Starlette includes a `Request` class that gives you a nicer interface onto the incoming request, rather than accessing the ASGI scope and receive channel directly. ### Request Signature: `Request(scope, receive=None)` ```python from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import Response async def app(scope, receive, send): assert scope['type'] == 'http' request = Request(scope, receive) content = '%s %s' % (request.method, request.url.path) response = Response(content, media_type='text/plain') await response(scope, receive, send) ``` Requests present a mapping interface, so you can use them in the same way as a `scope`. For instance: `request['path']` will return the ASGI path. If you don't need to access the request body you can instantiate a request without providing an argument to `receive`. #### Method The request method is accessed as `request.method`. #### URL The request URL is accessed as `request.url`. The property is a string-like object that exposes all the components that can be parsed out of the URL. For example: `request.url.path`, `request.url.port`, `request.url.scheme`. #### Headers Headers are exposed as an immutable, case-insensitive, multi-dict. For example: `request.headers['content-type']` #### Query Parameters Query parameters are exposed as an immutable multi-dict. For example: `request.query_params['search']` #### Path Parameters Router path parameters are exposed as a dictionary interface. For example: `request.path_params['username']` #### Client Address The client's remote address is exposed as a named two-tuple `request.client` (or `None`). The hostname or IP address: `` The port number from which the client is connecting: `request.client.port` #### Cookies Cookies are exposed as a regular dictionary interface. For example: `request.cookies.get('mycookie')` Cookies are ignored in case of an invalid cookie. (RFC2109) #### Body There are a few different interfaces for returning the body of the request: The request body as bytes: `await request.body()` The request body, parsed as form data or multipart: `async with request.form() as form:` The request body, parsed as JSON: `await request.json()` You can also access the request body as a stream, using the `async for` syntax: ```python from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import Response async def app(scope, receive, send): assert scope['type'] == 'http' request = Request(scope, receive) body = b'' async for chunk in body += chunk response = Response(body, media_type='text/plain') await response(scope, receive, send) ``` If you access `.stream()` then the byte chunks are provided without storing the entire body to memory. Any subsequent calls to `.body()`, `.form()`, or `.json()` will raise an error. In some cases such as long-polling, or streaming responses you might need to determine if the client has dropped the connection. You can determine this state with `disconnected = await request.is_disconnected()`. #### Request Files Request files are normally sent as multipart form data (`multipart/form-data`). Signature: `request.form(max_files=1000, max_fields=1000)` You can configure the number of maximum fields or files with the parameters `max_files` and `max_fields`: ```python async with request.form(max_files=1000, max_fields=1000): ... ``` !!! info These limits are for security reasons, allowing an unlimited number of fields or files could lead to a denial of service attack by consuming a lot of CPU and memory parsing too many empty fields. When you call `async with request.form() as form` you receive a `starlette.datastructures.FormData` which is an immutable multidict, containing both file uploads and text input. File upload items are represented as instances of `starlette.datastructures.UploadFile`. `UploadFile` has the following attributes: * `filename`: An `str` with the original file name that was uploaded or `None` if its not available (e.g. `myimage.jpg`). * `content_type`: An `str` with the content type (MIME type / media type) or `None` if it's not available (e.g. `image/jpeg`). * `file`: A `SpooledTemporaryFile` (a file-like object). This is the actual Python file that you can pass directly to other functions or libraries that expect a "file-like" object. * `headers`: A `Headers` object. Often this will only be the `Content-Type` header, but if additional headers were included in the multipart field they will be included here. Note that these headers have no relationship with the headers in `Request.headers`. * `size`: An `int` with uploaded file's size in bytes. This value is calculated from request's contents, making it better choice to find uploaded file's size than `Content-Length` header. `None` if not set. `UploadFile` has the following `async` methods. They all call the corresponding file methods underneath (using the internal `SpooledTemporaryFile`). * `async write(data)`: Writes `data` (`bytes`) to the file. * `async read(size)`: Reads `size` (`int`) bytes of the file. * `async seek(offset)`: Goes to the byte position `offset` (`int`) in the file. * E.g., `await` would go to the start of the file. * `async close()`: Closes the file. As all these methods are `async` methods, you need to "await" them. For example, you can get the file name and the contents with: ```python async with request.form() as form: filename = form["upload_file"].filename contents = await form["upload_file"].read() ``` !!! info As settled in [RFC-7578: 4.2](, form-data content part that contains file assumed to have `name` and `filename` fields in `Content-Disposition` header: `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user"; filename="somefile"`. Though `filename` field is optional according to RFC-7578, it helps Starlette to differentiate which data should be treated as file. If `filename` field was supplied, `UploadFile` object will be created to access underlying file, otherwise form-data part will be parsed and available as a raw string. #### Application The originating Starlette application can be accessed via ``. #### Other state If you want to store additional information on the request you can do so using `request.state`. For example: `request.state.time_started = time.time()`