 - exhaustivestruct - errorlint # TODO able this lint - forbidigo - cyclop - govet - errname - varnamelen - nilnil - structcheck fast: false issues: exclude-rules: # Test - path: _test\.go text: "Using the variable on range scope `tt` in function literal" linters: - scopelint - path: _test\.go linters: - unused - structcheck - path: introspection/type.go linters: - structcheck # These types fits IntrospectionQuery - path: config/config.go text: "`Query` is unused" # used in main.go linters: - structcheck - path: graphqljson/graphql.go text: "`Extensions` is unused" # used in line 48 linters: - structcheck - path: introspection/query.go text: "`Introspection` is unused" # used in config/config.go linters: - varcheck - path: config/config.go text: "`ClientV2` is unused" # used in config/config.go linters: - structcheck - path: graphqljson/graphql.go text: "append to slice `frontier` with non-zero initialized length" # used in config/config.go linters: - makezero - path: clientv2/client_test.go text: "should not use basic type string as key in context.WithValue" linters: - golint - path: clientv2/client_test.go text: "should not use built-in type string as key for value; define your own type to avoid collisions" linters: - staticcheck - path: clientv2/client_test.go linters: - revive