IS_WIN = ifeq (${SHELL}, sh.exe) IS_WIN = true endif ifeq (${SHELL}, cmd) IS_WIN = true endif ifdef IS_WIN SEPARATOR := && SET := set else SEPARATOR := ; SET := export endif # set LDFLAGS environment variable to any extra ldflags required # set OUTPUT to generate a specific binary name LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) ifdef OUTPUT OUTPUT := -o $(OUTPUT) endif export CGO_ENABLED = 1 .PHONY: release pre-build release: generate ui build-release pre-build: ifndef BUILD_DATE $(eval BUILD_DATE := $(shell go run -mod=vendor scripts/getDate.go)) endif ifndef GITHASH $(eval GITHASH := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)) endif ifndef STASH_VERSION $(eval STASH_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --exclude latest_develop)) endif build: pre-build $(eval LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X '$(STASH_VERSION)' -X '$(BUILD_DATE)' -X '$(GITHASH)') go build $(OUTPUT) -mod=vendor -v -tags "sqlite_omit_load_extension osusergo netgo" $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)" # strips debug symbols from the release build build-release: EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -s -w build-release: GO_BUILD_FLAGS := -trimpath build-release: build build-release-static: EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -extldflags=-static -s -w build-release-static: GO_BUILD_FLAGS := -trimpath build-release-static: build # cross-compile- targets should be run within the compiler docker container cross-compile-windows: export GOOS := windows cross-compile-windows: export GOARCH := amd64 cross-compile-windows: export CC := x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc cross-compile-windows: export CXX := x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ cross-compile-windows: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-win.exe cross-compile-windows: build-release-static cross-compile-osx-intel: export GOOS := darwin cross-compile-osx-intel: export GOARCH := amd64 cross-compile-osx-intel: export CC := o64-clang cross-compile-osx-intel: export CXX := o64-clang++ cross-compile-osx-intel: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-osx # can't use static build for OSX cross-compile-osx-intel: build-release cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: export GOOS := darwin cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: export GOARCH := arm64 cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: export CC := oa64e-clang cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: export CXX := oa64e-clang++ cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-osx-applesilicon # can't use static build for OSX cross-compile-osx-applesilicon: build-release cross-compile-linux: export GOOS := linux cross-compile-linux: export GOARCH := amd64 cross-compile-linux: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-linux cross-compile-linux: build-release-static cross-compile-linux-arm64v8: export GOOS := linux cross-compile-linux-arm64v8: export GOARCH := arm64 cross-compile-linux-arm64v8: export CC := aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc cross-compile-linux-arm64v8: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-linux-arm64v8 cross-compile-linux-arm64v8: build-release-static cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: export GOOS := linux cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: export GOARCH := arm cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: export GOARM := 7 cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: export CC := arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-linux-arm32v7 cross-compile-linux-arm32v7: build-release-static cross-compile-pi: export GOOS := linux cross-compile-pi: export GOARCH := arm cross-compile-pi: export GOARM := 6 cross-compile-pi: export CC := arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc cross-compile-pi: OUTPUT := -o dist/stash-pi cross-compile-pi: build-release-static cross-compile-all: make cross-compile-windows make cross-compile-osx-intel make cross-compile-osx-applesilicon make cross-compile-linux make cross-compile-linux-arm64v8 make cross-compile-linux-arm32v7 make cross-compile-pi # Regenerates GraphQL files generate: generate-backend generate-frontend .PHONY: generate-frontend generate-frontend: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn run gqlgen .PHONY: generate-backend generate-backend: go generate -mod=vendor # Regenerates stash-box client files .PHONY: generate-stash-box-client generate-stash-box-client: go run -mod=vendor # Runs gofmt -w on the project's source code, modifying any files that do not match its style. .PHONY: fmt fmt: go fmt ./... # Ensures that changed files have had gofmt run on them .PHONY: fmt-check fmt-check: sh ./scripts/ # Runs go vet on the project's source code. .PHONY: vet vet: go vet -mod=vendor ./... .PHONY: lint lint: revive -config revive.toml -exclude ./vendor/... ./... # runs unit tests - excluding integration tests .PHONY: test test: go test -mod=vendor ./... # runs all tests - including integration tests .PHONY: it it: go test -mod=vendor -tags=integration ./... # generates test mocks .PHONY: generate-test-mocks generate-test-mocks: go run -mod=vendor --dir ./pkg/models --name '.*ReaderWriter' --outpkg mocks --output ./pkg/models/mocks # installs UI dependencies. Run when first cloning repository, or if UI # dependencies have changed .PHONY: pre-ui pre-ui: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn install --frozen-lockfile .PHONY: ui ui: pre-build $(SET) REACT_APP_DATE="$(BUILD_DATE)" $(SEPARATOR) \ $(SET) REACT_APP_GITHASH=$(GITHASH) $(SEPARATOR) \ $(SET) REACT_APP_STASH_VERSION=$(STASH_VERSION) $(SEPARATOR) \ cd ui/v2.5 && yarn build .PHONY: ui-start ui-start: pre-build $(SET) REACT_APP_DATE="$(BUILD_DATE)" $(SEPARATOR) \ $(SET) REACT_APP_GITHASH=$(GITHASH) $(SEPARATOR) \ $(SET) REACT_APP_STASH_VERSION=$(STASH_VERSION) $(SEPARATOR) \ cd ui/v2.5 && yarn start .PHONY: fmt-ui fmt-ui: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn format # runs tests and checks on the UI and builds it .PHONY: ui-validate ui-validate: cd ui/v2.5 && yarn run validate # runs all of the tests and checks required for a PR to be accepted .PHONY: validate validate: ui-validate fmt-check vet lint it # locally builds and tags a 'stash/build' docker image .PHONY: docker-build docker-build: docker build -t stash/build -f docker/build/x86_64/Dockerfile .