[Files Refactor] Cleanup (#2893)

* Clean up notes for develop merge
* Remove commented code
* Lint
This commit is contained in:
WithoutPants 2022-09-07 16:50:15 +10:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9e08edc76f
commit cfc8222b9a
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 19 additions and 1240 deletions

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ func isService() bool {
// Detect if windows golang executable file is running via double click or from cmd/shell terminator
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8610489/distinguish-if-program-runs-by-clicking-on-the-icon-typing-its-name-in-the-cons?rq=1
// https://github.com/shirou/w32/blob/master/kernel32.go
// https://github.com/kbinani/win/blob/master/kernel32.go#L3268
// win.GetConsoleProcessList(new(uint32), win.DWORD(2))
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8610489/distinguish-if-program-runs-by-clicking-on-the-icon-typing-its-name-in-the-cons?rq=1
// https://github.com/shirou/w32/blob/master/kernel32.go
// https://github.com/kbinani/win/blob/master/kernel32.go#L3268
// win.GetConsoleProcessList(new(uint32), win.DWORD(2))
// from https://gist.github.com/yougg/213250cc04a52e2b853590b06f49d865
func isDoubleClickLaunched() bool {
lp := kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleProcessList")

View File

@ -311,8 +311,7 @@ func (i *Instance) GetNotificationsEnabled() bool {
// GetShowOneTimeMovedNotification shows whether a small notification to inform the user that Stash
// will no longer show a terminal window, and instead will be available in the tray, should be shown.
// It is true when an existing system is started after upgrading, and set to false forever after it is shown.
// It is true when an existing system is started after upgrading, and set to false forever after it is shown.
func (i *Instance) GetShowOneTimeMovedNotification() bool {
return i.getBool(ShowOneTimeMovedNotification)

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
package manager
// func (t *ScanTask) scanGallery(ctx context.Context) {
// var g *models.Gallery
// path := t.file.Path()
// images := 0
// scanImages := false
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// g, err = t.TxnManager.Gallery.FindByPath(ctx, path)
// if g != nil && err == nil {
// images, err = t.TxnManager.Image.CountByGalleryID(ctx, g.ID)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("error getting images for zip gallery %s: %s", path, err.Error())
// }
// }
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// scanner := gallery.Scanner{
// Scanner: gallery.FileScanner(&file.FSHasher{}),
// ImageExtensions: instance.Config.GetImageExtensions(),
// StripFileExtension: t.StripFileExtension,
// CaseSensitiveFs: t.CaseSensitiveFs,
// CreatorUpdater: t.TxnManager.Gallery,
// Paths: instance.Paths,
// PluginCache: instance.PluginCache,
// MutexManager: t.mutexManager,
// }
// var err error
// if g != nil {
// g, scanImages, err = scanner.ScanExisting(ctx, g, t.file)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// // scan the zip files if the gallery has no images
// scanImages = scanImages || images == 0
// } else {
// g, scanImages, err = scanner.ScanNew(ctx, t.file)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// }
// }
// if g != nil {
// if scanImages {
// t.scanZipImages(ctx, g)
// } else {
// // in case thumbnails have been deleted, regenerate them
// t.regenerateZipImages(ctx, g)
// }
// }
// }
// associates a gallery to a scene with the same basename
// func (t *ScanTask) associateGallery(ctx context.Context, wg *sizedwaitgroup.SizedWaitGroup) {
// path := t.file.Path()
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// r := t.TxnManager
// qb := r.Gallery
// sqb := r.Scene
// g, err := qb.FindByPath(ctx, path)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if g == nil {
// // associate is run after scan is finished
// // should only happen if gallery is a directory or an io error occurs during hashing
// logger.Warnf("associate: gallery %s not found in DB", path)
// return nil
// }
// basename := strings.TrimSuffix(path, filepath.Ext(path))
// var relatedFiles []string
// vExt := config.GetInstance().GetVideoExtensions()
// // make a list of media files that can be related to the gallery
// for _, ext := range vExt {
// related := basename + "." + ext
// // exclude gallery extensions from the related files
// if !isGallery(related) {
// relatedFiles = append(relatedFiles, related)
// }
// }
// for _, scenePath := range relatedFiles {
// scene, _ := sqb.FindByPath(ctx, scenePath)
// // found related Scene
// if scene != nil {
// sceneGalleries, _ := sqb.FindByGalleryID(ctx, g.ID) // check if gallery is already associated to the scene
// isAssoc := false
// for _, sg := range sceneGalleries {
// if scene.ID == sg.ID {
// isAssoc = true
// break
// }
// }
// if !isAssoc {
// logger.Infof("associate: Gallery %s is related to scene: %d", path, scene.ID)
// if _, err := sqb.UpdatePartial(ctx, scene.ID, models.ScenePartial{
// GalleryIDs: &models.UpdateIDs{
// IDs: []int{g.ID},
// Mode: models.RelationshipUpdateModeAdd,
// },
// }); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return nil
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// }
// wg.Done()
// }
// func (t *ScanTask) scanZipImages(ctx context.Context, zipGallery *models.Gallery) {
// err := walkGalleryZip(*zipGallery.Path, func(f *zip.File) error {
// // copy this task and change the filename
// subTask := *t
// // filepath is the zip file and the internal file name, separated by a null byte
// subTask.file = file.ZipFile(*zipGallery.Path, f)
// subTask.zipGallery = zipGallery
// // run the subtask and wait for it to complete
// subTask.Start(ctx)
// return nil
// })
// if err != nil {
// logger.Warnf("failed to scan zip file images for %s: %s", *zipGallery.Path, err.Error())
// }
// }
// func (t *ScanTask) regenerateZipImages(ctx context.Context, zipGallery *models.Gallery) {
// var images []*models.Image
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// iqb := t.TxnManager.Image
// var err error
// images, err = iqb.FindByGalleryID(ctx, zipGallery.ID)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Warnf("failed to find gallery images: %s", err.Error())
// return
// }
// for _, img := range images {
// t.generateThumbnail(img)
// }
// }

