package scraper import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "net/http" "strconv" "" "" "" ) type stashScraper struct { scraper scraperTypeConfig config config globalConfig GlobalConfig client *http.Client txnManager models.TransactionManager } func newStashScraper(scraper scraperTypeConfig, client *http.Client, txnManager models.TransactionManager, config config, globalConfig GlobalConfig) *stashScraper { return &stashScraper{ scraper: scraper, config: config, client: client, globalConfig: globalConfig, txnManager: txnManager, } } func (s *stashScraper) getStashClient() *graphql.Client { url := s.config.StashServer.URL return graphql.NewClient(url+"/graphql", nil) } type stashFindPerformerNamePerformer struct { ID string `json:"id" graphql:"id"` Name string `json:"name" graphql:"name"` } func (p stashFindPerformerNamePerformer) toPerformer() *models.ScrapedPerformer { return &models.ScrapedPerformer{ Name: &p.Name, // put id into the URL field URL: &p.ID, } } type stashFindPerformerNamesResultType struct { Count int `graphql:"count"` Performers []*stashFindPerformerNamePerformer `graphql:"performers"` } func (s *stashScraper) scrapePerformersByName(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*models.ScrapedPerformer, error) { client := s.getStashClient() var q struct { FindPerformers stashFindPerformerNamesResultType `graphql:"findPerformers(filter: $f)"` } page := 1 perPage := 10 vars := map[string]interface{}{ "f": models.FindFilterType{ Q: &name, Page: &page, PerPage: &perPage, }, } err := client.Query(ctx, &q, vars) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ret []*models.ScrapedPerformer for _, p := range q.FindPerformers.Performers { ret = append(ret, p.toPerformer()) } return ret, nil } // need a separate for scraped stash performers - does not include remote_site_id or image type scrapedTagStash struct { Name string `graphql:"name" json:"name"` } type scrapedPerformerStash struct { Name *string `graphql:"name" json:"name"` Gender *string `graphql:"gender" json:"gender"` URL *string `graphql:"url" json:"url"` Twitter *string `graphql:"twitter" json:"twitter"` Instagram *string `graphql:"instagram" json:"instagram"` Birthdate *string `graphql:"birthdate" json:"birthdate"` Ethnicity *string `graphql:"ethnicity" json:"ethnicity"` Country *string `graphql:"country" json:"country"` EyeColor *string `graphql:"eye_color" json:"eye_color"` Height *string `graphql:"height" json:"height"` Measurements *string `graphql:"measurements" json:"measurements"` FakeTits *string `graphql:"fake_tits" json:"fake_tits"` CareerLength *string `graphql:"career_length" json:"career_length"` Tattoos *string `graphql:"tattoos" json:"tattoos"` Piercings *string `graphql:"piercings" json:"piercings"` Aliases *string `graphql:"aliases" json:"aliases"` Tags []*scrapedTagStash `graphql:"tags" json:"tags"` Details *string `graphql:"details" json:"details"` DeathDate *string `graphql:"death_date" json:"death_date"` HairColor *string `graphql:"hair_color" json:"hair_color"` Weight *string `graphql:"weight" json:"weight"` } func (s *stashScraper) scrapePerformerByFragment(scrapedPerformer models.ScrapedPerformerInput) (*models.ScrapedPerformer, error) { client := s.getStashClient() var q struct { FindPerformer *scrapedPerformerStash `graphql:"findPerformer(id: $f)"` } performerID := *scrapedPerformer.URL // get the id from the URL field vars := map[string]interface{}{ "f": performerID, } err := client.Query(context.TODO(), &q, vars) if err != nil { return nil, err } // need to copy back to a scraped performer ret := models.ScrapedPerformer{} err = copier.Copy(&ret, q.FindPerformer) if err != nil { return nil, err } // get the performer image directly ret.Image, err = getStashPerformerImage(context.TODO(), s.config.StashServer.URL, performerID, s.client, s.globalConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } type scrapedStudioStash struct { Name string `graphql:"name" json:"name"` URL *string `graphql:"url" json:"url"` } type stashFindSceneNamesResultType struct { Count int `graphql:"count"` Scenes []*scrapedSceneStash `graphql:"scenes"` } func (s *stashScraper) scrapedStashSceneToScrapedScene(scene *scrapedSceneStash) (*models.ScrapedScene, error) { ret := models.ScrapedScene{} err := copier.Copy(&ret, scene) if err != nil { return nil, err } // get the performer image directly ret.Image, err = getStashSceneImage(context.TODO(), s.config.StashServer.URL, scene.ID, s.client, s.globalConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeScenesByName(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*models.ScrapedScene, error) { client := s.getStashClient() var q struct { FindScenes stashFindSceneNamesResultType `graphql:"findScenes(filter: $f)"` } page := 1 perPage := 10 vars := map[string]interface{}{ "f": models.FindFilterType{ Q: &name, Page: &page, PerPage: &perPage, }, } err := client.Query(ctx, &q, vars) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ret []*models.ScrapedScene for _, scene := range q.FindScenes.Scenes { converted, err := s.scrapedStashSceneToScrapedScene(scene) if err != nil { return nil, err } ret = append(ret, converted) } return ret, nil } type scrapedSceneStash struct { ID string `graphql:"id" json:"id"` Title *string `graphql:"title" json:"title"` Details *string `graphql:"details" json:"details"` URL *string `graphql:"url" json:"url"` Date *string `graphql:"date" json:"date"` File *models.SceneFileType `graphql:"file" json:"file"` Studio *scrapedStudioStash `graphql:"studio" json:"studio"` Tags []*scrapedTagStash `graphql:"tags" json:"tags"` Performers []*scrapedPerformerStash `graphql:"performers" json:"performers"` } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeSceneByScene(ctx context.Context, scene *models.Scene) (*models.ScrapedScene, error) { // query by MD5 var q struct { FindScene *scrapedSceneStash `graphql:"findSceneByHash(input: $c)"` } type SceneHashInput struct { Checksum *string `graphql:"checksum" json:"checksum"` Oshash *string `graphql:"oshash" json:"oshash"` } input := SceneHashInput{ Checksum: &scene.Checksum.String, Oshash: &scene.OSHash.String, } vars := map[string]interface{}{ "c": &input, } client := s.getStashClient() if err := client.Query(ctx, &q, vars); err != nil { return nil, err } // need to copy back to a scraped scene ret, err := s.scrapedStashSceneToScrapedScene(q.FindScene) if err != nil { return nil, err } // get the performer image directly ret.Image, err = getStashSceneImage(context.TODO(), s.config.StashServer.URL, q.FindScene.ID, s.client, s.globalConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeSceneByFragment(ctx context.Context, scene models.ScrapedSceneInput) (*models.ScrapedScene, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapeSceneByFragment not supported for stash scraper") } type scrapedGalleryStash struct { ID string `graphql:"id" json:"id"` Title *string `graphql:"title" json:"title"` Details *string `graphql:"details" json:"details"` URL *string `graphql:"url" json:"url"` Date *string `graphql:"date" json:"date"` File *models.SceneFileType `graphql:"file" json:"file"` Studio *scrapedStudioStash `graphql:"studio" json:"studio"` Tags []*scrapedTagStash `graphql:"tags" json:"tags"` Performers []*scrapedPerformerStash `graphql:"performers" json:"performers"` } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeGalleryByGallery(ctx context.Context, gallery *models.Gallery) (*models.ScrapedGallery, error) { var q struct { FindGallery *scrapedGalleryStash `graphql:"findGalleryByHash(input: $c)"` } type GalleryHashInput struct { Checksum *string `graphql:"checksum" json:"checksum"` } input := GalleryHashInput{ Checksum: &gallery.Checksum, } vars := map[string]interface{}{ "c": &input, } client := s.getStashClient() if err := client.Query(ctx, &q, vars); err != nil { return nil, err } // need to copy back to a scraped scene ret := models.ScrapedGallery{} if err := copier.Copy(&ret, q.FindGallery); err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeGalleryByFragment(scene models.ScrapedGalleryInput) (*models.ScrapedGallery, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapeGalleryByFragment not supported for stash scraper") } func (s *stashScraper) scrapePerformerByURL(ctx context.Context, url string) (*models.ScrapedPerformer, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapePerformerByURL not supported for stash scraper") } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeSceneByURL(ctx context.Context, url string) (*models.ScrapedScene, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapeSceneByURL not supported for stash scraper") } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeGalleryByURL(ctx context.Context, url string) (*models.ScrapedGallery, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapeGalleryByURL not supported for stash scraper") } func (s *stashScraper) scrapeMovieByURL(ctx context.Context, url string) (*models.ScrapedMovie, error) { return nil, errors.New("scrapeMovieByURL not supported for stash scraper") } func getScene(sceneID int, txnManager models.TransactionManager) (*models.Scene, error) { var ret *models.Scene if err := txnManager.WithReadTxn(context.TODO(), func(r models.ReaderRepository) error { var err error ret, err = r.Scene().Find(sceneID) return err }); err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } func sceneToUpdateInput(scene *models.Scene) models.SceneUpdateInput { toStringPtr := func(s sql.NullString) *string { if s.Valid { return &s.String } return nil } dateToStringPtr := func(s models.SQLiteDate) *string { if s.Valid { return &s.String } return nil } return models.SceneUpdateInput{ ID: strconv.Itoa(scene.ID), Title: toStringPtr(scene.Title), Details: toStringPtr(scene.Details), URL: toStringPtr(scene.URL), Date: dateToStringPtr(scene.Date), } } func getGallery(galleryID int, txnManager models.TransactionManager) (*models.Gallery, error) { var ret *models.Gallery if err := txnManager.WithReadTxn(context.TODO(), func(r models.ReaderRepository) error { var err error ret, err = r.Gallery().Find(galleryID) return err }); err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } func galleryToUpdateInput(gallery *models.Gallery) models.GalleryUpdateInput { toStringPtr := func(s sql.NullString) *string { if s.Valid { return &s.String } return nil } dateToStringPtr := func(s models.SQLiteDate) *string { if s.Valid { return &s.String } return nil } return models.GalleryUpdateInput{ ID: strconv.Itoa(gallery.ID), Title: toStringPtr(gallery.Title), Details: toStringPtr(gallery.Details), URL: toStringPtr(gallery.URL), Date: dateToStringPtr(gallery.Date), } }