

    # For Python versions available on Appveyor, see
    # http://www.appveyor.com/docs/installed-software#python
    # The list here is complete (excluding Python 2.6, which
    # isn't covered by this document) at the time of writing.

    - PYTHON: "C:\\Python27"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27-x64"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33-x64"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34-x64"
    #- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35-x64"
    - PYTHON: "C:\\Python36-x64"

  # We need wheel installed to build wheels
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install wheel"
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install cython"
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install -e ."

build: off

  # Put your test command here.
  # If you don't need to build C extensions on 64-bit Python 3.3 or 3.4,
  # you can remove "build.cmd" from the front of the command, as it's
  # only needed to support those cases.
  # Note that you must use the environment variable %PYTHON% to refer to
  # the interpreter you're using - Appveyor does not do anything special
  # to put the Python version you want to use on PATH.
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pytest spacy/"

  # This step builds your wheels.
  # Again, you only need build.cmd if you're building C extensions for
  # 64-bit Python 3.3/3.4. And you need to use %PYTHON% to get the correct
  # interpreter
  - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe setup.py bdist_wheel"

  # bdist_wheel puts your built wheel in the dist directory
  - path: dist\*

#  You can use this step to upload your artifacts to a public website.
#  See Appveyor's documentation for more details. Or you can simply
#  access your wheels from the Appveyor "artifacts" tab for your build.