View File

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
package manager
// import (
// "context"
// "errors"
// "os/exec"
// "path/filepath"
// "time"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/internal/manager/config"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/file"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/fsutil"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/gallery"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/hash/md5"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/image"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/logger"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/models"
// "github.com/stashapp/stash/pkg/plugin"
// )
// func (t *ScanTask) scanImage(ctx context.Context) {
// var i *models.Image
// path := t.file.Path()
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// i, err = t.TxnManager.Image.FindByPath(ctx, path)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// scanner := image.Scanner{
// Scanner: image.FileScanner(&file.FSHasher{}),
// StripFileExtension: t.StripFileExtension,
// TxnManager: t.TxnManager,
// CreatorUpdater: t.TxnManager.Image,
// CaseSensitiveFs: t.CaseSensitiveFs,
// Paths: GetInstance().Paths,
// PluginCache: instance.PluginCache,
// MutexManager: t.mutexManager,
// }
// var err error
// if i != nil {
// i, err = scanner.ScanExisting(ctx, i, t.file)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// } else {
// i, err = scanner.ScanNew(ctx, t.file)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// if i != nil {
// if t.zipGallery != nil {
// // associate with gallery
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// return gallery.AddImage(ctx, t.TxnManager.Gallery, t.zipGallery.ID, i.ID)
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// } else if config.GetInstance().GetCreateGalleriesFromFolders() {
// // create gallery from folder or associate with existing gallery
// logger.Infof("Associating image %s with folder gallery", i.Path)
// var galleryID int
// var isNewGallery bool
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// galleryID, isNewGallery, err = t.associateImageWithFolderGallery(ctx, i.ID, t.TxnManager.Gallery)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return
// }
// if isNewGallery {
// GetInstance().PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, galleryID, plugin.GalleryCreatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if i != nil {
// t.generateThumbnail(i)
// }
// }
// type GalleryImageAssociator interface {
// FindByPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (*models.Gallery, error)
// Create(ctx context.Context, newGallery *models.Gallery) error
// gallery.ImageUpdater
// }
// func (t *ScanTask) associateImageWithFolderGallery(ctx context.Context, imageID int, qb GalleryImageAssociator) (galleryID int, isNew bool, err error) {
// // find a gallery with the path specified
// path := filepath.Dir(t.file.Path())
// var g *models.Gallery
// g, err = qb.FindByPath(ctx, path)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// if g == nil {
// checksum := md5.FromString(path)
// // create the gallery
// currentTime := time.Now()
// title := fsutil.GetNameFromPath(path, false)
// g = &models.Gallery{
// Checksum: checksum,
// Path: &path,
// CreatedAt: currentTime,
// UpdatedAt: currentTime,
// Title: title,
// }
// logger.Infof("Creating gallery for folder %s", path)
// err = qb.Create(ctx, g)
// if err != nil {
// return 0, false, err
// }
// isNew = true
// }
// // associate image with gallery
// err = gallery.AddImage(ctx, qb, g.ID, imageID)
// galleryID = g.ID
// return
// }
// func (t *ScanTask) generateThumbnail(i *models.Image) {
// if !t.GenerateThumbnails {
// return
// }
// thumbPath := GetInstance().Paths.Generated.GetThumbnailPath(i.Checksum, models.DefaultGthumbWidth)
// exists, _ := fsutil.FileExists(thumbPath)
// if exists {
// return
// }
// config, _, err := image.DecodeSourceImage(i)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("error reading image %s: %s", i.Path, err.Error())
// return
// }
// if config.Height > models.DefaultGthumbWidth || config.Width > models.DefaultGthumbWidth {
// encoder := image.NewThumbnailEncoder(instance.FFMPEG)
// data, err := encoder.GetThumbnail(i, models.DefaultGthumbWidth)
// if err != nil {
// // don't log for animated images
// if !errors.Is(err, image.ErrNotSupportedForThumbnail) {
// logger.Errorf("error getting thumbnail for image %s: %s", i.Path, err.Error())
// var exitErr *exec.ExitError
// if errors.As(err, &exitErr) {
// logger.Errorf("stderr: %s", string(exitErr.Stderr))
// }
// }
// return
// }
// err = fsutil.WriteFile(thumbPath, data)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("error writing thumbnail for image %s: %s", i.Path, err)
// }
// }
// }

