ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) SEPARATOR := && SET := set endif release: generate ui build build: $(eval DATE := $(shell go run scripts/getDate.go)) $(eval GITHASH := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)) $(eval STASH_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --exclude latest_develop)) $(SET) CGO_ENABLED=1 $(SEPARATOR) go build -mod=vendor -v -ldflags "-X 'github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/api.version=$(STASH_VERSION)' -X 'github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/api.buildstamp=$(DATE)' -X 'github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/api.githash=$(GITHASH)'" install: packr2 install clean: packr2 clean # Regenerates GraphQL files .PHONY: generate generate: go generate -mod=vendor cd ui/v2.5 && yarn run gqlgen # Runs gofmt -w on the project's source code, modifying any files that do not match its style. .PHONY: fmt fmt: go fmt ./... # Ensures that changed files have had gofmt run on them .PHONY: fmt-check fmt-check: sh ./scripts/check-gofmt.sh # Runs go vet on the project's source code. .PHONY: vet vet: go vet -mod=vendor ./... .PHONY: lint lint: revive -config revive.toml -exclude ./vendor/... ./... # runs unit tests - excluding integration tests .PHONY: test test: go test -mod=vendor ./... # runs all tests - including integration tests .PHONY: it it: go test -mod=vendor -tags=integration ./... # installs UI dependencies. Run when first cloning repository, or if UI # dependencies have changed .PHONY: pre-ui pre-ui: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn install --frozen-lockfile .PHONY: ui ui: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn build packr2 fmt-ui: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn format # runs tests and checks on the UI and builds it .PHONY: ui-validate ui-validate: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn run validate # just repacks the packr files - use when updating migrations and packed files without # rebuilding the UI .PHONY: packr packr: packr2 # runs all of the tests and checks required for a PR to be accepted .PHONY: validate validate: ui-validate fmt-check vet lint it