cimport cython from ..typedefs cimport attr_t from .bits cimport bit_append from .bits cimport BitArray cdef class HuffmanCodec: """Create a Huffman code table, and use it to pack and unpack sequences into byte strings. Emphasis is on efficiency, so API is quite strict: Messages will be encoded/decoded as indices that refer to the probability sequence. For instance, the sequence [5, 10, 8] indicates the 5th most frequent item, the 10th most frequent item, the 8th most frequent item. Arguments: weights (float[:]): A descending-sorted sequence of probabilities/weights. Must include a weight for an EOL symbol. """ def __init__(self, float[:] weights): for i in range(len([i].bits = 0[i].length = 0 populate_nodes(self.nodes, weights) cdef Code path path.bits = 0 path.length = 0 assign_codes(self.nodes,, len(self.nodes) - 1, path) def encode(self, attr_t[:] msg, BitArray into_bits): cdef int i for i in range(len(msg)): into_bits.extend([msg[i]].bits,[msg[i]].length) def decode(self, bits, attr_t[:] into_msg): node = self.nodes.back() cdef int i = 0 cdef int n = len(into_msg) for bit in bits: branch = node.right if bit else node.left if branch >= 0: node = else: into_msg[i] = -(branch + 1) node = self.nodes.back() i += 1 if i == n: break else: raise Exception( "Buffer exhausted at %d/%d symbols read." % (i, len(into_msg))) property strings: @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.nonecheck(False) def __get__(self): output = [] cdef int i, j cdef bytes string cdef Code code for i in range( code =[i] string = b'{0:b}'.format(code.bits).rjust(code.length, '0') string = string[::-1] output.append(string) return output @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.nonecheck(False) cdef int populate_nodes(vector[Node]& nodes, float[:] probs) except -1: assert len(probs) >= 3 cdef int size = len(probs) cdef int i = size - 1 cdef int j = 0 while i >= 0 or (j+1) < nodes.size(): if i < 0: _cover_two_nodes(nodes, j) j += 2 elif j >= nodes.size(): _cover_two_words(nodes, i, i-1, probs[i] + probs[i-1]) i -= 2 elif i >= 1 and (j == nodes.size() or probs[i-1] < nodes[j].prob): _cover_two_words(nodes, i, i-1, probs[i] + probs[i-1]) i -= 2 elif (j+1) < nodes.size() and nodes[j+1].prob < probs[i]: _cover_two_nodes(nodes, j) j += 2 else: _cover_one_word_one_node(nodes, j, i, probs[i]) i -= 1 j += 1 return 0 cdef int _cover_two_nodes(vector[Node]& nodes, int j) nogil: """Introduce a new non-terminal, over two non-terminals)""" cdef Node node node.left = j node.right = j+1 node.prob = nodes[j].prob + nodes[j+1].prob nodes.push_back(node) cdef int _cover_one_word_one_node(vector[Node]& nodes, int j, int id_, float prob) nogil: """Introduce a new non-terminal, over one terminal and one non-terminal.""" cdef Node node # Encode leaves as negative integers, where the integer is the index of the # word in the vocabulary. cdef int64_t leaf_id = - (id_ + 1) cdef float new_prob = prob + nodes[j].prob if prob < nodes[j].prob: node.left = leaf_id node.right = j node.prob = new_prob else: node.left = j node.right = leaf_id node.prob = new_prob nodes.push_back(node) cdef int _cover_two_words(vector[Node]& nodes, int id1, int id2, float prob) nogil: """Introduce a new node, over two non-terminals.""" cdef Node node node.left = -(id1+1) node.right = -(id2+1) node.prob = prob nodes.push_back(node) cdef int assign_codes(vector[Node]& nodes, vector[Code]& codes, int i, Code path) except -1: """Recursively assign paths, from the top down. At the end, the entry codes[i] knows the bit-address of the node[j] that points to entry i in the vocabulary. So, to encode i, we go to codes[i] and read its bit-string. To decode, we navigate nodes recursively. """ cdef Code left_path = bit_append(path, 0) cdef Code right_path = bit_append(path, 1) # Assign down left branch if nodes[i].left >= 0: assign_codes(nodes, codes, nodes[i].left, left_path) else: # Leaf on left id_ = -(nodes[i].left + 1) codes[id_] = left_path # Assign down right branch if nodes[i].right >= 0: assign_codes(nodes, codes, nodes[i].right, right_path) else: # Leaf on right id_ = -(nodes[i].right + 1) codes[id_] = right_path