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
package manager
// type sceneScreenshotter struct {
// g *generate.Generator
// }
// func (ss *sceneScreenshotter) GenerateScreenshot(ctx context.Context, probeResult *ffmpeg.VideoFile, hash string) error {
// return ss.g.Screenshot(ctx, probeResult.Path, hash, probeResult.Width, probeResult.Duration, generate.ScreenshotOptions{})
// }
// func (ss *sceneScreenshotter) GenerateThumbnail(ctx context.Context, probeResult *ffmpeg.VideoFile, hash string) error {
// return ss.g.Thumbnail(ctx, probeResult.Path, hash, probeResult.Duration, generate.ScreenshotOptions{})
// }
// func (t *ScanTask) scanScene(ctx context.Context) *models.Scene {
// logError := func(err error) *models.Scene {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return nil
// }
// var retScene *models.Scene
// var s *models.Scene
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// s, err = t.TxnManager.Scene.FindByPath(ctx, t.file.Path())
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return nil
// }
// g := &generate.Generator{
// Encoder: instance.FFMPEG,
// LockManager: instance.ReadLockManager,
// ScenePaths: instance.Paths.Scene,
// }
// scanner := scene.Scanner{
// Scanner: scene.FileScanner(&file.FSHasher{}, t.fileNamingAlgorithm, t.calculateMD5),
// StripFileExtension: t.StripFileExtension,
// FileNamingAlgorithm: t.fileNamingAlgorithm,
// TxnManager: t.TxnManager,
// CreatorUpdater: t.TxnManager.Scene,
// Paths: GetInstance().Paths,
// CaseSensitiveFs: t.CaseSensitiveFs,
// Screenshotter: &sceneScreenshotter{
// g: g,
// },
// VideoFileCreator: &instance.FFProbe,
// PluginCache: instance.PluginCache,
// MutexManager: t.mutexManager,
// UseFileMetadata: t.UseFileMetadata,
// }
// if s != nil {
// if err := scanner.ScanExisting(ctx, s, t.file); err != nil {
// return logError(err)
// }
// return nil
// }
// var err error
// retScene, err = scanner.ScanNew(ctx, t.file)
// if err != nil {
// return logError(err)
// }
// return retScene
// }
// associates captions to scene/s with the same basename
// func (t *ScanTask) associateCaptions(ctx context.Context) {
// vExt := config.GetInstance().GetVideoExtensions()
// captionPath := t.file.Path()
// captionLang := scene.GetCaptionsLangFromPath(captionPath)
// relatedFiles := scene.GenerateCaptionCandidates(captionPath, vExt)
// if err := t.TxnManager.WithTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// sqb := t.TxnManager.Scene
// for _, scenePath := range relatedFiles {
// s, er := sqb.FindByPath(ctx, scenePath)
// if er != nil {
// logger.Errorf("Error searching for scene %s: %v", scenePath, er)
// continue
// }
// if s != nil { // found related Scene
// logger.Debugf("Matched captions to scene %s", s.Path)
// captions, er := sqb.GetCaptions(ctx, s.ID)
// if er == nil {
// fileExt := filepath.Ext(captionPath)
// ext := fileExt[1:]
// if !scene.IsLangInCaptions(captionLang, ext, captions) { // only update captions if language code is not present
// newCaption := &models.SceneCaption{
// LanguageCode: captionLang,
// Filename: filepath.Base(captionPath),
// CaptionType: ext,
// }
// captions = append(captions, newCaption)
// er = sqb.UpdateCaptions(ctx, s.ID, captions)
// if er == nil {
// logger.Debugf("Updated captions for scene %s. Added %s", s.Path, captionLang)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// }
// }

