mirror of https://github.com/explosion/spaCy.git
52 lines
1.4 KiB
52 lines
1.4 KiB
// Settings and Sizes
$type-base: 11px
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$breakpoints: ( sm: 768px, md: 992px, lg: 1200px )
$headings: (1: 3, 2: 2.6, 3: 2, 4: 1.8, 5: 1.5)
// Fonts
$font-primary: "Source Sans Pro", Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif !default
$font-code: 'Source Code Pro', Consolas, 'Andale Mono', Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace !default
// Colors
$colors: ( blue: #09a3d5, red: #d9515d )
$colors-light: (blue: #cceaf4, red: #f9d7da)
$color-back: #fff !default
$color-front: #1a1e23 !default
$color-dark: lighten($color-front, 20) !default
$color-theme: map-get($colors, $theme)
$color-theme-dark: darken(map-get($colors, $theme), 5)
$color-theme-light: map-get($colors-light, $theme)
$color-subtle: #ddd !default
$color-subtle-light: #f6f6f6 !default
$color-subtle-dark: #949e9b !default
$color-red: #d9515d
$color-green: #3ec930
$color-yellow: #f4c025
$syntax-highlighting: ( comment: #949e9b, tag: #b084eb, number: #b084eb, selector: #ffb86c, operator: #ff2c6d, function: #35b3dc, keyword: #45a9f9, regex: #f4c025 )
$pattern: $color-theme url("/assets/img/pattern_#{$theme}.jpg") center top repeat
$pattern-overlay: transparent url("/assets/img/pattern_landing.jpg") center -138px no-repeat