Starlette includes a few response classes that handle sending back the appropriate ASGI messages on the `send` channel. ### Response Signature: `Response(content, status_code=200, headers=None, media_type=None)` * `content` - A string or bytestring. * `status_code` - An integer HTTP status code. * `headers` - A dictionary of strings. * `media_type` - A string giving the media type. eg. "text/html" Starlette will automatically include a Content-Length header. It will also include a Content-Type header, based on the media_type and appending a charset for text types. Once you've instantiated a response, you can send it by calling it as an ASGI application instance. ```python class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): response = Response('Hello, world!', media_type='text/plain') await response(receive, send) ``` ### HTMLResponse Takes some text or bytes and returns an HTML response. ```python from starlette import HTMLResponse class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): response = HTMLResponse('

Hello, world!

') await response(receive, send) ``` ### PlainTextResponse Takes some text or bytes and returns an plain text response. ```python from starlette import PlainTextResponse class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): response = PlainTextResponse('Hello, world!') await response(receive, send) ``` ### JSONResponse Takes some data and returns an `application/json` encoded response. ```python from starlette import JSONResponse class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): response = JSONResponse({'hello': 'world'}) await response(receive, send) ``` ### RedirectResponse Returns an HTTP redirect. Uses a 302 status code by default. ```python from starlette import PlainTextResponse, RedirectResponse class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): if self.scope['path'] != '/': response = RedirectResponse(url='/') else: response = PlainTextResponse('Hello, world!') await response(receive, send) ``` ### StreamingResponse Takes an async generator and streams the response body. ```python from starlette import Request, StreamingResponse import asyncio async def slow_numbers(minimum, maximum): yield('') class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): generator = slow_numbers(1, 10) response = StreamingResponse(generator, media_type='text/html') await response(receive, send) ``` ### FileResponse Asynchronously streams a file as the response. Takes a different set of arguments to instantiate than the other response types: * `path` - The filepath to the file to stream. * `headers` - Any custom headers to include, as a dictionary. * `media_type` - A string giving the media type. If unset, the filename or path will be used to infer a media type. * `filename` - If set, this will be included in the response `Content-Disposition`. File responses will include appropriate `Content-Length`, `Last-Modified` and `ETag` headers. ```python from starlette import FileResponse class App: def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope async def __call__(self, receive, send): response = FileResponse('/statics/favicon.ico') await response(receive, send) ```

— ⭐️ —

Starlette is BSD licensed code. Designed & built in Brighton, England.