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import (
// const mutexType = "gallery"
type FinderCreatorUpdater interface {
Create(ctx context.Context, newGallery *models.Gallery, fileIDs []file.ID) error
@ -133,222 +131,3 @@ func (h *ScanHandler) associateScene(ctx context.Context, existing []*models.Gal
return nil
// type Scanner struct {
// file.Scanner
// ImageExtensions []string
// StripFileExtension bool
// CaseSensitiveFs bool
// TxnManager txn.Manager
// CreatorUpdater FinderCreatorUpdater
// Paths *paths.Paths
// PluginCache *plugin.Cache
// MutexManager *utils.MutexManager
// }
// func FileScanner(hasher file.Hasher) file.Scanner {
// return file.Scanner{
// Hasher: hasher,
// CalculateMD5: true,
// }
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanExisting(ctx context.Context, existing file.FileBased, file file.SourceFile) (retGallery *models.Gallery, scanImages bool, err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanExisting(existing, file)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, false, err
// }
// // we don't currently store sizes for gallery files
// // clear the file size so that we don't incorrectly detect a
// // change
// scanned.New.Size = ""
// retGallery = existing.(*models.Gallery)
// path := scanned.New.Path
// changed := false
// if scanned.ContentsChanged() {
// retGallery.SetFile(*scanned.New)
// changed = true
// } else if scanned.FileUpdated() {
// logger.Infof("Updated gallery file %s", path)
// retGallery.SetFile(*scanned.New)
// changed = true
// }
// if changed {
// scanImages = true
// logger.Infof("%s has been updated: rescanning", path)
// retGallery.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
// // we are operating on a checksum now, so grab a mutex on the checksum
// done := make(chan struct{})
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, scanned.New.Checksum, done)
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// // free the mutex once transaction is complete
// defer close(done)
// // ensure no clashes of hashes
// if scanned.New.Checksum != "" && scanned.Old.Checksum != scanned.New.Checksum {
// dupe, _ := scanner.CreatorUpdater.FindByChecksum(ctx, retGallery.Checksum)
// if dupe != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("MD5 for file %s is the same as that of %s", path, *dupe.Path)
// }
// }
// return scanner.CreatorUpdater.Update(ctx, retGallery)
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, false, err
// }
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, retGallery.ID, plugin.GalleryUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// return
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanNew(ctx context.Context, file file.SourceFile) (retGallery *models.Gallery, scanImages bool, err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanNew(file)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, false, err
// }
// path := file.Path()
// checksum := scanned.Checksum
// isNewGallery := false
// isUpdatedGallery := false
// var g *models.Gallery
// // grab a mutex on the checksum
// done := make(chan struct{})
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, checksum, done)
// defer close(done)
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// qb := scanner.CreatorUpdater
// g, _ = qb.FindByChecksum(ctx, checksum)
// if g != nil {
// exists, _ := fsutil.FileExists(*g.Path)
// if !scanner.CaseSensitiveFs {
// // #1426 - if file exists but is a case-insensitive match for the
// // original filename, then treat it as a move
// if exists && strings.EqualFold(path, *g.Path) {
// exists = false
// }
// }
// if exists {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Duplicate of %s ", path, *g.Path)
// } else {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Updating path...", path)
// g.Path = &path
// err = qb.Update(ctx, g)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// isUpdatedGallery = true
// }
// } else if scanner.hasImages(path) { // don't create gallery if it has no images
// currentTime := time.Now()
// title := fsutil.GetNameFromPath(path, scanner.StripFileExtension)
// g = &models.Gallery{
// Zip: true,
// Title: title,
// CreatedAt: currentTime,
// UpdatedAt: currentTime,
// }
// g.SetFile(*scanned)
// // only warn when creating the gallery
// ok, err := isZipFileUncompressed(path)
// if err == nil && !ok {
// logger.Warnf("%s is using above store (0) level compression.", path)
// }
// logger.Infof("%s doesn't exist. Creating new item...", path)
// err = qb.Create(ctx, g)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// scanImages = true
// isNewGallery = true
// }
// return nil
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, false, err
// }
// if isNewGallery {
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, g.ID, plugin.GalleryCreatePost, nil, nil)
// } else if isUpdatedGallery {
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, g.ID, plugin.GalleryUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// // Also scan images if zip file has been moved (ie updated) as the image paths are no longer valid
// scanImages = isNewGallery || isUpdatedGallery
// retGallery = g
// return
// }
// // IsZipFileUnmcompressed returns true if zip file in path is using 0 compression level
// func isZipFileUncompressed(path string) (bool, error) {
// r, err := zip.OpenReader(path)
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Printf("Error reading zip file %s: %s\n", path, err)
// return false, err
// } else {
// defer r.Close()
// for _, f := range r.File {
// if f.FileInfo().IsDir() { // skip dirs, they always get store level compression
// continue
// }
// return f.Method == 0, nil // check compression level of first actual file
// }
// }
// return false, nil
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) isImage(pathname string) bool {
// return fsutil.MatchExtension(pathname, scanner.ImageExtensions)
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) hasImages(path string) bool {
// readCloser, err := zip.OpenReader(path)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Warnf("Error while walking gallery zip: %v", err)
// return false
// }
// defer readCloser.Close()
// for _, file := range readCloser.File {
// if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
// continue
// }
// if strings.Contains(file.Name, "__MACOSX") {
// continue
// }
// if !scanner.isImage(file.Name) {
// continue
// }
// return true
// }
// return false
// }

