FROM ubuntu:20.04 as prep LABEL MAINTAINER="" RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install curl xz-utils && \ apt-get autoclean -y && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR / SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # added " to end of stash-linux clause so that it doesn't pick up the arm builds RUN curl -L -o /stash $(curl -s | awk '/browser_download_url/ && /stash-linux"/' | sed -e 's/.*: "\(.*\)"/\1/') && \ chmod +x /stash RUN curl --http1.1 -o /ffmpeg.tar.xz && \ tar xf /ffmpeg.tar.xz && \ rm ffmpeg.tar.xz && \ mv /ffmpeg*/ /ffmpeg/ FROM ubuntu:20.04 as app RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install ca-certificates COPY --from=prep /stash /ffmpeg/ffmpeg /ffmpeg/ffprobe /usr/bin/ ENV STASH_CONFIG_FILE=/root/.stash/config.yml EXPOSE 9999 CMD ["stash"]