include _functions //- Mixins //- ============================================================================ //- Sections for content pages id - [string] id, can be headline id as it's being prefixed (optional) block - section content (block and inline elements) mixin section(id) section.section(id=(id) ? 'section-' + id : '')&attributes(attributes) block //- Flexbox grid to align children elements - [strings] flexbox CSS classes without prefix (optional) block - container content (block and inline elements) mixin grid( .grid(class=prefixArgs(style, 'grid--'))&attributes(attributes) block mixin grid-col( .grid-col(class=prefixArgs(style, 'grid-col--'))&attributes(attributes) block //- Aside headline - [string] Headline of aside (optional) block - aside content (inline elements) mixin aside(headline) span.aside(data-label=headline)&attributes(attributes) span.aside-body block //- Paragraphs block - paragraph content (inline elements) mixin lead p.text-lead&attributes(attributes) block //- Various text styles block - text (inline elements) mixin example p.text-example&attributes(attributes) block mixin source span.text-source&attributes(attributes) block mixin label( span(class=(style != '') ? prefixArgs(style, 'label-') : 'label')&attributes(attributes) block //- Headings with optional permalinks id - [string] unique id (optional, no permalink without id) source - [string] link for source button (optional) block - headline text (inline elements) mixin headline(level, id, source) if level == 2 +h2(id, source) block else if level == 3 +h3(id, source) block else if level == 4 +h4(id, source) block else if level == 5 +h5(id, source) block else +h6(id, source) block mixin h1(id, source) h1(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin h2(id, source) h2(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin h3(id, source) h3(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin h4(id, source) h4(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin h5(id, source) h5(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin h6(id, source) h6(id=id)&attributes(attributes) +permalink(id, source) block mixin permalink(id, source) if id a.permalink(href='#' + id) block else block if source +button('secondary', 'small', 'source')(href=source target='_blank') Source //- Button element - [string] specifies HTML element, 'button' or 'link' - [strings] button CSS classes without prefix (optional) block - button text (inline elements) mixin button(type, - var classname = 'button-' + type + ' ' + ((style) ? prefixArgs(style, 'button--') : '') a.button(class=classname)&attributes(attributes) block mixin form-button(type, - var classname = 'button-' + type + ' ' + ((style) ? prefixArgs(style, 'button--') : '') button(class=classname)&attributes(attributes) block //- Input placeholder - [string] placeholder for input field (optional) value - [string] value of input field (optional) mixin input(placeholder, value) input.input(placeholder=placeholder value=value)&attributes(attributes) //- Icon name - [string] icon name, refers to CSS classes size - [string] 'medium' or 'large' (optional) type - [string] 'button' (optional) block - description, if as a text node to the icon element it prevents line breaks between icon and text (inline elements) mixin icon(type, span(class='icon-' + type + ' ' + prefixArgs(style, 'icon--') aria-hidden="true")&attributes(attributes) block //- Image for illustration purposes file - [string] file name (in /img) alt - [string] descriptive alt text (optional) caption - [string] image caption (optional) mixin image(file, alt, caption, size) figure.image-container&attributes(attributes) img(src='img/' + file alt=alt class=(size) ? 'image--' + size : '') if caption figcaption.text-caption=caption block //- Illustrated code view title - [string] title of window mixin code-demo(title) .x-terminal&attributes(attributes) .x-terminal-icons: span .x-terminal-title=title +code.x-terminal-code block //- Data table head - [array] column headings (optional, without headings no table head is displayed) - [strings] table CSS classes without prefix (optional) block - only +row (tr) mixin table(head, table.table(class=prefixArgs(style, 'table--'))&attributes(attributes) if head tr.table-row each column in head th.table-head-cell=column block //- Data table row block - only +cell (td) mixin row( tr.table-row(class=prefixArgs(style, 'table-cell--'))&attributes(attributes) block //- Data table cell block - table cell content (inline elements) mixin cell( td.table-cell(class=prefixArgs(style, 'table-cell--'))&attributes(attributes) block //- General list (ordered and unordered) type - [string] 'numbers', 'letters', 'roman' (optional) start - [integer] starting point of list (1 = list starts at 1 or A) block - only +item (li) mixin list(type, start) if type ol.list(class='list--' + type style=(start === 0 || start) ? 'counter-reset: li ' + (start - 1) : '')&attributes(attributes) block else ul.list.list--bullets&attributes(attributes) block //- List item block - item text (inline elements) mixin item li.list-item&attributes(attributes) block //- Blockquote source - [string] quote source / author (optional) link - [string] link to quote source (only with source, optional) block - quote text (inline elements) mixin quote(source, link) blockquote.quote&attributes(attributes) p.quote-text block if source && link | #[a.quote-source(href=link target='_blank')=source] else if source && !link .quote-source !{source} //- Pullquotes with optional 'tweet this' function tweet - [string] text to be tweeted (optional) block - pullquote text (inline elements, only shown if no tweet text) mixin pullquote(tweet) blockquote.quote&attributes(attributes) p.quote-text-strong if tweet | !{tweet} #[a.quote-source(href=twitterShareUrl(current.path, tweet) target='_blank') Tweet this] else block //- Code block use as +code(args). to preserve whitespace and prevent code interprettion language - [string] language for syntax highlighting (optional, default: 'python', see Prism for options: label - [string] code block headline (optional) block - code text (inline elements) mixin code(language, label) pre.code-block(class='lang-' + (language || default_syntax) data-label=label)&attributes(attributes) code.code-inline block //- Infobox for notes and alerts label - [string] infobox headline (optional) block - infobox text (inline and block elements) mixin infobox(label) block //- Alerts for notes and updates mixin alert(button) .alert&attributes(attributes) span block if button +form-button('primary', 'small')(onclick='this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);')=button else button.alert-close(onclick='this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);') //- Embeds border - [boolean] add border to embed container caption - [string] embed caption block - embed content (inline and block elements) mixin embed(border, caption) figure.embed(class=(border) ? 'embed--border' : '')&attributes(attributes) block if caption figcaption.embed-caption=caption //- displaCy filename - [string] name of file in displacy folder (no .html) caption - [string] caption (optional) height - [integer] iframe height in px (optional) mixin displacy(filename, caption, height) +embed(true, caption).embed--displacy iframe(src='/blog/displacy/' + filename height=height) //- Logo, imports SVG size - [string] 'tiny', 'small', 'regular' or 'large' mixin logo(size) !=partial('/_includes/_logo', { logo_size: size }) //-