View File

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ var (
ErrNotImageFile = errors.New("not an image file")
// const mutexType = "image"
type FinderCreatorUpdater interface {
FindByFileID(ctx context.Context, fileID file.ID) ([]*models.Image, error)
FindByFingerprints(ctx context.Context, fp []file.Fingerprint) ([]*models.Image, error)
@ -227,177 +225,3 @@ func (h *ScanHandler) associateFolderBasedGallery(ctx context.Context, newImage
return nil
// type Scanner struct {
// file.Scanner
// StripFileExtension bool
// CaseSensitiveFs bool
// TxnManager txn.Manager
// CreatorUpdater FinderCreatorUpdater
// Paths *paths.Paths
// PluginCache *plugin.Cache
// MutexManager *utils.MutexManager
// }
// func FileScanner(hasher file.Hasher) file.Scanner {
// return file.Scanner{
// Hasher: hasher,
// CalculateMD5: true,
// }
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanExisting(ctx context.Context, existing file.FileBased, file file.SourceFile) (retImage *models.Image, err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanExisting(existing, file)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// i := existing.(*models.Image)
// path := scanned.New.Path
// oldChecksum := i.Checksum
// changed := false
// if scanned.ContentsChanged() {
// logger.Infof("%s has been updated: rescanning", path)
// // regenerate the file details as well
// if err := SetFileDetails(i); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// changed = true
// } else if scanned.FileUpdated() {
// logger.Infof("Updated image file %s", path)
// changed = true
// }
// if changed {
// i.SetFile(*scanned.New)
// i.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
// // we are operating on a checksum now, so grab a mutex on the checksum
// done := make(chan struct{})
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, scanned.New.Checksum, done)
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// // free the mutex once transaction is complete
// defer close(done)
// var err error
// // ensure no clashes of hashes
// if scanned.New.Checksum != "" && scanned.Old.Checksum != scanned.New.Checksum {
// dupe, _ := scanner.CreatorUpdater.FindByChecksum(ctx, i.Checksum)
// if dupe != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("MD5 for file %s is the same as that of %s", path, dupe.Path)
// }
// }
// err = scanner.CreatorUpdater.Update(ctx, i)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// retImage = i
// // remove the old thumbnail if the checksum changed - we'll regenerate it
// if oldChecksum != scanned.New.Checksum {
// // remove cache dir of gallery
// err = os.Remove(scanner.Paths.Generated.GetThumbnailPath(oldChecksum, models.DefaultGthumbWidth))
// if err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("Error deleting thumbnail image: %s", err)
// }
// }
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, retImage.ID, plugin.ImageUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// return
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanNew(ctx context.Context, f file.SourceFile) (retImage *models.Image, err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanNew(f)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// path := f.Path()
// checksum := scanned.Checksum
// // grab a mutex on the checksum
// done := make(chan struct{})
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, checksum, done)
// defer close(done)
// // check for image by checksum
// var existingImage *models.Image
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// existingImage, err = scanner.CreatorUpdater.FindByChecksum(ctx, checksum)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// pathDisplayName := file.ZipPathDisplayName(path)
// if existingImage != nil {
// exists := FileExists(existingImage.Path)
// if !scanner.CaseSensitiveFs {
// // #1426 - if file exists but is a case-insensitive match for the
// // original filename, then treat it as a move
// if exists && strings.EqualFold(path, existingImage.Path) {
// exists = false
// }
// }
// if exists {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Duplicate of %s ", pathDisplayName, file.ZipPathDisplayName(existingImage.Path))
// return nil, nil
// } else {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Updating path...", pathDisplayName)
// existingImage.Path = path
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// return scanner.CreatorUpdater.Update(ctx, existingImage)
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// retImage = existingImage
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, existingImage.ID, plugin.ImageUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// } else {
// logger.Infof("%s doesn't exist. Creating new item...", pathDisplayName)
// currentTime := time.Now()
// newImage := &models.Image{
// CreatedAt: currentTime,
// UpdatedAt: currentTime,
// }
// newImage.SetFile(*scanned)
// fn := GetFilename(newImage, scanner.StripFileExtension)
// newImage.Title = fn
// if err := SetFileDetails(newImage); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// return nil, err
// }
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// return scanner.CreatorUpdater.Create(ctx, newImage)
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// retImage = newImage
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, retImage.ID, plugin.ImageCreatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// return
// }

