#!/bin/sh -e export VERSION=`cat starlette/__init__.py | grep __version__ | sed "s/__version__ = //" | sed "s/'//g"` export PREFIX="" if [ -d 'venv' ] ; then export PREFIX="venv/bin/" fi scripts/clean if ! command -v "${PREFIX}twine" &>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to find the 'twine' command." echo "Install from PyPI, using '${PREFIX}pip install twine'." exit 1 fi if ! command -v "${PREFIX}wheel" &>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to find the 'wheel' command." echo "Install from PyPI, using '${PREFIX}pip install wheel'." exit 1 fi find starlette -type f -name "*.py[co]" -delete find starlette -type d -name __pycache__ -delete ${PREFIX}python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel ${PREFIX}twine upload dist/* ${PREFIX}mkdocs gh-deploy echo "You probably want to also tag the version now:" echo "git tag -a ${VERSION} -m 'version ${VERSION}'" echo "git push --tags" scripts/clean