# cython: profile=True from os import path import os import shutil import ujson import random import codecs import gzip import cython from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t from thinc.weights cimport arg_max from thinc.features import NonZeroConjFeat from thinc.features import ConjFeat from .lexeme cimport * from .lang cimport Lexicon NULL_TAG = 0 cdef class Tagger: tags = {'NULL': NULL_TAG} def __init__(self, model_dir): self.mem = Pool() tags_loc = path.join(model_dir, 'postags.json') if path.exists(tags_loc): with open(tags_loc) as file_: Tagger.tags.update(ujson.load(file_)) self.model = LinearModel(len(self.tags), self.extractor.n) if path.exists(path.join(model_dir, 'model')): self.model.load(path.join(model_dir, 'model')) self.extractor = Extractor(TEMPLATES, [ConjFeat for _ in TEMPLATES]) self._atoms = self.mem.alloc(CONTEXT_SIZE, sizeof(atom_t)) self._feats = self.mem.alloc(self.extractor.n+1, sizeof(feat_t)) self._values = self.mem.alloc(self.extractor.n+1, sizeof(weight_t)) self._scores = self.mem.alloc(len(self.tags), sizeof(weight_t)) self._guess = NULL_TAG cpdef class_t predict(self, int i, Tokens tokens, class_t prev, class_t prev_prev) except 0: get_atoms(self._atoms, tokens.lex[i-2], tokens.lex[i-1], tokens.lex[i], tokens.lex[i+1], tokens.lex[i+2], prev, prev_prev) self.extractor.extract(self._feats, self._values, self._atoms, NULL) self._guess = self.model.score(self._scores, self._feats, self._values) return self._guess cpdef bint tell_answer(self, class_t gold) except *: cdef class_t guess = self._guess if gold == guess or gold == NULL_TAG: self.model.update({}) return 0 counts = {guess: {}, gold: {}} self.extractor.count(counts[gold], self._feats, 1) self.extractor.count(counts[guess], self._feats, -1) self.model.update(counts) @classmethod def encode_pos(cls, tag): if tag not in cls.tags: cls.tags[tag] = len(cls.tags) return cls.tags[tag] @cython.boundscheck(False) def count_tags(Tagger tagger, Tokens tokens, uint32_t[:, :] tag_counts): cdef class_t prev_prev, prev, tag prev = tagger.tags['EOL']; prev_prev = tagger.tags['EOL'] cdef int i cdef id_t token for i in range(tokens.length): tag = tagger.predict(i, tokens, prev, prev_prev) prev_prev = prev prev = tag token = tokens.lex[i].id if token < tag_counts.shape[0]: tag_counts[token, tag] += 1 cpdef enum: P2i P2c P2w P2shape P2pref P2suff P2title P2upper P2oft_title P2oft_upper P2pos P2url P2num P1i P1c P1w P1shape P1pre P1suff P1title P1upper P1oft_title P1oft_upper P1pos P1url P1num N0i N0c N0w N0shape N0pref N0suff N0title N0upper N0oft_title N0oft_upper N0pos N0url N0num N1i N1c N1w N1shape N1pref N1suff N1title N1upper N1oft_title N1oft_upper N1pos N1url N1num N2i N2c N2w N2shape N2pref N2suff N2title N2upper N2oft_title N2oft_upper N2pos N2url N2num P2t P1t CONTEXT_SIZE cdef int get_atoms(atom_t* atoms, Lexeme* p2, Lexeme* p1, Lexeme* n0, Lexeme* n1, Lexeme* n2, class_t prev_tag, class_t prev_prev_tag) except -1: _fill_token(&atoms[P2i], p2) _fill_token(&atoms[P1i], p1) _fill_token(&atoms[N0i], n0) _fill_token(&atoms[N1i], n1) _fill_token(&atoms[N2i], n2) atoms[P1t] = prev_tag atoms[P2t] = prev_prev_tag cdef inline void _fill_token(atom_t* atoms, Lexeme* lex) nogil: atoms[0] = lex.sic atoms[1] = lex.cluster atoms[2] = lex.norm if (lex.prob != 0 and lex.prob >= -10) else lex.shape atoms[3] = lex.shape atoms[4] = lex.prefix atoms[5] = lex.suffix atoms[6] = lex.flags & (1 << IS_TITLE) atoms[7] = lex.flags & (1 << IS_UPPER) atoms[8] = lex.flags & (1 << OFT_TITLE) atoms[9] = lex.flags & (1 << OFT_UPPER) atoms[10] = lex.postype atoms[11] = lex.flags & (1 << LIKE_URL) atoms[12] = lex.flags & (1 << LIKE_NUMBER) TEMPLATES = ( (N0i,), (N0w,), (N0suff,), (N0pref,), (P1t,), (P2t,), (P1t, P2t), (P1t, N0w), (P1w,), (P1suff,), (P2w,), (N1w,), (N1suff,), (N2w,), (N0shape,), (N0c,), (N1c,), (N2c,), (P1c,), (P2c,), (P1c, N0c), (N0c, N1c), (P1c, P1t), (P1c, P1t, N0c), (P1t, N0c), (N0oft_upper,), (N0oft_title,), (P1w, N0w), (N0w, N1w), (N0pos,), (P1t, N0pos, N1pos), (P1t, N1pos), (N0url,), (N0num,), (P1url,), (P1url,), (N1num,), (N1url,), )