View File

@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ var (
ErrNotVideoFile = errors.New("not a video file")
// const mutexType = "scene"
type CreatorUpdater interface {
FindByFileID(ctx context.Context, fileID file.ID) ([]*models.Scene, error)
FindByFingerprints(ctx context.Context, fp []file.Fingerprint) ([]*models.Scene, error)
@ -140,356 +138,3 @@ func (h *ScanHandler) associateExisting(ctx context.Context, existing []*models.
return nil
// type videoFileCreator interface {
// NewVideoFile(path string) (*ffmpeg.VideoFile, error)
// }
// type Scanner struct {
// file.Scanner
// StripFileExtension bool
// UseFileMetadata bool
// FileNamingAlgorithm models.HashAlgorithm
// CaseSensitiveFs bool
// TxnManager txn.Manager
// CreatorUpdater CreatorUpdater
// Paths *paths.Paths
// Screenshotter screenshotter
// VideoFileCreator videoFileCreator
// PluginCache *plugin.Cache
// MutexManager *utils.MutexManager
// }
// func FileScanner(hasher file.Hasher, fileNamingAlgorithm models.HashAlgorithm, calculateMD5 bool) file.Scanner {
// return file.Scanner{
// Hasher: hasher,
// CalculateOSHash: true,
// CalculateMD5: fileNamingAlgorithm == models.HashAlgorithmMd5 || calculateMD5,
// }
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanExisting(ctx context.Context, existing file.FileBased, file file.SourceFile) (err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanExisting(existing, file)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// s := existing.(*models.Scene)
// path := scanned.New.Path
// interactive := getInteractive(path)
// oldHash := s.GetHash(scanner.FileNamingAlgorithm)
// changed := false
// var videoFile *ffmpeg.VideoFile
// if scanned.ContentsChanged() {
// logger.Infof("%s has been updated: rescanning", path)
// s.SetFile(*scanned.New)
// videoFile, err = scanner.VideoFileCreator.NewVideoFile(path)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := videoFileToScene(s, videoFile); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// changed = true
// } else if scanned.FileUpdated() || s.Interactive != interactive {
// logger.Infof("Updated scene file %s", path)
// // update fields as needed
// s.SetFile(*scanned.New)
// changed = true
// }
// // check for container
// if s.Format == nil {
// if videoFile == nil {
// videoFile, err = scanner.VideoFileCreator.NewVideoFile(path)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// container, err := ffmpeg.MatchContainer(videoFile.Container, path)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("getting container for %s: %w", path, err)
// }
// logger.Infof("Adding container %s to file %s", container, path)
// containerStr := string(container)
// s.Format = &containerStr
// changed = true
// }
// qb := scanner.CreatorUpdater
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// var err error
// captions, er := qb.GetCaptions(ctx, s.ID)
// if er == nil {
// if len(captions) > 0 {
// clean, altered := CleanCaptions(s.Path, captions)
// if altered {
// er = qb.UpdateCaptions(ctx, s.ID, clean)
// if er == nil {
// logger.Debugf("Captions for %s cleaned: %s -> %s", path, captions, clean)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// }
// if changed {
// // we are operating on a checksum now, so grab a mutex on the checksum
// done := make(chan struct{})
// if scanned.New.OSHash != "" {
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, scanned.New.OSHash, done)
// }
// if scanned.New.Checksum != "" {
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, scanned.New.Checksum, done)
// }
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// defer close(done)
// qb := scanner.CreatorUpdater
// // ensure no clashes of hashes
// if scanned.New.Checksum != "" && scanned.Old.Checksum != scanned.New.Checksum {
// dupe, _ := qb.FindByChecksum(ctx, *s.Checksum)
// if dupe != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("MD5 for file %s is the same as that of %s", path, dupe.Path)
// }
// }
// if scanned.New.OSHash != "" && scanned.Old.OSHash != scanned.New.OSHash {
// dupe, _ := qb.FindByOSHash(ctx, scanned.New.OSHash)
// if dupe != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("OSHash for file %s is the same as that of %s", path, dupe.Path)
// }
// }
// s.Interactive = interactive
// s.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
// return qb.Update(ctx, s)
// }); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// // Migrate any generated files if the hash has changed
// newHash := s.GetHash(scanner.FileNamingAlgorithm)
// if newHash != oldHash {
// MigrateHash(scanner.Paths, oldHash, newHash)
// }
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, s.ID, plugin.SceneUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// // We already have this item in the database
// // check for thumbnails, screenshots
// scanner.makeScreenshots(path, videoFile, s.GetHash(scanner.FileNamingAlgorithm))
// return nil
// }
// func (scanner *Scanner) ScanNew(ctx context.Context, file file.SourceFile) (retScene *models.Scene, err error) {
// scanned, err := scanner.Scanner.ScanNew(file)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// path := file.Path()
