# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..en import English from ..de import German from ..es import Spanish from ..it import Italian from ..fr import French from ..pt import Portuguese from ..nl import Dutch from ..sv import Swedish from ..hu import Hungarian from ..fi import Finnish from ..tokens import Doc from ..strings import StringStore from ..lemmatizer import Lemmatizer from ..attrs import ORTH, TAG, HEAD, DEP from ..util import match_best_version, get_data_path from io import StringIO, BytesIO from pathlib import Path import os import pytest LANGUAGES = [English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hungarian, Finnish] @pytest.fixture(params=LANGUAGES) def tokenizer(request): lang = request.param return lang.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def en_tokenizer(): return English.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def en_vocab(): return English.Defaults.create_vocab() @pytest.fixture def en_parser(): return English.Defaults.create_parser() @pytest.fixture def de_tokenizer(): return German.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def fr_tokenizer(): return French.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def hu_tokenizer(): return Hungarian.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def fi_tokenizer(): return Finnish.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def sv_tokenizer(): return Swedish.Defaults.create_tokenizer() @pytest.fixture def stringstore(): return StringStore() @pytest.fixture def en_entityrecognizer(): return English.Defaults.create_entity() @pytest.fixture def lemmatizer(path): if path is not None: return Lemmatizer.load(path) else: return None @pytest.fixture def text_file(): return StringIO() @pytest.fixture def text_file_b(): return BytesIO() @pytest.fixture def path(): if 'SPACY_DATA' in os.environ: return Path(os.environ['SPACY_DATA']) else: return match_best_version('en', None, get_data_path()) # only used for tests that require loading the models # in all other cases, use specific instances @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def EN(): return English() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def DE(): return German() def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--models", action="store_true", help="include tests that require full models") parser.addoption("--vectors", action="store_true", help="include word vectors tests") parser.addoption("--slow", action="store_true", help="include slow tests") def pytest_runtest_setup(item): for opt in ['models', 'vectors', 'slow']: if opt in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption("--%s" % opt): pytest.skip("need --%s option to run" % opt)