Starlette has a rapidly growing community of developers, building tools that integrate into Starlette, tools that depend on Starlette, etc. Here are some of those third party packages: ## Plugins ### Starlette APISpec Link: Easy APISpec integration for Starlette. Document your REST API built with Starlette by declaring OpenAPI (Swagger) schemas in YAML format in your endpoints' docstrings. ### Starlette API Link: That library aims to bring a layer on top of Starlette framework to provide useful mechanism for building APIs. It's based on API Star, inheriting some nice ideas like: * **Schema system** based on [Marshmallow]( that allows to **declare** the inputs and outputs of endpoints and provides a reliable way of **validate** data against those schemas. * **Dependency Injection** that ease the process of managing parameters needed in endpoints. * **Components** as the base of the plugin ecosystem, allowing you to create custom or use those already defined in your endpoints, injected as parameters. * **Starlette ASGI** objects like `Request`, `Response`, `Session` and so on are defined as components and ready to be injected in your endpoints. * **Auto generated API schema** using OpenAPI standard. It uses the schema system of your endpoints to extract all the necessary information to generate your API Schema. * **Auto generated docs** providing a [Swagger UI]( or [ReDocs]( endpoint. ```python from marshmallow import Schema, fields, validate from starlette_api.applications import Starlette # Data Schema class Puppy(Schema): id = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() age = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) # Database puppies = [ {"id": 1, "name": "Canna", "age": 6}, {"id": 2, "name": "Sandy", "age": 12}, ] # Application app = Starlette( components=[], # Without custom components title="Foo", # API title version="0.1", # API version description="Bar", # API description schema="/schema/", # Path to expose OpenAPI schema docs="/docs/", # Path to expose Swagger UI docs redoc="/redoc/", # Path to expose ReDoc docs ) # Views @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def list_puppies(name: str = None) -> Puppy(many=True): """ List the puppies collection. There is an optional query parameter that specifies a name for filtering the collection based on it. Request example: GET Response example: 200 [ {"id": 2, "name": "Sandy", "age": 12} ] """ return [puppy for puppy in puppies if puppy["name"] == name] ``` ### webargs-starlette Link: Declarative request parsing and validation for Starlette, built on top of [webargs]( Allows you to parse querystring, JSON, form, headers, and cookies using type annotations. ```python import uvicorn from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from webargs_starlette import use_annotations app = Starlette() @app.route("/") @use_annotations(locations=("query",)) async def index(request, name: str = "World"): return JSONResponse({"Hello": name}) if __name__ == "__main__":, port=5000) # curl 'http://localhost:5000/' # {"Hello": "World"} # curl 'http://localhost:5000/?name=Ada' # {"Hello": "Ada"} ``` ### Mangum Link: Serverless ASGI adapter for AWS Lambda & API Gateway. ```Python from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse from mangum import Mangum app = Starlette() @app.route("/") def homepage(request): return PlainTextResponse("Hello, world!") handler = Mangum(app) # optionally set debug=True ``` ### Nejma ⭐ Link: Helps you manage and send messages to groups of channels. ```python from nejma.ext.starlette import WebSocketEndpoint @app.websocket_route("/ws") class Chat(WebSocketEndpoint): encoding = "json" async def on_receive(self, websocket, data): room_id = data['room_id'] message = data['message'] username = data['username'] if message.strip(): group = f"group_{room_id}" self.channel_layer.add(group, payload = { "username": username, "message": message, "room_id": room_id } await self.channel_layer.group_send(group, payload) ``` Checkout nejma-chat, a simple chat application built using `nejma` and `starlette`. ## Frameworks ### Responder Link: A familiar HTTP Service Framework for Python. * Flask-style route expression, with new capabilities -- all while using Python 3.6+'s new f-string syntax. * Falcon's "every request and response is passed into to each view and mutated" methodology. * Support for YAML by default. * Several of Starlette's optional dependencies pre-installed, like: * Production static file server. * Uvicorn server. * GraphQL support, via Graphene. ```Python import responder api = responder.API() @api.route("/{greeting}") async def greet_world(req, resp, *, greeting): resp.text = f"{greeting}, world!" if __name__ == '__main__': ``` ### FastAPI Link: High performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production. An API framework inspired by **APIStar**'s previous server system with type declarations for route parameters, based on the OpenAPI specification version 3.0.0+ (with JSON Schema), powered by **Pydantic** for the data handling. Use standard Python 3.6+ types as parameters to get: * Autocomplete everywhere. * Data conversion. * Data validation. * Automatic documentation with OpenAPI (and JSON Schema), based on the same Python types. Includes: * A simple but powerful **dependency injection** system. * Automatic interactive documentation (based on Swagger UI and ReDoc). * Security utilities, including **OAuth2** with **JWT tokens**. ```Python from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @app.get('/') def read_root(): return {'hello': 'world'} ``` ### Bocadillo Link: A modern Python web framework filled with asynchronous salsa. Bocadillo is **async-first** and designed with productivity and simplicity in mind. It is not meant to be minimal: a **carefully chosen set of included batteries** helps you build performant web apps and services with minimal setup. Key features include: * Simple, powerful and familiar views and routing, inspired by the greatest (Flask, Falcon). * First-class support for both HTTP / REST and WebSocket. * Built-in CORS, HSTS, GZip, HTTP streaming, Jinja2 templates, background tasks, static files… … and more ahead, as depicted in the Roadmap. The example below demonstrates a simple WebSocket echo server. ```python from bocadillo import API, WebSocket api = API() @api.websocket_route("/echo") async def echo(ws: WebSocket): async with ws: async for message in ws: await ws.send(message) if __name__ == "__main__": ```