// checksum := scanned.Checksum
// oshash := scanned.OSHash
// // grab a mutex on the checksum and oshash
// done := make(chan struct{})
// if oshash != "" {
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, oshash, done)
// }
// if checksum != "" {
// scanner.MutexManager.Claim(mutexType, checksum, done)
// }
// defer close(done)
// // check for scene by checksum and oshash - MD5 should be
// // redundant, but check both
// var s *models.Scene
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// qb := scanner.CreatorUpdater
// if checksum != "" {
// s, _ = qb.FindByChecksum(ctx, checksum)
// }
// if s == nil {
// s, _ = qb.FindByOSHash(ctx, oshash)
// }
// return nil
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// sceneHash := oshash
// if scanner.FileNamingAlgorithm == models.HashAlgorithmMd5 {
// sceneHash = checksum
// }
// interactive := getInteractive(file.Path())
// if s != nil {
// exists, _ := fsutil.FileExists(s.Path)
// if !scanner.CaseSensitiveFs {
// // #1426 - if file exists but is a case-insensitive match for the
// // original filename, then treat it as a move
// if exists && strings.EqualFold(path, s.Path) {
// exists = false
// }
// }
// if exists {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Duplicate of %s", path, s.Path)
// } else {
// logger.Infof("%s already exists. Updating path...", path)
// scenePartial := models.ScenePartial{
// Path: models.NewOptionalString(path),
// Interactive: models.NewOptionalBool(interactive),
// }
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// _, err := scanner.CreatorUpdater.UpdatePartial(ctx, s.ID, scenePartial)
// return err
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// scanner.makeScreenshots(path, nil, sceneHash)
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, s.ID, plugin.SceneUpdatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// } else {
// logger.Infof("%s doesn't exist. Creating new item...", path)
// currentTime := time.Now()
// videoFile, err := scanner.VideoFileCreator.NewVideoFile(path)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// title := filepath.Base(path)
// if scanner.StripFileExtension {
// title = stripExtension(title)
// }
// if scanner.UseFileMetadata && videoFile.Title != "" {
// title = videoFile.Title
// }
// newScene := models.Scene{
// Path: path,
// FileModTime: &scanned.FileModTime,
// Title: title,
// CreatedAt: currentTime,
// UpdatedAt: currentTime,
// Interactive: interactive,
// }
// if checksum != "" {
// newScene.Checksum = &checksum
// }
// if oshash != "" {
// newScene.OSHash = &oshash
// }
// if err := videoFileToScene(&newScene, videoFile); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// if scanner.UseFileMetadata {
// newScene.Details = videoFile.Comment
// d := models.SQLiteDate{}
// _ = d.Scan(videoFile.CreationTime)
// newScene.Date = d.DatePtr()
// }
// if err := txn.WithTxn(ctx, scanner.TxnManager, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// return scanner.CreatorUpdater.Create(ctx, &newScene)
// }); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// retScene = &newScene
// scanner.makeScreenshots(path, videoFile, sceneHash)
// scanner.PluginCache.ExecutePostHooks(ctx, retScene.ID, plugin.SceneCreatePost, nil, nil)
// }
// return retScene, nil
// }
// func stripExtension(path string) string {
// ext := filepath.Ext(path)
// return strings.TrimSuffix(path, ext)
// }
// func videoFileToScene(s *models.Scene, videoFile *ffmpeg.VideoFile) error {
// container, err := ffmpeg.MatchContainer(videoFile.Container, s.Path)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("matching container: %w", err)
// }
// s.Duration = &videoFile.Duration
// s.VideoCodec = &videoFile.VideoCodec
// s.AudioCodec = &videoFile.AudioCodec
// containerStr := string(container)
// s.Format = &containerStr
// s.Width = &videoFile.Width
// s.Height = &videoFile.Height
// s.Framerate = &videoFile.FrameRate
// s.Bitrate = &videoFile.Bitrate
// size := strconv.FormatInt(videoFile.Size, 10)
// s.Size = &size
// return nil
// }
// func (h *ScanHandler) makeScreenshots(ctx context.Context, scene *models.Scene, f *file.VideoFile) {
// checksum := scene.GetHash()
// thumbPath := h.Paths.Scene.GetThumbnailScreenshotPath(checksum)
// normalPath := h.Paths.Scene.GetScreenshotPath(checksum)
// thumbExists, _ := fsutil.FileExists(thumbPath)
// normalExists, _ := fsutil.FileExists(normalPath)
// if thumbExists && normalExists {
// return
// }
// if !thumbExists {
// logger.Debugf("Creating thumbnail for %s", f.Path)
// if err := h.Screenshotter.GenerateThumbnail(ctx, probeResult, checksum); err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("Error creating thumbnail for %s: %v", err)
// }
// }
// if !normalExists {
// logger.Debugf("Creating screenshot for %s", f.Path)
// if err := h.Screenshotter.GenerateScreenshot(ctx, probeResult, checksum); err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("Error creating screenshot for %s: %v", err)
// }
// }
// }
// func getInteractive(path string) bool {
// _, err := os.Stat(GetFunscriptPath(path))
// return err == nil
// }

