[flake8] ignore = W503, E203, B305 max-line-length = 88 [mypy] disallow_untyped_defs = True ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-tests.*] disallow_untyped_defs = False # https://github.com/encode/starlette/issues/1045 # check_untyped_defs = True [tool:isort] profile = black combine_as_imports = True [tool:pytest] addopts = -rxXs --strict-config --strict-markers xfail_strict=True filterwarnings= # Turn warnings that aren't filtered into exceptions error # Deprecated GraphQL (including https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene/issues/1055) ignore: GraphQLApp is deprecated and will be removed in a future release\..*:DeprecationWarning ignore: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections\.abc' is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning ignore: The 'context' alias has been deprecated. Please use 'context_value' instead\.:DeprecationWarning ignore: The 'variables' alias has been deprecated. Please use 'variable_values' instead\.:DeprecationWarning # Workaround for Python 3.9.7 (see https://bugs.python.org/issue45097) ignore:The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3\.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3\.10\.:DeprecationWarning:asyncio [coverage:run] source_pkgs = starlette, tests # GraphQLApp incompatible with and untested on Python 3.10. It's deprecated, let's just ignore # coverage for it until it's gone. omit = starlette/graphql.py tests/test_graphql.py