=== API === .. warning:: The documentation is currently being rewritten. I started out using Sphinx, but I've found it too limiting. For now, the docs here are incomplete and may even tell you lies (please report the lies). .. py:currentmodule:: spacy .. class:: en.English(self, data_dir=join(dirname(__file__, 'data'))) :noindex: .. method:: __call__(self, unicode text, tag=True, parse=False) --> Tokens +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ | Attribute | Type | Attr API | NoteS | +===========+========================================+=============+==========================+ | strings | :py:class:`strings.StringStore` | __getitem__ | string <-> int mapping | +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ | vocab | :py:class:`vocab.Vocab` | __getitem__ | Look up Lexeme object | +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ | tokenizer | :py:class:`tokenizer.Tokenizer` | __call__ | Get Tokens given unicode | +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ | tagger | :py:class:`en.pos.EnPosTagger` | __call__ | Set POS tags on Tokens | +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ | parser | :py:class:`syntax.parser.GreedyParser` | __call__ | Set parse on Tokens | +-----------+----------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------+ .. py:class:: tokens.Tokens(self, vocab: Vocab, string_length=0) .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, i) --> Token .. py:method:: __iter__(self) --> Iterator[Token] .. py:method:: __len__(self) --> int .. py:method:: to_array(self, attr_ids: List[int]) --> numpy.ndarray[ndim=2, dtype=int32] .. py:method:: count_by(self, attr_id: int) --> Dict[int, int] +---------------+-------------+-------------+ | Attribute | Type | Useful | +===============+=============+=============+ | vocab | Vocab | __getitem__ | +---------------+-------------+-------------+ | vocab.strings | StringStore | __getitem__ | +---------------+-------------+-------------+ .. py:class:: tokens.Token(self, parent: Tokens, i: int) .. py:method:: __unicode__(self) --> unicode .. py:method:: __len__(self) --> int .. py:method:: nbor(self, i=1) --> Token .. py:method:: child(self, i=1) --> Token .. py:method:: sibling(self, i=1) --> Token .. py:attribute:: head: Token +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Type | Attribute | Type | Attribute | Type | +===========+======+===========+=========+===========+====================================+ | orth | int | orth\_ | unicode | idx | int | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | lemma | int | lemma\_ | unicode | cluster | int | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | lower | int | lower\_ | unicode | length | int | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | norm | int | norm\_ | unicode | prob | float | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | shape | int | shape\_ | unicode | repvec | ndarray(shape=(300,), dtype=float) | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | prefix | int | prefix\_ | unicode | | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------+ | suffix | int | suffix\_ | unicode | | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------+ | pos | int | pos\_ | unicode | | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------+ | tag | int | tag\_ | unicode | | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------+ | dep | int | dep\_ | unicode | | +-----------+------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------+ .. py:class:: vocab.Vocab(self, data_dir=None, lex_props_getter=None) .. py:method:: __len__(self) --> int .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, id: int) --> unicode .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, string: unicode) --> int .. py:method:: __setitem__(self, py_str: unicode, props: Dict[str, int[float]) --> None .. py:method:: dump(self, loc: unicode) --> None .. py:method:: load_lexemes(self, loc: unicode) --> None .. py:method:: load_vectors(self, loc: unicode) --> None .. py:class:: strings.StringStore(self) .. py:method:: __len__(self) --> int .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, id: int) --> unicode .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, string: bytes) --> id .. py:method:: __getitem__(self, string: unicode) --> id .. py:method:: dump(self, loc: unicode) --> None .. py:method:: load(self, loc: unicode) --> None .. py:class:: tokenizer.Tokenizer(self, Vocab vocab, rules, prefix_re, suffix_re, infix_re, pos_tags, tag_names) .. py:method:: tokens_from_list(self, List[unicode]) --> spacy.tokens.Tokens .. py:method:: __call__(self, string: unicode) --> spacy.tokens.Tokens) .. py:attribute:: vocab: spacy.vocab.Vocab .. py:class:: en.pos.EnPosTagger(self, strings: spacy.strings.StringStore, data_dir: unicode) .. py:method:: __call__(self, tokens: spacy.tokens.Tokens) .. py:method:: train(self, tokens: spacy.tokens.Tokens, List[int] golds) --> int .. py:method:: load_morph_exceptions(self, exc: Dict[unicode, Dict]) .. py:class:: syntax.parser.GreedyParser(self, model_dir: unicode) .. py:method:: __call__(self, tokens: spacy.tokens.Tokens) --> None .. py:method:: train(self, spacy.tokens.Tokens) --> None