pkg/utils/strings_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package utils
import "fmt"
func ExampleStrFormat() {
fmt.Println(StrFormat("{foo} bar {baz}", StrFormatMap{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "abc",
// Output:
// bar bar abc

View File

@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
### **Warning:** this is an experimental release. Use at your own risk!
Please ensure you back up your **entire** stash system before using this build. This build should be considered experimental.
After migrating, please run a scan on your entire library to populate missing data, and to ingest identical files which were previously ignored.
Please report all issues to the following Github issue: https://github.com/stashapp/stash/issues/2737
### 💥 Known issues and other changes
* Missing covers are not currently regenerated. Need to consider further, especially around scene cover redesign.
* Missing covers are not currently regenerated.
* Import/export schema has changed and is incompatible with the previous version.
### ✨ New Features

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
### **Warning:** this is an experimental release. Use at your own risk!
Please ensure you back up your **entire** stash system before using this build. This build should be considered experimental.
This migration significantly changes the way that stash stores information about your files. This migration is not reversible.
After migrating, please run a scan on your entire library to populate missing data, and to ingest identical files which were previously ignored.

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
### **Warning:** Windows users will need to re-migrate from schema version 31 if they are upgrading from an older `files-refactor` build, or manually change the path separators in the `folders` table from `/` to `\` in the database.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import v0170 from "./v0170.md";
import r20220826 from "./20220826.md";
export type Module = typeof v0170;
@ -11,11 +10,7 @@ interface IReleaseNotes {
export const releaseNotes: IReleaseNotes[] = [
date: 20220801,
date: 20220906,
content: v0170,
date: 20220826,
content: r20220826,

View File

@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
### **Warning:** this is an experimental release. Use at your own risk!
Please ensure you back up your **entire** stash system before using this build. This build should be considered experimental.
After migrating, please run a scan on your entire library to populate missing data, and to ingest identical files which were previously ignored.
Please report all issues to the following Github issue: https://github.com/stashapp/stash/issues/2737
### **Warning:** if you are upgrading from an older `files-refactor` build, you will need to re-migrate your system from a schema version 31 database.
### 💥 Known issues
* Missing covers are not currently regenerated. Need to consider further, especially around scene cover redesign.
### Other changes:
* Import/export schema has changed and is incompatible with the previous version.
* Added support for filtering and sorting by file count. ([#2744](https://github.com/stashapp/stash/pull/2744))
* Changelog has been moved from the stats page to a section in the Settings page.
* Object titles are now displayed as the file basename if the title is not explicitly set. The `Don't include file extension as part of the title` scan flag is no longer supported.
* `Set name, date, details from embedded file metadata` scan flag is no longer supported. This functionality may be implemented as a built-in scraper in the future.