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* Stash gathers information about videos in your collection from the internet, and is extensible through the use of community-built plugins for a large number of content producers and sites.
* Stash supports a wide variety of both video and image formats.
On Windows or macOS, running the app might present a security prompt since the binary isn't yet signed.
On Windows, bypass this by clicking "more info" and then the "run anyway" button. On macOS, Control+Click the app, click "Open", and then "Open" again.
Stash requires FFmpeg. If you don't have it installed, Stash will download a copy for you. It is recommended that Linux users install `ffmpeg` from their distro's package manager.
Stash is a web-based application. Once the application is running, the interface is available (by default) from http://localhost:9999.
On first run, Stash will prompt you for some configuration options and media directories to index, called "Scanning" in Stash. After scanning, your media will be available for browsing, curating, editing, and tagging.
Stash can pull metadata (performers, tags, descriptions, studios, and more) directly from many sites through the use of [scrapers](https://github.com/stashapp/stash/tree/develop/ui/v2.5/src/docs/en/Scraping.md), which integrate directly into Stash.
Many community-maintained scrapers are available for download from [CommunityScrapers repository](https://github.com/stashapp/CommunityScrapers). The community also maintains StashDB, a crowd-sourced repository of scene, studio, and performer information, that can automatically identify much of a typical media collection. Inquire in the Discord for details. Identifying an entire collection will typically require a mix of multiple sources.
<sub>[StashDB](http://stashdb.org) is the canonical instance of our open source metadata API, [stash-box](https://github.com/stashapp/stash-box).</sub>
Stash is available in 25 languages (so far!) and it could be in your language too. We use Weblate to coordinate community translations. If you want to help us translate Stash into your language, you can make an account at [Stash's Weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/stashapp/stash/) to get started contributing new languages or improving existing ones. Thanks!
There is a [directory of community-created themes](https://docs.stashapp.cc/user-interface-ui/themes) on Stash-Docs, along with instructions on how to install them.
You can also change the Stash interface to fit your desired style with various snippets from [Custom CSS snippets](https://docs.stashapp.cc/user-interface-ui/custom-css-snippets).
See [Development](docs/DEVELOPMENT.md) and [Contributing](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) for information on working with the codebase, getting a local development setup, and contributing changes.